Not sure where i stand on this issue but here is a video (landmines)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Now yer talkin'! Let's invade their countries, kill their leaders, convert them to Christianity and remove them landmines! :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That was asbolutely hilarious!

"Foreboding, bump da da da bump da, BOOM! Americans, feel bad and guilty for not being idiots!"

We've been through this. After our civil war. After environmental disasters, PCB's et al. After 9/11.

We clean things up. We recover. Freedom has a way of making stuff like this very, very important.

Another way to look at this add is 'are other nations just to stupid to do things our way?'

If so, what value do they bring to the planet?

If they can't help themselves, should we?



I bowl overhand
Spoiled said:

I understand they protect south korea and keep people in 'gitmo' bay.... But use on an open battle field, eh what ever... post thoughts :) :peace:
Land mines used in an open battle field are force multipliers.... they force the enemy where you want them - the "Kill ZOne" .. they can keep enemies away from populated areas.. and can do this with little loss of American life.. it's a "win-win" situation.. used correctly they can change a lost battle into a win..

Now banning ALL landmines only effects those countries that would obey the law, and would hurt our country the most. Our landmines are "smart". After a given time, be it 24 hours or 31 days, they will self destruct.. so the danger of land mines doesn't apply to our stockpile, but you better believe if we agree to it, they'll want proof our stocks are destroyed..

The day of the "bouncing Betty" are gone for us.. we use mine deployment by cluster bomb, or mechanized mine spreaders, gone are the days of the dumhb land mine that sits in the ground for ten years waiting for some unsuspecting civilian to step on it..

BUT the video sure would give some planted terrorist over here some cool ideas


New Member
Land mines do not keep people in Gtmo. The US removed all of our mines in 2000 while I was living there. Land mines do keep Cubans out of Gtmo, however, as the Cuban side of the border is heavily mined and the Cuban military does not have accurate maps of their mines.


Lovin' being Texican
gtmobill said:
Land mines do not keep people in Gtmo. The US removed all of our mines in 2000 while I was living there. Land mines do keep Cubans out of Gtmo, however, as the Cuban side of the border is heavily mined and the Cuban military does not have accurate maps of their mines.

Don't confuse the liberals with the truth. It gets in the way of their message.


I bowl overhand
Spoiled said:

I understand they protect south korea and keep people in 'gitmo' bay.... But use on an open battle field, eh what ever... post thoughts :) :peace:
I've never served in Korea, so can't say if that is a fact, but in Germnany the border was mined by the EAST Germans both with buried mines, and mines located ON the fence, but if you ever saw it mentioned in their press it was OUR mines, and the anti-tank ditches were built to keep us out, but if you saw them you'd notice they were backwards, they were there to keep the East Germans in, not us out. So I wouldn't be surprized to find out it was the NORTH Koreans that have their side of the DMZ mined, not us... Now if you want to see something FUNNY as hell.. when it came time for the East Grrmans to remove the mines (WELL before the wall came down) that had been buried for 20+ years, making them too unstable to dig up, they used Polish Nationals with REALLY long poles.. They'd walk out into these minefields with these 20 foot poles over their heads and poke at the ground until a mine blew up.. then on to the next one..


Routinely Derailed
Poles with Poles...don't know whether to laugh or get mad...I think I'll have to do both....:killingme :oops: :bawl: :burning:


24/7 Single Dad
itsbob said:
I've never served in Korea, so can't say if that is a fact,..
Last time I was in Korea was '84. The entire country was built to go to war against the north. Straight streches of highways had air traffic control towers hidden behind bill boards, bridges over rivers were built on two levels. The lower level could be flooded to hide it from bombers. Defensive bunkers were all over the countryside.


I bowl overhand
aps45819 said:
Last time I was in Korea was '84. The entire country was built to go to war against the north. Straight streches of highways had air traffic control towers hidden behind bill boards, bridges over rivers were built on two levels. The lower level could be flooded to hide it from bombers. Defensive bunkers were all over the countryside.
Germany was about the same way, just not as obvious, if you didn't know what you were looking at you wouldn't know it.. Autobahns were made to be used as airports... pre-positioned ammo storage dumps.. war stock out the wahzoo.. ALL the tanks were there, you just had to fly in the crews to man them.. bridges were built with bore holes, where you just had to dump in demo, and BOOM, there went the bridge, no calculations, no demo emplacement..