NOOOOOO! DR. Emily J. Windham is relocating!


:bawl: DR. Emily J. Windham is relocating and while I know she must it just hurts because I love her practice and I love her very straight forwardness.

She is refering her patients to Dr. Neal however I'd like someone closer I'm thinking Dr. Tilly.

Anybody have anything to say about Dr. Tilly good or bad? Lemmie know.


What love is all about
I use Dr.Tilley, while I have had my differences in the past with him I can say I am content in my care from there. I guess most people use Dr.Polko I believe so the wait time in Dr. Tilley's office is usually zip. Unless they are short-handed. He has a midwive in his office also.

I have had him for the last two of my pregnancies. My last one I had high blood pressure, which I have with all of mine. He put me on meds as soon as it started to spike. Then I went in a couple times and it was low. Now this may have been a misunderstanding on my part, but my husband and I heard the same thing, which was the midwive said if it stayed low I would not need the meds and therefore after a couple times of it being low I did not take them. My daughter was born a month early but she was fine.

This time I have high blood pressure and low iron. They have me going and getting iron infusions at the hospital and they just raised my dose of meds for blood pressure because it hasnt gotten controlled. They said if it does not start working they will admit me to the hospital. I feel they are doing everything possible to take care of me and my baby and am happy.


Sweet and Innocent
I never have any problems with Dr. Tilley during my pregnancy check up. He and his midwife took a good care of me and my baby. They discovered what caused my restless legs snydrome during my pregnancy and it was because my iron level was low. Gave me medication for iron and my restless legs snydrome stopped.

I never had to wait in the waiting room when I arrived for my appt. Office Staff are very FRIENDLY! I love the idea of not having to wait in the waiting room for my appointments.

I've heard so many good things about Dr. Polko, but her waiting room is "PACK" because she has way too many patients even though she do takes her time and listen to you. I hope the waiting time is cut down as she got more "help" in her office at the new location.

The only advice I have is "interview" the doctors and see if you will be comfortable with them or not. When you find the one you are most comfortable with, then make an appointment with that doctor.


Witchy Woman
:bawl: DR. Emily J. Windham is relocating and while I know she must it just hurts because I love her practice and I love her very straight forwardness.

She is refering her patients to Dr. Neal however I'd like someone closer I'm thinking Dr. Tilly.

Anybody have anything to say about Dr. Tilly good or bad? Lemmie know.

Well that just sucks. She's been, first my OB and then my Gyn since she delivered Sarah in 1992. I didn't know she was going anywhere. :bawl:


Well that just sucks. She's been, first my OB and then my Gyn since she delivered Sarah in 1992. I didn't know she was going anywhere. :bawl:

Didn't you get the letter and when the hell was your last pap :eyebrow:

In the letter she says make sure you get your yearly pap and colonoscopy (I'm not old enough for that yet).

Right now I just need the usual pills refilled, pap and boob check.

Someday in the future we'll have some babies.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Tilley is a jerk. His bedside manner is awful! If you want a decent doctor go see Dr. Polko or Ann Naru.


I agree with socki Dr.Polko is the best gyn I have ever had and she has good bedside manners too. She also is the one who delivers her babies she doesn't have any other doctor do it from what I am told.


Sweet and Innocent
I agree with socki Dr.Polko is the best gyn I have ever had and she has good bedside manners too. She also is the one who delivers her babies she doesn't have any other doctor do it from what I am told.

Wish Dr. Polko provided an American Sign Language Interpreter. If she do, I would have been using her as my OB/GYN, but she doesn't provide that service.


Sweet and Innocent
As I said months ago, that's not her responsibility.

Actually, it is according to the ADA law.

Accessibility for the Deaf - Deaf People and Interpreters at Doctors, Dentists and Hospitals

ADA Q&A - National Association of the Deaf

Doctors - National Association of the Deaf

To refer others to this page, please use:
Doctors - National Association of the Deaf

Are Doctors Required to Provide Interpreters for Medical Visits and Other Medical-Related Situations?

The short answer is yes. This is covered under the Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you feel that you need an interpreter in order to understand what your doctor/health care provider is telling you, then the doctor/health care provider is required to provide you with one. It is best to contact your doctor/health care provider directly and tell them, prior to your appointment, that you need an interpreter. Do not hire your own interpreter and expect the doctor/health care provider to pay your interpreter for you. You may run into problems that way.

The doctor/health care provider must pay for the cost of an interpreter, even if the cost of the interpreter is more than the cost of your visit. The doctor/health care provider is expected to handle the cost of interpreter as a normal business expense or as part of the overhead costs of operating a business.

If your doctor/health care provider tries to encourage you to bring in a signing family member or a friend as a way to "save costs", say no. Family members and friends cannot be expected to be neutral and sign everything they hear. They may be emotionally or personally involved with you and this may affect their interpreting. Using them as interpreters can also cause problems in maintaining your confidentiality as a patient.

For more detailed information, check other legal information on this site.

Physician forced to hire sign language interpreter - OldPreMeds, Inc. - Powered by FusionBB

Re: Physician forced to hire sign language interpreter
01-31-08 02:35 PM - Post#50553
In response to ttraub

Hi All

I enjoyed the post and linked articles talking about how a physician was forced to hire sign language interpreter at his/her own expense.

