Now that FOX has admitted to lying about the 2020 election do you still believe with no proof it was "stolen"

Do you believe the 2020 election was stolen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 90.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
This is why I believe it was corrupted.

You have two of the biggest pieces of shit in history running against each other.

You really believe that everyone was rushing to the ballots en masse to eat their respective turds, the only difference is one had peanuts and the other had corn.

I have yet to meet anyone who was legit excited to vote for Biden, and I have yet to meet anyone who currently is proud that they did so.
I'd agree that President Biden didn't excite many. He didn't need to, that's why they picked him. He didn't get 81 million votes, he got 2 or 3 (not sure whether Hunter Biden voted). The other 81 million votes were actually for 'not-Trump.' And that number isn't hard for me to believe at all. It's actually about 1.5 million less than I had estimated would be cast in that direction. The 74 million (and huge increase from the previous election) cast for President Trump also isn't hard for me to believe. It's also a little less than I had estimated.

I think people on both sides of the divide fail to appreciate, respectively, just how popular (and why) President Trump is and just how unpopular he is. This was destined to be, by far, the greatest presidential election turnout ever based on that incredible popularity and unpopularity. Then you add in all the ways voting was made easier, and you get what we got. As I suggested, the overall turnout was actually a little less than I expected.

I think most people missed the indicative importance of what happened in the 2018 congressional elections. I won't get lost in the weeds of the statistical holy-cow-ness of it, but it was pretty holy-cow-ish. We saw a a 4 standard deviation event in something that had otherwise, though admittedly with a fairly small number of measures, fallen pretty well along a normal distribution curve.
Let me ask you a question:

Do you honestly believe that Joe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes? More than any other presidential candidate in history? 81 million Americans looked at that guy and said, "Man, THAT is a leader. THAT is who I want running this country."

Do you believe that?

A simple yes or no will do.
I can't answer that with just a yes or no, sorry.

As I indicated in response to Toxick's post - no, President Biden didn't really get 81 million votes. He got a few, the rest were votes against President Trump. And how many of those votes were legitimate I can't with certainty speak to. But I would have no trouble believing he got that many votes, even without [EDITED to fix typo] fraud. That's how despised President Trump was (though he was of course, at the same time, incredibly loved). Add that incredible opposition to all the things that were done to make voting easier and the turnout we saw shouldn't have been a surprise. I expected a little bit more, especially considering what we saw in 2018.

So the best short answer I can give you is: Yes, he could have gotten that many votes. Not because it was him, but because of the circumstances and who he was running against. President Trump brought out a ton of people who hadn't voted before - or who didn't regularly vote - on both sides

EDIT: I'd add, though I shouldn't need to as I suspect I've made this point in the past (though that would have been a long, long time ago)... I don't myself support this trend of making it easier and easier to vote. If you're not willing to go to some trouble to vote, then I'm not inclined to be bothered that you don't vote. But the reality is the reality, we continue to make it easier and easier to vote.
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Well-Known Member
Let me ask you a question:

Do you honestly believe that Joe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes? More than any other presidential candidate in history? 81 million Americans looked at that guy and said, "Man, THAT is a leader. THAT is who I want running this country."

Do you believe that?

A simple yes or no will do.
Only a low life POS democrat would believe that Biden won fair and square
So first off, they absolutely did not prove their system was secure and accurate. That wasn't even considered during the trial and almost certainly would be addressed in the settlement.

Second, I would be mightily surprised if Fox admitted to "lying". At most they would agree with the judge's assessment that they didn't substantiate their claims sufficiently.
I don't see where Fox actually admitted to lying. My best guess is the settlement didn't require them to explicitly say that.

But Fox's internal communications make it clear that they knew the Dominion claims were nonsense and aired them anyway. For one thing, they had an internal fact-checking department that researched the matter and concluded that some of the Dominion claims were "100% false."

Also, the issue wasn't that they couldn't substantiate the claims. They wouldn't have needed to do that. The burden would have been on Dominion to demonstrate that the claims were false. Really, all Fox would have needed to do was demonstrate that they didn't make false claims with actual malice. In other words, all they would have needed to demonstrate was that they didn't know the claims were false and that they didn't act with a reckless disregard for whether they were false. Based on discovery, they wouldn't have been able to get over that low hurdle.


