"Nobody knows what the Democrats stand for!"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Sure we do. They're overly vocal about it. They stand for:

  • Keeping illegal alien criminal gangs on our streets victimizing our citizens
  • "Transitioning" children to the opposite sex by cutting and drugging them
  • Big government waste and fraud
  • Burning, rioting, and looting for any reason or no reason at all
  • Destroying our energy so we have no heat for our homes or gas for our cars
  • Giving our tax dollars to foreign countries for silly things instead of using that money to help Americans
  • Censoring any dissenting opinion, legally for sure but with violence if necessary
  • Financing endless wars that have nothing to do with us with OUR tax dollars
  • And above ALL, protecting The Party and increasing its power, komrade.
Why do Democrat tards keep saying, "Oh, we don't know what the Democrat Party stands for anymore :drama: "? Sure you do, you talk about it nonstop in any public venue that will have you. Your politicians, your media mouthpieces, your freaking voters....everyone in the world with an internet connection or a TV or any information source knows what you stand for.



If I may ...
For your consideration ...


Sure we do. They're overly vocal about it. They stand for:

  • Keeping illegal alien criminal gangs on our streets victimizing our citizens
  • "Transitioning" children to the opposite sex by cutting and drugging them
  • Big government waste and fraud
  • Burning, rioting, and looting for any reason or no reason at all
  • Destroying our energy so we have no heat for our homes or gas for our cars
  • Giving our tax dollars to foreign countries for silly things instead of using that money to help Americans
  • Censoring any dissenting opinion, legally for sure but with violence if necessary
  • Financing endless wars that have nothing to do with us with OUR tax dollars
  • And above ALL, protecting The Party and increasing its power, komrade.
Why do Democrat tards keep saying, "Oh, we don't know what the Democrat Party stands for anymore :drama: "? Sure you do, you talk about it nonstop in any public venue that will have you. Your politicians, your media mouthpieces, your freaking voters....everyone in the world with an internet connection or a TV or any information source knows what you stand for.


They're the ones fighting for the democracy you keep saying we have. So what exactly is your issue with them?


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

They're the ones fighting for the democracy you keep saying we have. So what exactly is your issue with them?
If we truly were a democracy they would have ceased to exist years ago because a majority would rule. Its because we are a constitutional republic that they are allowed to continue.
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Power with Control
For your consideration ...

They're the ones fighting for the democracy you keep saying we have. So what exactly is your issue with them?

Well, they suck at it. Step one to fighting for anything is to convince people you care about it. And so far they have managed to convince most Americans that they care about anything but. We have rock solid evidence of every single thing that Vrai posted, which is why the electorate cast them into the outer darkness.

Or, alternatively, what they consider "our democracy" isnt the same democracy that most American citizens think it its. One of the most basic tenants of which is that your right of free expression ends at the tip of my nose. Your free speech doesn't allow you to silence mine. Your right to freely assemble and protest doesn't allow you to restrict my freedom of movement. Your freedom to think that immigration laws are suggestions and not laws doesn't allow you to break them. If people want Euro style pseudo freedom which only lasts until you piss off the ruling class, they should move there.


Well-Known Member
  • Giving our tax dollars to foreign countries for silly things instead of using that money to help Americans
Serious question. There has been a LOT said about "wasted taxpayer money" BUT, what has been said or done about using that money to "help Americans?" What is the plan to get that newly saved money out to Americans to "help?"
They have 'receipts' for all the wasted money and use them at just about every public address. Now, I'm waiting for the plan on how taxpayers will see that money help THEM.
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Serious question. There has been a LOT said about "wasted taxpayer money" BUT, what has been said or done about using that money to "help Americans?" What is the plan to get that newly saved money out to Americans to "help?"
They have 'receipts' for all the wasted money and use them at just about every public address. Now, I'm waiting for the plan on how taxpayers will see that money help THEM.
My guess is, it's to eliminate the deficit. Frankly, all that talk about "sending back to taxpayers" the money they saved struck me as counter-productive. If you find a way to lower your monthly savings, you don't blow the savings on a weekend vacation to celebrate.

IF - we can at LEAST eliminate the deficit - that alone can get us back. The warning we got YEARS ago, back in the Ross Perot days - was that the interest on the debt was going to grow out of hand. Democrats pooh-poohed it, because truth is, running a small deficit every year is actually sound spending, at least the way we do things. Pay tomorrow's debt financed with yesterday's dollars.


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PREMO Member
Not spending any of that new-found wasted money is ultimately helping all Americans.
This past week - I found an old GAO report claiming that there's at least half a TRILLION of fraud - yearly - in entitlements alone - and it was dated like - 2021? Grant you, it gave a range of something like 221 billion to over 500 billion - but - damn.
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Well-Known Member
My guess is, it's to eliminate the deficit. Frankly, all that talk about "sending back to taxpayers" the money they saved struck me as counter-productive. If you find a way to lower your monthly savings, you don't blow the savings on a weekend vacation to celebrate.
I would be onboard with that. As long as it is transparent. I want to know that 'money saved' is going directly to debt reduction. NOT disappearing into the ether like it typically does with "Government budgeting."