I, as an interpreter, have a different take on this, and if you would allow me I will tell you what it is.

The physician(s) is looking at this issue as an expense. I would look at it as Risk Management issue. Here is a story that would illustrate what I am talking about.

A patient gets his friend to go with him to the doctor's visit so that he can help interpret. The friend seems to have a better command of the English language due to the fact that he arrived 6 month prior to the patient's arrival.

The doctor prescribes the medications in suppository form and sends the patient and friend to the pharmacy to buy and use the meds.

7 weeks later I was finishing another interpreting assignment at the same clinic building where the doctor's office is, only to be flagged by the doctor for a "quicky".

I was introduced to the patient who had what I would say are a huge lips and swollen mouth. I had a hard time understanding the patient but I could make out that he came by to ask the doctor why his mouth is in such a condition.

The doctor asked the questions and we found out that the friend interpreter did not know what suppository were and since it is known that meds are usually eaten, they patient was eating the suppositories. You can imagine the description of how he was preparing the suppositories to be ingested, quite humorous because they were so large.

Had a certified interpreter been engaged, none of that would have taken place, and the patient would be singing the doctor's praise because in 7 weeks he would have been cured.

I have several stories all from the field to illustrate the value added to having a professional certified interpreter helping when encountering a Limited English language Proficiency patient.

As as any doctor had spent the time and effort to attain his or her credentials so did the interpreter. Does than not cost money?

It is to the advantage of the doctor to hire a certified interpreter for $25.00 per hour vs. having to settle a malpractice suit for $25,000 or $25,000,000.

<<< The sign language interpreter's fee is greater than the physician's fee for the examination >>>

Now I would not want to justify that, but how would the doctor examine the patient if communication was absent: Where does it hurt? No answer, Oh it must be the mouth then...

<<< who declared that they would not accept deaf patients in the future. >>>

This is discrimination. Its illegal.

<<< at their own expense in New York state. >>>

Expense vs. Risk Management. Think about it.

<<< How did such a provision ever come to be part of the Americans with Disabilities Act? It can do nothing but harm the very people it was intended to help. >>>

Only when you look at it as an expense. Look at it as enhanced service, and you may get more patients.

As a patient, the best language to know today in the US is Tagalog. The main language of the Philippines. Most if not all nurses are from the Philippines, so communications would be no problem and in their native language that makes it even better and less error prone. Think about it.
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New Member
Carol delivered my now 5 year old and stopped delivering babies right after ,Dr.tilley delivered my last 2 babies and I had no problems with him.I adore Carol she takes the time to talk to you. I had a miscarriage before my last baby and lost part of my right tube.Dr. Tilley was very nice to me and I had no problems with his bedside manner.He explained I had to have surgery since I had an etopic pregnancy and told me is was possible I would lose my right ovary but was gone to do everything he could so I didn't.
When my surgery was over he came in and explained what he had to do and was very sympathetic to my needs.
When I got pregnant with my last child my first visit was done with a sonogram to make sure baby was in the right place. I adore the nurses and staff there and I have never waited more that 10 minutes to be seen. I had complications with my last baby and he did all he could to make sure she was full term even with the fact I had emergency surgery at 16 weeks for an appendicitis and preterm labor at 32 weeks.


Soul Probe
I never had problems with Dr. Tilley, I actually like his straightforward manner. Dr. Polko is a great doctor but IMHO she over exerts herself and I fear she'll be dead on her feet one day and make a mistake; you can go like that for only so long before a "whoops" and God help the person if/when it occurs during a delivery.

I have to admit I'm glad I won't be transcribing Dr. Windham's reports any longer, she can make it tedious! :lol:


Witchy Woman
Didn't you get the letter and when the hell was your last pap :eyebrow:

I probably thought it was a bill. :lol: I saw her in January. She didn't say anything. :shrug:

In the letter she says make sure you get your yearly pap and colonoscopy (I'm not old enough for that yet).

I'm good till January. But now I guess I'll have to find a new doctor. And the pickins are slim around these parts :mad:

Someday in the future we'll have some babies.

No more babies for me. Dr. Windham fixed that problem for me too.:dance::lol:


I probably thought it was a bill. :lol: I saw her in January. She didn't say anything. :shrug:

I'm good till January. But now I guess I'll have to find a new doctor. And the pickins are slim around these parts :mad:

No more babies for me. Dr. Windham fixed that problem for me too.:dance::lol:

I thought it was bill too. Good thing I just had my annual. I think I'm going to go with Tilley.


happy to be living
Where is Dr. Windham relocating to?

I was never a fan of hers:biggrin:

I saw her nurse practitioner before I ever met her. I loved the nurse practitioner- she was great. I had to go in and see Dr Windham at a later date. She was downright rude and snarly. She said the np should have taken care of everything and was po'd because I came in to see her. Then she was extremely rough with me; rougher than I can ever remember any doctor being. Maybe I caught her on a bad day but I hope she is *happy* where ever she goes! I would not have, under any circumstances, gone back to her.
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