No one should be this obese



kwillia said:
My sister works in a drug rehab clinic and says this is true of anybody that overindulges... something in them is "broke" and they find a vice that makes them feel good, even if it's only a temporary feeling and they abuse it. Some use alchohol or drugs as that vice and some use food. She sees it every day.:shrug:
I completely agree! I wonder what makes people so weak that they run from emotional pain.

I've always thought that all of us have painful moments in our lives... In short, everyone is "broke"

What makes one person an alcoholic, hugely obese or highly functioning without a vice?

Love to know that answer.


Know someone that had the gastric bypass surgery. The doctor screwed up and she died from internal bleeding. But if you're overweight somethings going to kill you sooner or later. Heart failure or whatever, especially this guy. I can't imagine how hard his heart has to work to keep that amount of weight moving.


couple facts:

1. broke down the wall for him to come out.

2. ate that way for long time ( 20 years? from 20s to 42)

now who actually haul the food to him? his wife, Edith? If so, shame on her, too.
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Vince said:
Know someone that had the gastric bypass surgery. The doctor screwed up and she died from internal bleeding. But if you're overweight somethings going to kill you sooner or later. Heart failure or whatever, especially this guy. I can't imagine how hard his heart has to work to keep that amount of weight moving.

I'd be willing to wager that that amount of weight isn't moving very much at all.

I'd be very surprised if he moves anywhere except to go from the sofa to the fridge, to the bathroom. And if there's a small fridge next to the sofa, that's an optional trip... and come to think of it, since he cares so little for his body, the bathroom is probably an optional trip as well.

His heart has to work double-time to keep the blood flowing through that horrific mess - and it's probably as clogged as a can of crisco - but at least it doesn't have to go into overdrive due to something as futile as exercise.

The really messed up part is that right now, if he does any exercise at all.... Even walking up a small flight of stairs, it would probably be fatal.

At least he's lost over 300 pounds (that's a whole single obese person in itself), and is working on another 450. So I guess he deserves some credit for the effort, and the initial success.

But if he's smart, he'd start order LOTS of Subway 6-under-6 subs starting right now, and if he ever gets into the 200 pound range, he'd go to Subway with a story they can't refuse. He'd make Jared look like small potatoes.

No pun intended.


Pete said:
:confused: Wonder how he wiped his butt? He certainly couldn't reach it.

If he let his body get like that, do you think he cares if there's skidmarks in his undies? I'll bet there's dingle-berries in there the size of cannonballs.

God, can you imagine if he gets down to his goal weight what that skin will look like? He'll be dragging a train down the aisle like a bride. Except instead of silk and lace, it'll be skin.



I Need a Beer
I work with a woman who's BMI use to be 66:yikes: She had gastric bypass surgery a year ago this past August. She took out a loan to payment for the surgery because our insurance specifically excludes the surgery. She really is looking good and is looking forward to the day she can have plastic surgery to remove all the loose skin. The surgery definitely saved her life and gave her back quality of life as well.


citysherry said:
I work with a woman who's BMI use to be 66:yikes: She had gastric bypass surgery a year ago this past August. She took out a loan to payment for the surgery because our insurance specifically excludes the surgery. She really is looking good and is looking forward to the day she can have plastic surgery to remove all the loose skin. The surgery definitely saved her life and gave her back quality of life as well.
:confused: You can be an organ donor, can you be a skin donor?


citysherry said:
She really is looking good and is looking forward to the day she can have plastic surgery to remove all the loose skin.

And here's something I've always wondered. How big do you actually have to be before you skin will not snap back. My weight has fluctuated my entire life and when I lose weight, my skin has always been taught against my insides. I don't believe I've ever had loose skin.

I was under the impression that even if you lost a hundred pounds or more really fast, and had skin drooping off you like melted cheese, it would still eventually snap back.

Am I wrong?


I Need a Beer
Pete said:
:confused: You can be an organ donor, can you be a skin donor?

Well, I don't know :confused: but if the donated skin needs to have any elasticity to it then, nope - because that stuff has been pushed past maximum density and is definitely not bouncing back!


Super Genius
This all reminds me of Fat Bastard from the Austin Powers movies.

"I can't stop eating. I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle."
"Do ya have ta call me fat? I tried going on a diet you know. The Zone, ya know, "Carbs are the enemy," eh?"
"But when you're an overweight child, in a society that demands perfection, your sense of right and wrong will always be terribly skewed..."
"Unfortunately, my neck does look like a vagina."


Well-Known Member
The guy is a big fat freeloader. If he didn't blame his problem on everyone and everything, including Medicare, I might sympathize to some degree. He loves the attention and the people that support his "cause". His "cause" seems to be getting someone else to pay for his lack of self control.
Quote from article "Much of the cost of his care will probably have to be absorbed by the hospital, the doctor said." He doesn't mention that it will be passed on to the other patients in the hospital. We, as taxpayers, have been supporting this sponge since he was 16 years old and that is wrong! Genetics probably did play a part in this but instead of expecting assistance and sympathy he should accept the fact that he himself has to step up to the plate (figureatively of course) and use more self control than most others. :loser: