North Korea - Deja vu all over again???


Dancing Up A Storm
vraiblonde said:
Well, Japan hasn't attacked us in a while so it's probably about time they get their own military.
I'm fairly sure I saw an article or pic, showing that the Japanese Self Defense Force flies our F-15s. Fairly potent warbird, if they choose to employ it.


New Member
Penn said:
I'm fairly sure I saw an article or pic, showing that the Japanese Self Defense Force flies our F-15s. Fairly potent warbird, if they choose to employ it.

Yes, F-15 and also F-16 are flown by the JASDF. They're built domesticaly by Mitsubishi. What Japan needs to do is develop it's long range strike capabilities such as in flight refueling.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Triggerfish said:
The fuss is that Japan hasn't really apologized to it's neighbors and teach it's younger citizens what the nation did in WWII
That stuff is overrated - apologizing for history. Please. :rolleyes: I don't feel Japan, as a modern nation, should have to make a formal apology for something their country did 60 years ago, under completely different leadership.

I will suggest that the neighbors are against Japan rearming because Japan is a real country (not headed by some crackpot dictator) and a US ally, which makes them a potential superpower. Considering China's current and ongoing human rights violations, it would stun me if they were complaining that the Japanese hadn't apologized for WWII.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
That stuff is overrated - apologizing for history. Please. :rolleyes: I don't feel Japan, as a modern nation, should have to make a formal apology for something their country did 60 years ago, under completely different leadership.

I will suggest that the neighbors are against Japan rearming because Japan is a real country (not headed by some crackpot dictator) and a US ally, which makes them a potential superpower. Considering China's current and ongoing human rights violations, it would stun me if they were complaining that the Japanese hadn't apologized for WWII.

For countries that have thousands of years of written history 60 years is a blink of an eye. It's not just the apology, it's what the Japanese government is teaching its young citizens, that Japan was the victim of WWII and the attack on the U.S. and its neighbors was self defense.

Japan does have all the makings of a superpower minus the military size. Whether Japan has a an actual military is an academic question. It has a modern force that is well maintained with advanced electronics. Only thing that prevents the force being called a military is its lack of real offenseive power. Like I mentioned earlier it would need to develop and build carriers, missles, in flight refueling capabilities, and bombers.

As far as China complaining about Japan, it's been going on for decades even before the communists took over. They have even more reason to complain now since they are one of the fastest growing countries economically. Japan is an economic competition and also competition for regional spheres of influence. After Tianamen Square many young Chinese thought that the U.S. govt was a better friend than their own government. This disturbed the Chinese government so they have been working on anti-U.S. propaganda. As for anti-Japanese propaganda the Chinese Communist Youth organization has funded a new online game called Anti-Japanese online. It's an online game where the players are Chinese guerilla fighters who attack Japanese soldiers and bases in China. Yes, the U.S. have been making these types of games where you fight Japanese and Germans for many years but the difference is that this new game is funded by the Chinese government and the ttle itself. There are games like Wolfenstein and Medal of Honor and they do not have titles like Blowing up Krauts or Kill the Japs. Nor are these supported by the Republican or Democratic parties.

Here's some interesting read on UNit 731 the Japanese medical unit in NE China that performed germ warfare experiments, frost bite experiments, vivisection or dissecting live people such as on pregnant women, etc
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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Yeah, we teach Japanese sailors here at Aegis Training and Readiness Center in Dahlgren. Their naval force is top of the line, just not very big.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Penn said:
I'm fairly sure I saw an article or pic, showing that the Japanese Self Defense Force flies our F-15s. Fairly potent warbird, if they choose to employ it.
The F-15s they have don't have all the goobahs.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Triggerfish said:
Or start building carriers.
:dork: Yeah. Great idea.

Does anyone realize that the oriental mind is significantly different than the western mind? They think of war in terms of 100s of years. They lost the "battle" of WWII and continued with the war on the economic front. That a look around. How much of the U.S. is owned by Japan or China? Lots! How much of U.S. debt obligations are owned by Japan and China? Lots! We are losing (have lost) the economic war. Give them more time. They will eventually win WWII.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Does anyone realize that the oriental mind is significantly different than the western mind?
I think Triggerfish does, considering he's Japanese. :lol:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Triggerfish said:
Or start building carriers.
I think it's a good idea, we're wasting money man-power and ships patroling thier waters. Let them do it for a change. We can pull out of Yokuska and set up shop with our ships in Taiwan or something.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
How much of the U.S. is owned by Japan or China? Lots! How much of U.S. debt obligations are owned by Japan and China? Lots! We are losing (have lost) the economic war. Give them more time. They will eventually win WWII.

Actually the Dutch and the British have owned a lot more of the US than Japan. Japan was never #1. After the bubble economy in Japan burst the Japanese companies sold a lot of their overseas investments at a huge loss. Japanese companies also used to own a lot of famous art pieces but sold them off when they started to go broke.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
The F-15s they have don't have all the goobahs.

Some of the so called goobahs are replaced with Japanese designed and built goodbah which are just as good. As far as the F-16, significant modifications were made by a joint US/Japanese team when the wings started to crack due to stress.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
I think it's a good idea, we're wasting money man-power and ships patroling thier waters. Let them do it for a change. We can pull out of Yokuska and set up shop with our ships in Taiwan or something.

Actually the primary reason that the Kitty Hawk is in Japan is so it is closer to Korea and places further west. Also did you know that the Japanese government has been covering much of the costs such as maintaining the bases, giving allowances for utilities, and letting the US bases stay in Japan rent free?

Setting up a base in Taiwan would be practically declaring war on the red Chinese.

BTW Guam is being considered as the home for the next carrier in Asia.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
Does anyone realize that the oriental mind is significantly different than the western mind? They think of war in terms of 100s of years. They lost the "battle" of WWII and continued with the war on the economic front. That a look around. How much of the U.S. is owned by Japan or China? Lots! How much of U.S. debt obligations are owned by Japan and China? Lots! We are losing (have lost) the economic war. Give them more time. They will eventually win WWII.

It's usually not a good idea to lump all "orientals" in one blanket statement. Unlike European countries where there was significant trade, wars, and cultural exchange the Asian nations actually were usually very isolated except in limited cass like China that accepted tributes from its neighbors for some of its history. Asia is a lot more expansive so the different civilizations had more breathing space and time to develop independently. Plus large areas of Europe were often under a single government. Rome is probably the best example. Closest thing Asia ever had to that was the Mongol empire but that was short lasting empire that conquered civilazations that were in many ways more advanced than they were.

So the Chinese and Japanese think very differently.

psssttttt.....China did win WWII. :wink:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Triggerfish said:
So the Chinese and Japanese think very differently.
I will defer to your knowledge since you are most definitely more expert on Asia and Japanese than I.

Triggerfish said:
psssttttt.....China did win WWII. :wink:
I know. I know my post was unclear.