Sure we do. They're overly vocal about it. They stand for:
"? Sure you do, you talk about it nonstop in any public venue that will have you. Your politicians, your media mouthpieces, your freaking voters....everyone in the world with an internet connection or a TV or any information source knows what you stand for.

Sure we do. They're overly vocal about it. They stand for:
- Keeping illegal alien criminal gangs on our streets victimizing our citizens
- "Transitioning" children to the opposite sex by cutting and drugging them
- Big government waste and fraud
- Burning, rioting, and looting for any reason or no reason at all
- Destroying our energy so we have no heat for our homes or gas for our cars
- Giving our tax dollars to foreign countries for silly things instead of using that money to help Americans
- Censoring any dissenting opinion, legally for sure but with violence if necessary
- Financing endless wars that have nothing to do with us with OUR tax dollars
- And above ALL, protecting The Party and increasing its power, komrade.