"Nobody knows what the Democrats stand for!"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I want REAL accounting and accountability before agreeing with the process.

Okay, so you'd just as soon pay for transgender surgeries for people in Guatemala and *checks notes* mice?

I've heard them say supporting Social Security, paying down the debt, refunding it back to taxpayers, and a few other things. It's also been mentioned that our tax burden will decrease because we won't be funding all that crap anymore.

This is what irritates me: people are so negative and ungrateful and impatient. "Sure you did all these great things, but what about this and this and this???"

And a couple of things:

Nobody cares if you "agree with the process". You can sit there and bitch your face off and nobody will care. Seriously, try it and see how many people stop their lives to placate you.


Democrats will continue to say "He is shuttling that money to tax breaks for billionaires."

They're going to say that anyway. They said that about the last tax cuts even though it was demonstrably not true. Everyday people told them it wasn't true - and told them more forcefully at the ballot box in Nov - and they STILL are all, "BWAAAAAK! Tax cuts for billionaires! BWAAAAK!"

You can't base a decision on what Democrats will say because they're lying corrupt retards who say stupid sht all the time. Saying stupid sht is what they do instead of having solid feasible ideas.


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

They're the ones fighting for the democracy you keep saying we have. So what exactly is your issue with them?
I've NEVER heard Vrai say we have Democracy. I hear YOU drone on and on about Democracy in our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, but not Vrai...
And your idea of Democracy has Hamas Terrorist shitbags killing & raping Jews, so I really don't agree with "Democracy"...sounds pretty violent...

BTW...the issue with them is that they are Marxist shitbags...not Patriotic Americans...


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

If we truly were a democracy they would have ceased to exist years ago because a majority would rule. Its because we are a constitutional republic that they are allowed to continue.
Well, they suck at it. Step one to fighting for anything is to convince people you care about it. And so far they have managed to convince most Americans that they care about anything but. We have rock solid evidence of every single thing that Vrai posted, which is why the electorate cast them into the outer darkness.

Or, alternatively, what they consider "our democracy" isnt the same democracy that most American citizens think it its. One of the most basic tenants of which is that your right of free expression ends at the tip of my nose. Your free speech doesn't allow you to silence mine. Your right to freely assemble and protest doesn't allow you to restrict my freedom of movement. Your freedom to think that immigration laws are suggestions and not laws doesn't allow you to break them. If people want Euro style pseudo freedom which only lasts until you piss off the ruling class, they should move there.

I know I know. I said that sarcastically to @vraiblonde because she downright insists we are a democracy. What a better way to call out her ignorance or obtuseness? If we were a democracy as she says, and since in a democracy loud minority view-point groups seem to override the majority as many of these left-tard people are want to do, what is she complaining about I asked?

You all know that we are a Constitutional Republic, and that within part of the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, our rights are guaranteed, protected and defended. But apparently she does not understand these things. Sure the words Republic and Democracy may be similar, but when we setup our Constitutional Republic, we enshrined the people's individual rights that can never be trampled.

Allow me to put it another way for her .... In a democracy there are no individual rights except those that are granted by the State. You want free speech? (1st Ad.) Sure. As long as you don't say something that irritates those in power or goes against the official narrative and doesn't hurt someone's feelings. And don't even ask for a firearm unless you have a lot of money and the time to jump though licensing hoops. (2nd Ad.) Then it's only for a shotgun or simple rifle after they assess someone's suitability to process them. Oh, you want ammunition for that granted firearm? Gonna need a licence for that too.

And if the local police want to see your firearm, they will visit your home at anytime to see that firearm in person, all without a warrant. (5th Ad.) But before being granted permission, the police will visit your home to ensure that you have an appropriate and secure place to store that firearm. And don't forget that you'll need a minimum of 2 references if you are buying a rifle, and 1 reference for a shotgun. Don't even think of asking to buy a handgun. Don't forget that part of getting permission is you have to provide all of your medical information to the police to consider your fitness to even have one. Known as a firearms medical report/certificate which is in addition to a full background check and everything else. And as part of the assessment, a firearms enquiry officer (FEO) will interview you at your home address. All this can take up to 9 months.