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Well, they suck at it.

It's what made me laugh the other day when - was it Lemon? - someone claiming that Elon should stick to what he knows and leave government to the people who know what they're doing.

THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD. HARD. Because one thing is as certain as death and taxes - they CLEARLY don't know what they're doing. They're simply the morons left in charge of it. It would be like Charlie Brown lecturing his baseball team on how to win a game.

One of the most basic tenants of which is that your right of free expression ends at the tip of my nose. Your free speech doesn't allow you to silence mine. Your right to freely assemble and protest doesn't allow you to restrict my freedom of movement. Your freedom to think that immigration laws are suggestions and not laws doesn't allow you to break them.
Distilled as "your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins". I've occasionally made a reference to moment on Babylon 5 where a person was ginning up a crowd in the marketplace to stop what one of the ambassadors was planning. When warned about what they might do, she answered

My voice is as free as theirs.
They'll hear my side as well.

- The truth will attend to itself.

Whenver someone insists that THEIR right to free speech not be hindered, REMEMBER that YOUR voice is ALSO free.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
NOT disappearing into the ether like it typically does with "Government budgeting."
This is why I am curious about the sovereign wealth fund that Trump has proposed, because the government never has a surplus - not really. It does go down a rabbit hole - maybe goes toward spending elsewhere, but it doesn't just sit in a savings account. It's the financial equivalent of the simplistic distillation of the Three Laws of Thermodynamics, which go:

1. You can't win.
2. You can't break even.
3. You can't get out of the game.

Money going to Uncle Sam WILL disappear, because they're not for profit.

Since other nations HAVE sovereign wealth funds - I'd like to see how it works.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I remember reading that argument going all the way back to Jefferson and Hamilton.
And the simple truth is, provided a modest amount of inflation and increases in revenue - provided the debt remains small - it's sound management.

When inflation is near zero and the debt increases MUCH faster than inflation - it's just wasteful and reckless. If you've ever paid OFF a credit card and then lapsed into running up another debt, it's the same basic principle. Small debt is manageable; huge debt is not.


Well-Known Member
This is why I am curious about the sovereign wealth fund that Trump has proposed, because the government never has a surplus - not really. It does go down a rabbit hole - maybe goes toward spending elsewhere, but it doesn't just sit in a savings account. It's the financial equivalent of the simplistic distillation of the Three Laws of Thermodynamics, which go:

1. You can't win.
2. You can't break even.
3. You can't get out of the game.

Money going to Uncle Sam WILL disappear, because they're not for profit.

Since other nations HAVE sovereign wealth funds - I'd like to see how it works.
Saying "We will use these savings to pay down the National Debt" is a sound byte. I want REAL accounting and accountability before agreeing with the process. Where is it going? How much is the balance? When are we expected to pay if off? What are we doing moving forward to continue payments? Etc.
Otherwise, the Trump supporters will continue to say "He's doing a great job with it." and Democrats will continue to say "He is shuttling that money to tax breaks for billionaires."


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Saying "We will use these savings to pay down the National Debt" is a sound byte. I want REAL accounting and accountability before agreeing with the process. Where is it going? How much is the balance? When are we expected to pay if off? What are we doing moving forward to continue payments? Etc.
THERE is where I think the devil is in the details. I don't see the "money" going anywhere, because it doesn't "appear" as a result of some cost-cutting measure. It goes against FUTURE spending.

For example, I am switching cable companies, and it will save me about 70 bucks a month. I don't HAVE that money. I will, next month, when I DON'T spend it.

IF by some miracle, they are actually able to bring forth a surplus - which frankly I believe even with draconian measures is still a few years off, which means they better put this in stone before the Dems get back - they can't "pay down the debt". You can't fill in a hole if it is still being dug DEEPER. You can, but it's pointless. They need a surplus before they can deliver on that promise.

And honestly - I don't know how they DO that, because other than paying INTEREST on debt, I've seen no mechanism that pays the "principal".


Power with Control
It's what made me laugh the other day when - was it Lemon? - someone claiming that Elon should stick to what he knows and leave government to the people who know what they're doing.

THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD. HARD. Because one thing is as certain as death and taxes - they CLEARLY don't know what they're doing. They're simply the morons left in charge of it. It would be like Charlie Brown lecturing his baseball team on how to win a game.

Distilled as "your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins". I've occasionally made a reference to moment on Babylon 5 where a person was ginning up a crowd in the marketplace to stop what one of the ambassadors was planning. When warned about what they might do, she answered

My voice is as free as theirs.
They'll hear my side as well.

- The truth will attend to itself.

Whenver someone insists that THEIR right to free speech not be hindered, REMEMBER that YOUR voice is ALSO free.

When someone is doing a thing that doesn't appear to make sense, there are two possible reasons. They are stupid and going nonsensical things. Or they are doing something with a goal you don't know. Like laundering money through NGOs.

And while the digital town square isn't the same as the real town square, when one side owns and abuses it, its a worse offense. while I'm not a fan of all the left and Palestinian and Russian and Chinese content on X, I dont want it removed.