New Member
Yeah, Mainman...what don't you understand?nomoney said:you know, 3 to a week....
I need someone to explain it to me...Shhhhh
Yeah, Mainman...what don't you understand?nomoney said:you know, 3 to a week....
Looks like cult-speak to me.81. God only speaks through the "Governing Body" in Brooklyn, New York
If a JW was present they would probably give you a They are not just another denomination, they are the one true interpretation. Of course, every denomination says that... but I'm sure the JWs are right.czygvtwkr said:Man I did not realize they were that weird. I just thought they were another denomination of Christianity.
CMC122 said:Can anyone splain to me why Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Halls don't have any windows?
Were they based on the Bible, or the Watchtower??TruPeace said:Maybe instead of that site, just laying down the rules of the religion as strange. Maybe that person who created the site, would like to know themeselves on a Bible base where those "rules" come from.
resurrect.tirdun said:Was it <i>resurrect a 2 year old thread day</i> or something?
CMC122 said:
Yeah I mean they come peaking in your doors and windows but you can't peak in theirs??