Nothing more fun than raising kids...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I had a big fight with the 17 year old last month about responsibility, right after graduation. 'You can go out and hang with the gang as long as you get up in the AM as you agreed to help me tomorrow at the greenhouses.'

So, next AM, "I don't feel good, I'm tired, I'm not working." I blew gasket as it was the first time she told me 'No, you can't make me'.

So, what happens last night? The same thing all over again. She got to go out, go to a party and then spend the night at girlfriends house, which she called me from before midnight to tell me she was there, as agreed. This AM at 6:30, a call "I'm tired, I don't wanna come in for a few hours. I'll work later."

I 1/2 blew a gasket. We argued for a few minutes, me hammering commitment to responsibilities, maturity being doing what you gotta dso even when you don't want to, she saying she shouldn't have to because she'd work later, what's the big deal, same stuff. So, I don't have time to argue besides pointing out that we'd just had this...conversation...a few weeks ago. I said 'be here by 7, good bye.'

As I sit here, my stomach churning and I'm tying to soothe myself with the college money I'm now not going to be spending while telling myself what a rotten parent I am for raising a good who, at this age, is still learning responsibility and commitment...she rolls in. Says good morning and off to the greenhouse to work.

That made me happy. That made me real happy.

John Z

if you will
I can't wait for this brand of fun.

Larry Gude said:
I'm tying to soothe myself with the college money I'm now not going to be spending

She decided not to go to college?


wandering aimlessly
Sharon said:
Hang tough Larry. :larry:
:yeahthat: They never stop pushing the boundaries. Stand firm. :gossip: And congrats to you guys for raising a kid smart enough to read Daddy's tone of voice.


I had this fun already. Glad those years are behind me. Good luck Larry, it's not over yet. :whistle:


I bowl overhand
I assume you pay her for her work. Seperate family and work, treat her like an employee, give her a warning and next time fire her. I take it she needs money to go out, does she have a car payment? She's 17 what kind of responsibilities does she have?

If she's not going to college it's time she find a real job and a place to live. I made a deal with my kids, they go to college they can stay at home, and I'll provide a roof over their head and food. They quit, or don't go, I break the dinner plate and change the locks.

Nanny Pam

Vince said:
I had this fun already. Glad those years are behind me. Good luck Larry, it's not over yet. :whistle:
Same here, and now the grandkids are testing the boundaries. :shrug:


My Sweetest Boy
Stop arguing with her..worst thing you can do, you are putting yourself at her level. When she pulls that crap, simply say, "no...this is [whatever you want/expect] and this is the end of the discussion and I am [hanging up or not discussing it further]." You'd be suprised how well that works.


Upper Charles County :-)
itsbob said:
If she's not going to college it's time she find a real job and a place to live. I made a deal with my kids, they go to college they can stay at home, and I'll provide a roof over their head and food. They quit, or don't go, I break the dinner plate and change the locks.

:yeahthat: That's the Deal I have with my kids too! Except my Deal also includes my paying books and tuition. Of course, they have to reimburse me the tuition if they fail or withdraw from a course.


Upper Charles County :-)
Larry Gude said:
As I sit here, my stomach churning and I'm tying to soothe myself with the college money I'm now not going to be spending while telling myself what a rotten parent I am for raising a good who, at this age, is still learning responsibility and commitment...she rolls in. Says good morning and off to the greenhouse to work.

That made me happy. That made me real happy.

Sounds like she's learning. Good Job DAD! :yay:


Supper's Ready
Hi all, still a newbie on this forum, and want to participate a little more. Good to get to know more of you from here.

My son just graduated earlier this month as well, and I couldn't agree more about this age. Like you (Larry), I've had my bouts with him over the responsibility thing. But I finally came to the point that I will not preach to him any longer, he's on his own if he can't handle it. As much as I want to help him, he doesn't want it from me anymore so it leaves me no choice.

I think he is about to get a rude awakening, and that's probably what he needs anyhow. I'm here if he needs help, but he has to ask now. And I don't mean the $$$ kind of help! This has probably been the most difficult decision for me as a parent. Hoping something good happens out of it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's what...

cattitude said:
Stop arguing with her..worst thing you can do, you are putting yourself at her level. When she pulls that crap, simply say, "no...this is [whatever you want/expect] and this is the end of the discussion and I am [hanging up or not discussing it further]." You'd be suprised how well that works.

...I did...and it worked.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
She has...

itsbob said:
I assume you pay her for her work. Seperate family and work, treat her like an employee, give her a warning and next time fire her. I take it she needs money to go out, does she have a car payment? She's 17 what kind of responsibilities does she have?

If she's not going to college it's time she find a real job and a place to live. I made a deal with my kids, they go to college they can stay at home, and I'll provide a roof over their head and food. They quit, or don't go, I break the dinner plate and change the locks.

...a job. I just need some extra hands here once in awhile and I want them to pitch in gladly, willingly and appreciatively.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Here we...

...MF'ing go again.

Just got back from a nioce college orientation trip...

Spent the night at bf's last night. Supposed to be at gf's house.

Here we effing go again....................................

Larry Gude said:
...MF'ing go again.

Just got back from a nioce college orientation trip...

Spent the night at bf's last night. Supposed to be at gf's house.

Here we effing go again....................................

But.... is her room clean?


My Sweetest Boy
Larry Gude said:
...MF'ing go again.

Just got back from a nioce college orientation trip...

Spent the night at bf's last night. Supposed to be at gf's house.

Here we effing go again....................................


I wouldn't care if she stayed at the bf's house. But she needs to stop lying.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
cattitude said:
I wouldn't care if she stayed at the bf's house. But she needs to stop lying.
She's only 17 so he (we) cares if she stays at BFs house. But I agree with you - the lying and sneaking must stop. She's too old for that now.