not so in love


But wait, there's more...
Vince said:
You don't know what you'll do until it actually happens to you.

in that case, my answer stands. :whistle: I also made him call his side honey and break their rendezvous plans which involved foriegn travel and some fancy-shmancy hotel in Scottsdale -- all of which was already paid for. :dance: It was such an amusing discussion to witness, considering she supposedly didn't know he was married. :lol:
RoseRed said:
Just think of the neat "gifts" he can bring you! :yay:
Oh great... does this mean we can expect a "How long should I wait before I get tested for STDs" tread soon...:popcorn:

Turd Ferguson

I Need a Life
1. change my name and Av every day :dork:
2. act like a complete ass all the time :moon:
3. pretend like I know it all and that I am funny :blahblah:
4. bask in all the tardtention I receive :shortbus:



I think coming on a forum and asking these types of questions for a matter of opinion is the silliest thing you can do.

First, are you married or just dating this person? Are there children involved? How many years into this relationship did this happen? There are so many issues to be looked at before anyone can give any kind of response with any kind of intelligence behind it. I am amazed how many people will say “LEAVE” “Once a cheater always a cheater” and not take anything else into consideration.

You say you work a lot and maybe he waited for your attention and it never came. This is what lends him to be attracted to somebody else and have an affair. Where there warning signs? Did you miss them? Do you even know what they are? Did he ever seem disappointed that once again he fell second to your career or other things in your life you put first? Or was it just for the thrill? The strange? The sex?

I’m not judging you, I don’t have that right, but there are so many factors involved and many self help books out there on the subject to walk you thru the decisions. There are so many other forums out there with many more people much more educated on the subject. You can read about those who had the affair and the ones who found out about it, both offering insight on the subject that you will not find here.

Good luck


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New Member
what a jerk he is

:howdy: u guys are right. he is not worth my time or energy. i told him to pack up and get out so i could live my life right with someone who understands me better. i am a manager and i have to work long hours so if he can't handle it then he shouldn't be with me