Not Bad Company, just Bad News at Catamarans


New Member
That right. Paul Rodgers is singing with that hard, gritty band... what it's name????
Yeah, now I remember QUEEN. They aren't sissy or anything like that.
So, I must like those sissy bands hair bands from the 80's: Metallica (sissy max),Iron Maiden (eddie sissy), The Cult (cult sissy) and JP (priest of Sissyness) and who can forget the sissiest of the 80's Motorhead (Motor sissy).

Carefull object in the mirror may seem closer than they really are.


landshark said:
That right. Paul Rodgers is singing with that hard, gritty band... what it's name????
Yeah, now I remember QUEEN. They aren't sissy or anything like that.
So, I must like those sissy bands hair bands from the 80's: Metallica (sissy max),Iron Maiden (eddie sissy), The Cult (cult sissy) and JP (priest of Sissyness) and who can forget the sissiest of the 80's Motorhead (Motor sissy).

Carefull object in the mirror may seem closer than they really are.

Oh, aren't we touchy :killingme
I took you to be a Winger kinda' guy based on your preference of vocals!

Brian Howe's vocals are gay compared to Rodgers, period !.
Mercury was gay but the rest of the band are very talented musicians !
The Cult Rocks.
Priest's best recordings where in the 70's (even though Halford is as queer as a three dollar bill !)

The rest of your list has no one who stands out in the vocal department !

Howe has a good voice, but he is in NO WAY.....The voice of Bad Company. If you don't recognize that, you are really just trying to stir S*&T here.



New Member
aaltiere said:
Wasn't Blackfoot supposed to be there a couple of weekends ago? Did anyone go to that?
Don't know about the May 5th gig but they will be back with Molly Hatchet on July 28th 5:00:00 PM Ridge Maryland / Boatman's Diamondback Field.:larry: