North American Union Byebye Dollar hello Amero

Fred Hoeck

New Member
itsbob said:
Why must it be stopped..
It contrary to the U.S. Constituion. It means the elimination of the U.S. and a merger with the socialism and poverty of Canada and Mexico. The European Union is gradually whittling away the individual countries rights. Rules are made by an unelected burearcracy in Belgium. Look at the mess the proposed EU Constitution was. Whenever it was put to a vote of the people, it was rejected. But, the elites are justing waiting to try it again, with no changes.
Changes like this need to be approved by all the people, not done on the sneak.


I bowl overhand
Sounds like a nother Blcak UN helicopter.. forgery strips they can count the money in your pocket.. conspiracy theory to me.

Another thing to "Send your money now, so we can fight it before it's too late." ploy..


Fred Hoeck said:
It means the elimination of the U.S. and a merger with the socialism and poverty of Canada and Mexico.

No it doesn't. And I didn't realize that Canada was a third-world craptank like Mexico.

I haven't formed an opinion on whether I'm for or agin this: but it sounds very similar to a North American version of the EU. As far as I can tell, none of the European Nations have lost any of their sovereignty or have been absorbed and/or destroyed by their poorer bretheren nations.

Fred Hoeck said:
The European Union is gradually whittling away the individual countries rights.

I must have missed the news articles about this, that appeared in "The :jameo::jameo::jameo: Times"

Fred Hoeck

New Member
ropean newspapers. Another good source, though pro-EU, is the Journal from DW-TV seen nightly @ 730PM on channel 56.
The Euro was put up to vote in Denmark and Sweeden, the people rejected it.
The EU grew out of a coal sal agreement in the 50's, then evolved to the Common Market, but now is the superstate in Europe, absorbing the individual countries.
Go over there and see for yourselves.