For your consideration ...
I'm not prepared to indict Tom Hanks because of some blog on the internet, but since so many of those celebricreeps are pedos and sexual deviants it wouldn't surprise me. Ever since Cosby I'm just done with those people. They're all disgusting and people you wouldn't have in your home.
I think, most actors are narcissist sociopaths who are not grounded in any way. In the acting business, there is no office to go to. The work is all fragmented, on stage or film site. After a days filming, it's back to their individual trailers or home. In addition, acting really takes no special skills, (not saying there aren't some really good actors), other than the knowledge on how to deceive. So pretty much idle hands and idle minds, leave a fertile place for evil to play. With too much money and too much time on their hands, these people are ripe for being recruited into something, anything, verboten, as it elicits excitement and feelings they don't normally enjoy, in addition to being feeling accepted into these grotesque cults.
What I refer to as being grounded .... Take for example Daniel Day-Lewis, a very private family man who once even left acting to become a shoemaker for a while. And even took a five year break from acting at one time. Keanu Reeves is another good example of a well grounded actor.