Not-So-Hot Noodle


nitwhit3286 said:
after seeing the dancers they have..he may not....I'm serious!!

If her husband has any taste at all he'll walk in there and walk right back out! That place blows! :boo:


New Member
We went there once and won't return.
They said that our ds's food was free (under 3) and since their children's menu is full of nothing but really fattening foods (fried chicken, pizza) I asked if we could sub a cup of rice with boiled chicken. Our waitress said no problem. The cost of the rice/chicken was cheaper than the kids' meals anyway so I didn't see why that would be a problem.

Then when it was time to pay, we got a 10 minute arguement that they wouldn't let the rice/chicken be free because it wasn't on the kids' menu even though our waitress said it would be fine.

They said "we'll let it slide this time but not next time." We said: "Don't count on a next time."

Thai Inter was excellent when we tried it!


New Member
mike44md said:
In the heart of Arlington VA, ive found the best Vietnamese food but then the neighborhoods are full of Vietnamese,while alittle far to travel I would imagine just like chinese food your best is in China Town. One great local chinese resturant is in Lusby next to the post office, fast and alot for the money.

There is no great Chinese food in the Washington DC area, and Chinatown is pretty poor. It's all so-so tourist quality 'American-ized' Chinese and those places that do serve truly authentic do it pretty badly.

I've heard it said about the DC area (and I kind of agree) you can get:

"Great" Thai
"Great" Vietnamese
"Good" Szechuan
and a bunch of other asian food.


Lem Putt
There's a Korean place opening soon in Lusby. I'm hoping it'll be decent and almost authentic. (But not too authentic. Dog = :barf:)


New Member
I wouldn't eat a pre-package meal I brought from home in that place. :barf:

BTW, spoke to an employee there and they are going to wash the windows today! Provided the window washing crap came in this morning as planned.