Not black enough


Well-Known Member
So does that mean he has to talk like he has no education, carry guns, drive like a bat out of hell, beat up or shoot his baby's momma's?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Well let me ask this: does this guy think Obama is black enough?

After all, his mother was white

Sweet 16

He is not down with the cause.

But he is an intelligent, thoughtful, well-spoken, remarkable young athlete and college graduate with a proper upbringing. To imply that he shouldn't be that way because he's black is as racist as it gets!

I think Mr. Parker is a little jealous of RGIII.


New Member
Has he looked in the mirror? He's a pretty "white" black guy himself, so I guess he's not down with the cause either, SMFH what a stereotypical prude


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Rob Parker has a master's degree from Columbia, NOT the Columbia School of Broadcasting, but the Ivy League Columbia and he's "down with the cause"?


Just to let y'all cracker-ass crackers in on what's black enough and what's not black enough, I offer the following scenario for your consideration.

The guy in green is black enough - the guy is blue is not. (Until the 35 second mark - then he starts keepin it real)

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