Well-Known Member
That number... 81 MILLION is just staggering. Think about it. That means that 1 out of every 5 people you see voted for the Senile Messiah. THAT MEANS EVERY...SINGLE...PERSON! Teens, babies, etc.

EDIT: Sorry... the more accurate assessment is 1 out of every 4 people!!!
The burden of proof is not on Dominion. It was on Fox who made the claims their system was not safe or secure. They knew they couldn't prove that so they settled.

No one else has made any claims about their sytems and they have proven accurate in multiple hand recounts and multiple repeated tallies.
Dominion did need to demonstrate that the claims were false. That's an element of defamation. But it had already cleared that hurdle by the time the jury was selected.


Well-Known Member
To prove your claim of verified security you provided a document that explicity says that it doesn't cover security. You provided both your "proof" as well as the proof validating my very own claim. Why should I bother to find more evidence when you provided it for me?

It should also be noted that the fact that I found such a glaring issue with your proof within seconds means you either lack the capacity to understand the document or didn't read it. If you are arguing for something you don't understand or wont bother to put in even the most rudimentary effort to verify, then you are arguing from bad faith and it does no one any good to respond to you.

Go outside and take a deep breath.

If you claim Dominion system are not secure you msut show proof.

You have not posted a single link to anything other than your feelings.

No one is under any obligation to show you anything.

You should consider yourself lucky i showed you what i did considering there is no reasonable claim there is any issue with their voting system.

Which is why Fox had to payout $787 million.

All you continue to do is slander them in the exact same way since you are butt hurt about the outcome of a free and fair election.


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you a question:

Do you honestly believe that Joe Biden got 81 million legitimate votes? More than any other presidential candidate in history? 81 million Americans looked at that guy and said, "Man, THAT is a leader. THAT is who I want running this country."

Do you believe that?

A simple yes or no will do.

Yes. Did you also notice Trump got more votes than any other candidate in history?

That is what happens when you make voting easy and accessible to everyone and you take down historical barriers to voting that Republicans have traditionally supported.

Also Trump was the least popular candidate in decades, had alienated almost every group except non college educated whites, was making a disaster of his covid response and almost died from covid himself.

Is it any wonder that the man who was VP under the longest period of economic growth our country has ever seen was a a popular alternative?


PREMO Member
That is what happens when you make voting easy and accessible to everyone and you take down historical barriers to voting that Republicans have traditionally supported.

Liar ... voting has been easy and accessible for decades ... drive your lazy ass to the polling station ....


Well-Known Member
The 2020 election was clearly cheated and stolen. I didn't need Fox or Trump or anyone else to tell me that. A simple observation and the Democrats in their own words makes it absolutely clear. Did Dominion have a role in that? Maybe - I have no idea and nobody is allowed to investigate it or they'll be destroyed. That alone should make you raise your eyebrows.

But it doesn't. The Democrats own the media, and the media owns the populace. The end, no more to discuss. AOC and Chuck Schumer, just to name two, have been threatening Fox if they don't fire Tucker (and everyone else they don't like). Fox caved and did as they were told. If that's not politicizing our news media I have no idea what is.

Ya'll psychotic Dembots can make excuses all you want and point to your overlords' proclamations as "proof" - "We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing" - but that makes you the cultists, not me.

So great - you win. State run media that will offer no information that isn't approved/disseminated by the government. Yay you. :party:

Who was destroyed?

What are you talking about? Fox news and Oan are now state run media?

Why cant you prove any of your allegations about the cheating and how the election was stolen?

If you had any proof Fox news would happily give you your own program.


Main Streeter
That broader takeaway I referred to in the previous post is just reiteration of what I've been telling people for years. The real problem isn't that various media outlets (to include many that, ostensibly, are reporting news or news-opinion) spread misinformation. They deceive, misled and sometimes outright lie. But they aren't the core of the problem. They're just filling demand - much like dealers selling meth, fast food restaurants serving salty fries, and bartenders pouring double shots.

