No Pay Raise


Well-Known Member
I've always heard that tech types jump back-n-forth between GS and contractor based on circumstances.

For non-degreed persons usually its entry level as contractor, get hired as a GS-9/10 and then back to a contractor to never be seen again.

Engineers usually come in straight out of school and are gone by 3-5 years, from what I have gotten from my friends that left it is "because they can't find a woman here" or "there is nothing to do".


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
That's true. SALARY has been frozen since then, but the perks of the office haven't been touched.
THAT salary is more than three times what the average American earns.

It's too bad Tranny didn't bother to Look It Up isn't it? But then, she's gotta maintain that stupidity quotient for some reason.


Fighting like a girl
I'm 5'7" and weigh 175 pounds. I could shed a few pounds, but I'm near my ideal weight, particularly for my age, and I'm not happy about the pay freeze. It's not going to do anything to drain the swamp. It's a political stunt, pure and simple.

Now, if he could freeze Congress' pay, I'd be down with that.

I wrote most of my post in jest, I of course want everyone to get a raise that keeps at least pace with inflation (2.44% this year).

I wonder why he is so adamant against a raise for civilians? I mean, something like 30% of the fed civilian workforce are veterans, it's kinda weird. The economy is really firing on all cylinders, why be so stingy? Anyone want to help me understand? (Please no tranny, sapy, etc).


Fighting like a girl
Here is the federal pay schedule for DC area:

Of the 150 "steps", only 29 pay above $100K. Roughly 75 of them pay below the US avg income (using the information from the BLS monthly employment report.) US Inflation from November to November was 2.2% (BLS data). ignorant friend...federal employees are taking a pay cut because their pay will buy less in 2019 than it did in 2018. These are not political operatives. These are not members of your idiotic "Deep State". They are just everyday working people. The exact type of people you fake conservatives claim to hold dear.

Why does a welfare recipient like Hijinx get a 2.8% pay raise when the folks who are actually working get nothing?

I don't care how many people make over 100k, it's an odd metric, inflation has taken away of lot of its cache.

I just am frustrated with the obesity problem in this country, office workers are a higher proportion than the blue collar masses. Most government workers are office dwellers, therefore more likely to be overweight, thus more likely to be a drain on our healthcare system.

I see very little in this forum about how we are tackling this situation, we get so twisted up by migrants, non working millennials, etc. But I walk through Target and many of my fellow citizens look to be carrying at least an extra 30 lbs, it's unhealthy and really not being discussed.
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Well-Known Member
I don't care how many people make over 100k, it's an odd metric, inflation has taken away of lot of its cache.

I just am frustrated with the obesity problem in this country, office workers are a higher proportion than the blue collar masses. Most government workers are office dwellers, therefore more likely to be overweight, thus more likely to be a drain on our healthcare system.

I see very little in this forum about how we are tackling this situation, we get so twisted up by migrants, non working millennials, etc. But I walk through Target and many of my fellow citizens look to be carrying at least an extra 30 lbs, it's unhealthy and really not being discussed.

Happy New Year, Truby, I don't agree with most of your posts but I appreciate your point of view.


Well-Known Member
Believe it or not a lot of younger GS employees jump ship to contractor jobs because they feel they aren't getting raises fast enough. Skilled people in aviation can make quite a bit more as contractors.

And while they are on the contractor side, they are constantly chasing the next extension, the next switch of the master contract to a different master contractor, a holdup in the contract extension signing, an audit that holds up the payments.....

Yes, for the same job, contractors get paid more money, but they live and plan their life on a 3 month timeframe. As GS-X you just plant your butt into the same chair every day and if you are not caught surfing porn on a government computer, you can do the same job until you choose to retire or leave.

If you have marketable skills in aviation like the relevant FAA certifications or experience flying a particular piece of hardware, the government has little to offer. If you have a college degree in somethingortheother and your only skill is to move paperwork around, then GS is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
And while they are on the contractor side, they are constantly chasing the next extension, the next switch of the master contract to a different master contractor, a holdup in the contract extension signing, an audit that holds up the payments.....

Yes, for the same job, contractors get paid more money, but they live and plan their life on a 3 month timeframe. As GS-X you just plant your butt into the same chair every day and if you are not caught surfing porn on a government computer, you can do the same job until you choose to retire or leave.

If you have marketable skills in aviation like the relevant FAA certifications or experience flying a particular piece of hardware, the government has little to offer. If you have a college degree in somethingortheother and your only skill is to move paperwork around, then GS is the way to go.

Gross generalization, I know contractors that have been working on the same program since the mid 90's, their company issues far more paperwork than the government side, and I rarely am at my desk. We have trouble keeping worker bees as many are pushed and don't want the stress, they want someone to tell them exactly what to do, how to do it and move on with their life, not be responsible for the entire evolution.

I have a BS and MS degree and get dirty and scratched up on a daily basis as well as am consulted by the contractor when they need technical help.

I wish you could see how many of my clothes have permanent stains from hydraulic fluid, grease, and smell of JP-5.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I wish you could see how many of my clothes have permanent stains from hydraulic fluid, grease, and smell of JP-5.

I have to appreciate..and relate.. to that. When I left gummint service as an engineer (BS, working on MS, nearly completed) in the mid 80s, I was working in a position that required - or at the very lest least allowed - a lot of "hands on" work. I spent a lot of time working with "end users" of the stuff I was responsible for building and testing. Good bit of travel/TDY. Then ...they offered me a GS-13 spot that would have been 100% paper pushing and management..and I was pretty much capped otherwise with no other "up" in my civil service that's when I left.

Back then, that GS-13 pay looked sorta "meh" compared to what some of my former office mates were pulling down after they'd jumped to private sector jobs. In retrospect, would have been nice to be retired from that GS spot now and double-dipping. My former civil service boss-became-good-friends is reaping the benefits of that now. Oh well..LOL
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