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If I may ...
For your consideration ...

I've NEVER heard Vrai say we have Democracy. I hear YOU drone on and on about Democracy in our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, but not Vrai...
And your idea of Democracy has Hamas Terrorist shitbags killing & raping Jews, so I really don't agree with "Democracy"...sounds pretty violent...

BTW...the issue with them is that they are Marxist shitbags...not Patriotic Americans...

Here ya go.




Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've NEVER heard Vrai say we have Democracy. I hear YOU drone on and on about Democracy in our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, but not Vrai...
And your idea of Democracy has Hamas Terrorist shitbags killing & raping Jews, so I really don't agree with "Democracy"...sounds pretty violent...

I do say "democracy" - small d. To wit:

a. : government by the people. especially : rule of the majority.
b. : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.

Anyone who thinks we aren't ruled by the majority needs to look at how our leaders are elected. The majority elects them - local officials, Governors, House representatives, Senators, Presidents.....

Also look at "blue" states and see how much of them is actually blue - most are red with a solid blue in the urban/metro areas. Look at Maryland and tell me the majority doesn't rule.

I don't know how anyone can argue with that because it's right there.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
@vraiblonde because she downright insists we are a democracy. What a better way to call out her ignorance or obtuseness?

Okay, Einstein, which part of this isn't us?

a. : government by the people. especially : rule of the majority.
b. : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.


Speaking of ignorant and obtuse....

And now I have to put you on ignore. Feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
They're going to say that anyway. They said that about the last tax cuts even though it was demonstrably not true. Everyday people told them it wasn't true - and told them more forcefully at the ballot box in Nov - and they STILL are all, "BWAAAAAK! Tax cuts for billionaires! BWAAAAK!"

They've repeated this mantra just too many times - although there are definitely Dems who will ALWAYS repeat it.

If I get 20% of my taxes back, and a billionaire gets 1% - yeah, he's going to get MORE. It's the difference between me and someone who makes a hundred times more than I do. As far as I am concerned - it's working for ME. The billionaires are ALREADY carrying most of the tax burden. The very notion that they "need to pay their fair share" and that the "middle class pays all the taxes" is so utterly blatantly false it's a shock anyone continues to repeat it. My parents used to say that IN THE SIXTIES. That's at least how long people have been saying that.

You know what gets me? I was recently sucked into a thread on Facebook where several questioned "how do YOU know how much billionaires pay in taxes? do YOU see their returns?". No - but I do see - and EVERYONE can see - metadata on how much billionaires AS A WHOLE pay, in taxes. You don't know how much Elon or Warren or Bill Gates pays - but you CAN go to the IRS and see how much everyone who makes in a pay strata pays in taxes, and compare that to how much they make. Maybe Warren Buffett can pay 1% in taxes - but as a group, the very rich pay on average about 23% of their annual income, in federal taxes.

Nearly half the nation pays NO federal income tax (yes, everyone pays FICA - but that's not federal income tax). So there's never going to be a "tax break for the poor" EVEN THOUGH payments to the poor from the federal government ARE basically that.


happy to be living
Okay, Einstein, which part of this isn't us?

a. : government by the people. especially : rule of the majority.
b. : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.


Speaking of ignorant and obtuse....

And now I have to put you on ignore. Feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.
The forums are much nicer since I've had it on ignore (probably two years and counting!)


Well-Known Member
How long will it be before Donald Trump tells the piss-ant judges who want to over rule the President to go piss up a rope.

