Leveraging the Jenniferism, “Your nonprofit business is a business,” this roadmap to success highlights the differences between structure, development and funding for nonprofit organizations, according to NPI Coordinator for Charles County Cara Fogarty. In the seminar participants will learn how to organize their nonprofit business for funding readiness; establish an executable business development strategy; establish a framework for funding; and, understand grant prospecting, writing, and funding.
“Whether you are new to grant proposal writing, a seasoned pro, or somewhere in between, this grants training seminar will offer you valuable information and insight,” said Fogarty. “Jennifer Jones is a highly sought-after and engaging speaker with a wealth of knowledge to share. During the current pandemic, when nonprofits have had to pivot and find new ways to meet their missions, this training seminar will offer a new perspective, valuable information, and serve to refresh participant’s approach to writing grant proposals.”
When news of the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded in March, NPI immediately heightened its operations to help local nonprofit leaders maintain their critical services as well as navigate the many applications for desperately needed COVID-19 relief loans and grant money. The Nonprofit Institute has assisted more than 200 nonprofit organizations in the region since the beginning of the year, Fogarty shared.
“This includes our annual conference in February and classes pre-pandemic and all of our activities since the pandemic began – the weekly and bi-weekly nonprofit community calls, affinity group meetings, individual consultations and so on,” Fogarty explained. “Calls and emails requesting NPI assistance have exploded since the pandemic began and participation in the affinity group meetings has increased dramatically, too. The NPI team is humbled and grateful to help these organizations who are there selflessly helping so many others in our communities during these extraordinary times.”
According to NPI Coordinator for St. Mary’s County Robin Finnacom, routinely connecting with the region’s nonprofits “strengthens a collective sense of purpose in the face of this crisis and furthers the camaraderie that prevails among the region’s organizations.”
“The United Way of Charles County is proud to expand our work with the Nonprofit Institute at CSM in response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” shared Mike Bellis in an April press release about NPI’s efforts. Bellis, a CSM alum, is the United Way executive director for Charles County. “The Nonprofit Institute has a long-standing track record of supporting the success of nonprofits throughout the region. And they are by our side again helping to answer the call when we need them most.”
Next month’s “Nonprofit Roadmap to Success,” webinar will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 25. Co-sponsors include CSM, NPI, Governor’s Grants Office, Charles County Public Library, St. Mary’s County Library, Calvert Library and the Charles County government and registration is required by 11 p.m. Sept. 24: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/15th-annual-grants-training-seminar-registration-117171339631

Jennifer B. Jones
According her biography, Jones is a transformational leader, business strategist, legislative advocate, writer and orator who serves as president and CEO of KyJour International (KJI) Strategic Business Solutions – a boutique consulting firm that provides strategic planning, training and education, commercial finance, and business development in the government contracting, political, nonprofit and emerging business markets.
As a noted philanthropist, community servant, strategist, executive coach and gifted communicator, Jones’ eclectic mix of thoughts, views and opinions are shared as a highly sought speaker with audiences throughout the country. She was co-host of her weekly broadcast show, Truth 360 and has convened a host of conferences, meetings and symposia. She has contributed significantly to the realization of the Global Vision Community Medical Center, Family Justice Center, Prince George’s County Family Justice Center, and Human Trafficking Task Forces and several other community programs, initiatives and activities.
Learn more about Jones by visiting CSM online.
For more information about the seminar, contact the Nonprofit Institute at CSM, Charles County Coordinator Cara Fogarty at cfogarty@csmd.edu, or at 301-659-3182.