Nobel Peace Prize Nominee...Al Gore?


Super Genius
Al Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Former Vice President Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world's attention to the dangers of global warming, a Norwegian lawmaker said Thursday.
How does talking about global warming qualify you for a peace prize? I could see physics or chemistry, but peace? :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Peace Prize" is what they give you when they want to kiss your Leftist ass, but you haven't made any tangible contribution toward the good of mankind.
Personally I think it would be a prize for the world if Gore were to have a warming experience with Nobel's most famous invention.


New Member
Al Gore is one of the most brilliant men in America and continues his stellar record of public service for no other reason than the fact that he cares about the world and people in it... a totally foreign concept to conservatives.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Coventry17 said:
Al Gore is one of the most brilliant men in America and continues his stellar record of public service for no other reason than the fact that he cares about the world and people in it... a totally foreign concept to conservatives.
You forgot the :sarcasm:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Yeah I gotta ask the same thing - I don't see how even a lifetime devoted to the environment qualifies you for nomination for a prize for *peace*. They managed to MISS people like Ghandi and John Paul II - but Al Gore? What "peace" did he promote?


Coventry17 said:
Al Gore is one of the most brilliant men in America and continues his stellar record of public service for no other reason than the fact that he cares about the world and people in it... a totally foreign concept to conservatives.
Bullchit, Al Gore loves to hear himself speak and see his picture on TV, not to mention the ass load of money he makes from contributions to his "cause" and the publicity he gets for book sales and movie royalties.


Well-Known Member
Al Gore invented the Nobel prize. It's about time that somone nominated him for one.


I'm the Boss of Me
Well, as a result of global warming, you'll see more competition for natural resources. That will result in conflicts and war.

So, the work he has done to educate the public on this avoidable catastrophe certainly merits a peace prize.

ylexot said:
Al Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize How does talking about global warming qualify you for a peace prize? I could see physics or chemistry, but peace? :confused:


Super Genius
Pete said:
Bullchit, Al Gore loves to hear himself speak and see his picture on TV, not to mention the ass load of money he makes from contributions to his "cause" and the publicity he gets for book sales and movie royalties.
:yeahthat: He's the greenie version of Jesse Jackson!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Coventry17 said:
Al Gore is one of the most brilliant men in America and continues his stellar record of public service for no other reason than the fact that he cares about the world and people in it... a totally foreign concept to conservatives.


Super Genius
Landmark Legal Foundation Nominates Rush Limbaugh for 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
"Rush Limbaugh is the foremost advocate for freedom and democracy in the world today," explained Levin. "Everyday he gives voice to the values of democratic governance, individual opportunity and the just, equal application of the rule of law -- and it is fitting that the Nobel Committee recognize the power of these ideals to build a truly peaceful world for future generations."
:roflmao: What a nice :razz: to the people that nominated Gore! I'm guessing that their heads are about to explode :killingme


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
forestal said:
Well, as a result of global warming, you'll see more competition for natural resources. That will result in conflicts and war.

So, the work he has done to educate the public on this avoidable catastrophe certainly merits a peace prize.

Right. Making films and hiring staff to write books for you and do your research surely trumps the efforts of real people risking their necks for peace.

Because after all, all of the major wars of the past century weren't fought over Allah, Communism or "Lebensraum' - they were fought over the *environment*.

But what do I know? Hell, Yassir Arafat got a Peace Prize.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You, sir...

SamSpade said:
But what do I know? Hell, Yassir Arafat got a Peace Prize.

...have a gift.


The reasoned reply to Gore getting this award is; so what? They have a history of absurd choices.

Atta boy, Sammy.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...have a gift.


The reasoned reply to Gore getting this award is; so what? They have a history of absurd choices.

Atta boy, Sammy.

Or the fact that while giving it to people like Kofi Annan - they missed people like Mahatma Ghandi.


Super Genius