For your consideration ...
If we truly were a democracy they would have ceased to exist years ago because a majority would rule. Its because we are a constitutional republic that they are allowed to continue.
Well, they suck at it. Step one to fighting for anything is to convince people you care about it. And so far they have managed to convince most Americans that they care about anything but. We have rock solid evidence of every single thing that Vrai posted, which is why the electorate cast them into the outer darkness.
Or, alternatively, what they consider "our democracy" isnt the same democracy that most American citizens think it its. One of the most basic tenants of which is that your right of free expression ends at the tip of my nose. Your free speech doesn't allow you to silence mine. Your right to freely assemble and protest doesn't allow you to restrict my freedom of movement. Your freedom to think that immigration laws are suggestions and not laws doesn't allow you to break them. If people want Euro style pseudo freedom which only lasts until you piss off the ruling class, they should move there.
I know I know. I said that sarcastically to
@vraiblonde because she downright insists we are a democracy. What a better way to call out her ignorance or obtuseness? If we were a democracy as she says, and since in a democracy loud minority view-point groups seem to override the majority as many of these left-tard people are want to do, what is she complaining about I asked?
You all know that we are a Constitutional Republic, and that within part of the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, our rights are guaranteed, protected and defended. But apparently she does not understand these things. Sure the words Republic and Democracy may be similar, but when we setup our Constitutional Republic, we enshrined the people's individual rights that can never be trampled.
Allow me to put it another way for her .... In a democracy there are no individual rights except those that are granted by the State. You want free speech? (1st Ad.) Sure. As long as you don't say something that irritates those in power or goes against the official narrative and doesn't hurt someone's feelings. And don't even ask for a firearm unless you have a lot of money and the time to jump though licensing hoops. (2nd Ad.) Then it's only for a shotgun or simple rifle after they assess someone's suitability to process them. Oh, you want ammunition for that granted firearm? Gonna need a licence for that too.
And if the local police want to see your firearm, they will visit your home at anytime to see that firearm in person, all without a warrant. (5th Ad.) But before being granted permission, the police will visit your home to ensure that you have an appropriate and secure place to store that firearm. And don't forget that you'll need a minimum of 2 references if you are buying a rifle, and 1 reference for a shotgun. Don't even think of asking to buy a handgun. Don't forget that part of getting permission is you have to provide all of your medical information to the police to consider your fitness to even have one. Known as a firearms medical report/certificate which is in addition to a full background check and everything else. And as part of the assessment, a firearms enquiry officer (FEO) will interview you at your home address. All this can take up to 9 months.