We MUST bring down the cost of Government. We do not need mentally ill people in our military.
So all of a sudden some dick headed Judge that is unfit for a traffic Court but has family leftists or is a leftist themselves can make ruling against the President's aims? WTF is that. Trump just got out of one lawfare situation and into a new one. Justice Roberts who has been a shameful Head Justice
and who is responsible for Joe Biden and his disastrous 4 years because he would not hold court on the election steal is once again letting down our country.
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Well-Known Member
For example, I am switching cable companies, and it will save me about 70 bucks a month. I don't HAVE that money. I will, next month, when I DON'T spend it.

IF by some miracle, they are actually able to bring forth a surplus - which frankly I believe even with draconian measures is still a few years off, which means they better put this in stone before the Dems get back - they can't "pay down the debt". You can't fill in a hole if it is still being dug DEEPER. You can, but it's pointless. They need a surplus before they can deliver on that promise.
And that's the thing. Will that month ever arrive? I want to know that it will. Not just a promise. I want to see data on it. Movement towards it. Otherwise, its just a 'political promise.'


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Also look at "blue" states and see how much of them is actually blue - most are red with a solid blue in the urban/metro areas. Look at Maryland and tell me the majority doesn't rule.
If you look further at geography - this is true EVEN IN THE RED STATES. The largest cities are blue.
Is there any state more red, than, say, Utah? Salt Lake City is very blue. They haven't had a Republican mayor since the 70's.
How about Missouri? St Louis and Kansas City are blue.
And on down the line. I suspect the only reason why so many states are actually red is, they DON'T have a very large urban presence.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so you'd just as soon pay for transgender surgeries for people in Guatemala and *checks notes* mice?
Awful PRESUMPTION without proof. Who said I approve of that? A large leap from demanding financial accountability to transgender surgeries idnit?
I've heard them say supporting Social Security, paying down the debt, refunding it back to taxpayers, and a few other things. It's also been mentioned that our tax burden will decrease because we won't be funding all that crap anymore.

This is what irritates me: people are so negative and ungrateful and impatient. "Sure you did all these great things, but what about this and this and this???"

And a couple of things:

Nobody cares if you "agree with the process". You can sit there and bitch your face off and nobody will care. Seriously, try it and see how many people stop their lives to placate you.


They're going to say that anyway. They said that about the last tax cuts even though it was demonstrably not true. Everyday people told them it wasn't true - and told them more forcefully at the ballot box in Nov - and they STILL are all, "BWAAAAAK! Tax cuts for billionaires! BWAAAAK!"

You can't base a decision on what Democrats will say because they're lying corrupt retards who say stupid sht all the time. Saying stupid sht is what they do instead of having solid feasible ideas.
It appears I have struck a nerve....
So which is it? The demand for financial accountability to back up the promises made -OR- that I am questioning ANYTHING that Trump says.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

And now I have to put you on ignore. Feel free to continue to embarrass yourself.

The forums are much nicer since I've had it on ignore (probably two years and counting!)

Cowardly and child like. Sticking your fingers in your ears. Run and hide little girls. Run and hide. Your actions, putting people on ignore, is the very embodiment of those lefty liberal loons you condemn here daily. Rather than debate, you resort to name calling or try to silence the speaker.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So which is it? The demand for financial accountability to back up the promises made -OR- that I am questioning ANYTHING that Trump says.

It's that you're clearly not paying attention because your question has been addressed numerous times by Trump. But you have to actually listen to him, not just have the corporate media tell you what "he said".

If you want to bitch about Trump I can give you a legit list. There's no need to pick at the good things he's doing.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
It's what made me laugh the other day when - was it Lemon? - someone claiming that Elon should stick to what he knows and leave government to the people who know what they're doing.

THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD. HARD. Because one thing is as certain as death and taxes - they CLEARLY don't know what they're doing. They're simply the morons left in charge of it. It would be like Charlie Brown lecturing his baseball team on how to win a game.
That was Michael Steele on MSDNC.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
That was Michael Steele on MSDNC.
I can't believe I liked that guy. I can't believe he was once RNC chair. I can't believe I defended him when people rolled Oreos at him.

I don't know if he was never genuine or found a new voice on the Left and decided he was still relevant.