WASHINGTON (AP) - A man accused of raping his own daughter and posting video of the attack on the Internet was being held in Hong Kong Wednesday in what authorities called the arrest of one of the world's most notorious child molesters.
Kenneth John Freeman, a 44-year-old former sheriff's deputy from Washington state, was apprehended by Chinese police Tuesday using arrest information from U.S. authorities. It's not clear what Freeman was doing in Hong Kong, but ``obviously, he was trying to escape,'' said U.S. Marshals spokeswoman Nikki Credic.
Kenneth John Freeman, a 44-year-old former sheriff's deputy from Washington state, was apprehended by Chinese police Tuesday using arrest information from U.S. authorities. It's not clear what Freeman was doing in Hong Kong, but ``obviously, he was trying to escape,'' said U.S. Marshals spokeswoman Nikki Credic.