Originally posted by vraiblonde
It doesn't hurt me to do it and it means a lot to other Americans.
I have even learned that God's last name is not "Damn" when in front of my best girlfriend.[/B]
Well, that's fine, I'm no bible burning activist either. My argment and irritation is not with christians, or whatever, it's the use of force (law) to promote and/or endorse a religion. I am not offended, threatened, or injured by people's beliefs or ceremonies and traditions, that is not the point. It is the behavior of the state that concerns me. Politics/government can work just fine without picking and choosing or homogenizing a religion, and believe me no god needs PR help from Washington/Sacramento. It's about choice. believe in a divine being , or don't. The state should only be neutral. Who could be offended by NOT having 'in god we trust' or 'so help me god' thrust upon them... 'I promise to tell the truth (period)' 'Ten cents.' The added references to 'God' do not change the meaning or the value of either, it serves no purpose other than unmitigated promotion of a specific belief system. But having them mandated by force of law is very, very offensive to some. Why bother with it, just get rid of it!