Note to self:


Watch it
desertrat said:
Do not fix the earpiece on your shades with heat shrink and try them on before it cools. :jameo:

Ah yes, that might just be painful. Kind of like putting your jeans on straight out of the dryer and having the dang hot button burn a hole in your stomach. :lmao: Not that I've ever done that! :whistle:

White Buddah

desertrat said:
Do not fix the earpiece on your shades with heat shrink and try them on before it cools. :jameo:
I did use heat shrink for my lanyard. I let it cool first. But it never crossed my mind to use in on my sunglasses.......looks like I have something to do today.
Ok, I have to confess, that didn't really happen. After I did the repair, though, I though about putting them on and thought, "boy, wouldn't that be funny".


In My Opinion
desertrat said:
Ok, I have to confess, that didn't really happen. After I did the repair, though, I though about putting them on and thought, "boy, wouldn't that be funny".
sure it didnt happen.

hows that burn cream working out for ya?