Saw some of these - had a couple thoughts --
1. Years ago, I was in a church with a LOT of single people. Like probably over a thousand singles between 20-35. As Maverick would have described - a "target rich environment", but there of course were dating problems where people were a bit frustrated. And it fell to one guy to be a dating coach because he was described as a successful dater for over 10 years. And one of my roommates said immediately, unless he has no intention of gaining a girlfriend or a wife, I'd say ten years of dating means, he has NO IDEA HOW TO DATE. Just a lot of experience and ideas.
I never see the point in getting advice from ANYONE in ANY FIELD who has shown beyond any reason that they have zero expertise in the field.
2. The previous post reminds me of a comedy routine, where guys were asking this uber hot male model his secrets for getting women. His answer was, that you ask them and take them home to bed. That was it. And he was confused that his buddies hadn't figured out this OBVIOUS solution. Evidently oblivious to the fact that when you LOOK LIKE Magic Mike or Thor, that's kind of the norm.
This girl is rather attractive and doesn't appear to be overly bitchy or hard to get along with, but she doesn't realize that HER pool of men interested in her WILL consist of guys enamored of her appearance AND will go to greater lengths to keep anything going on with her.
To HER, sending Venmo money to buy her a drink from across the country or getting her a special bagel or constantly complimenting her - is NORMAL and the problem with her friends is, they settle for too little. Apparently unaware that for her friends, it's probably very rare for any man to be so awestruck by them they'll move heaven and earth for them. And kind of unaware of how little she intends to invest in THEIR lives.
Seen this kind of behavior in my extended family - and what happens easily half the time if not more - these women DO end up "settling" because they play this game too long. Or in the case of one niece - end up with a homely man with a heart of gold who gets fed up with them, and too late they realize how good they had it.