I'm all for red light cameras because they are a significant means of improving safety. I would bet that anyone who has screwed up and been ticketed thinks twice before running a light again. I don't buy these arguments of emergencies, weather, divine intervention, etc. How often does anyone get involved in these situations to an extent that they would be forced, through no reason of their own, to run a light? Never? Once in a lifetime? I've been driving for close to 30 years and I've never been in a position where I had to run a red light.
I also don't buy the facing your acuser argument. Can you imagine a mafia kingpin telling the judge that he shouldn't be convicted because he doesn't have the ability to cross examine the tape recorder that recorded him talking about killing someone? Sounds as stupid as the can't question the camera argument.
Another problem is that people wrongly think that if they can no longer see the light when it turns red, they're legal. Wrong. If any part of your car is in the intersection when the light turns red, you've broken the law.
Red light cameras rarely catch people making room for ambulances, or sliding through a light due to snow, etc. They do catch lots of people who see the light turning red and think they can get through the intersection before the cross traffic starts moving, and these buttmonkeys deserve their tickets.