People, whether they're self aware enough to recognize it or not, want to be lied to. Rather, they want to believe what they want to believe and they want to be armed with supposed facts and various narratives which ostensibly support what they want to believe. And they want that more than they want to know the actual truth or be well and accurately informed on various matters. Sure, if the actual truth and a fair understanding of reality support what they want to believe, then they're happy with those things. But if those things don't support what they want to believe, then they don't want them - then they'd prefer to be lied to or misled.

What people by and large want from their chosen information outlets is ammunition - ammunition to support what they want to believe, mostly to make themselves feel more comfortable in believing it but also, I suppose, to use to argue to or with others. People chose who they listen to largely based on their sense or who best provides them with that ammunition. If you're listening to Tucker Carlson, it's likely because he provides you with heaping portions of the flavor of bullshit you crave. Likewise, if you're listening to Lawrence O'Donnell it's likely because he provides you with heaping portions of the flavor of bullshit you crave. Regardless, we don't listen to those information sources because we want to have fuller and fairer understandings of reality - delude ourselves and try to convince ourselves otherwise though we may.

There are no doubt media outlets with overriding agendas that would drive them to push certain narratives regardless of what a potential audience might demand. But that isn't the real problem. The real problem is that we want those narratives to be pushed. There's broad and deep demand, so of course there's going to be broad and deep supply.

The people at the top of Fox don't, for the most part, push the narratives they push (accurate or otherwise) because of an overriding ideological agenda or a controlling intent to push the world one way or the other politically. They don't employ the personalities they employ for such reasons. They're just giving their audience what it wants, or they were. Not much could illustrate that point as well as this case has. The internal communications revealed in this case paint a pretty clear picture. Most at Fox didn't believe the Dominion claims. They realized the claims were BS and it was wrong - past some point, perhaps even dangerous - to push them. But it was what their audience wanted and they feared that, if they didn't give their audience what it wanted, that audience would go somewhere else to get it. They could already see that dynamic playing out.

So there was a struggle: How far down this rabbit hole do we go trying to indulge our audience? At what point do we get off this particular train and risk their defection? When is it safe to do that?

Fox knew this narrative was poppycock. The meth dealer knows his fentanyl-laced product is bad. McDonald's knows its McGriddles aren't the healthiest things people can eat. But this is what the customer wants. So this is what the customer gets. That's the business most businesses are in. You have to be really good to (successfully) be in the business of convincing customers what they should want instead of what they currently do want. Most can't pull that off or don't even try. Regardless, to the extent there's blame to assign, most of it should probably fall on the customers who want what they want - whether they're willing to acknowledge what they really want or not.
Tilted... As usual, you nailed it. People are looking for their own echo chambers to get their information. Doesn’t matter if it's true information, just information they want to hear.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That number... 81 MILLION is just staggering. Think about it. That means that 1 out of every 5 people you see voted for the Senile Messiah. THAT MEANS EVERY...SINGLE...PERSON! Teens, babies, etc.

EDIT: Sorry... the more accurate assessment is 1 out of every 4 people!!!

There are 258million+- adults over the age of 18 in this country. 155million+- voted in the 2020 election, which is an enormous increase over the 2016 election (137million+-).

Joe Biden is so popular and beloved that people came out in droves just to vote for him, according to the Democrats. He didn't need to campaign, or even go on any TV shows - he didn't need to show his face at all or speak a single syllable. THAT is how beloved and overwhelmingly popular he is. WAY more popular than Obama, who actually had to work for it.

Or so the Democrats would have us believe.

I expect the mentally ill cultists to buy that, but it surprises me when people I considered thoughtful and intelligent spew that nonsense as well. Which just goes to show how powerful propaganda really is, and how the media leads us around. Go ahead and ask some Dembot what was so bad about Trump and I guarantee the first thing out of their mouths/fingers will be "racist" "misogynist" "white supremacist" blah blah blah. If you want to piss them off, ask them why they think Trump is these things - warning, though, wear a face shield because when they start spitting and sputtering there's no telling what disease you might catch from them. You won't get an answer, just a lot of screaming and ranting.

Then they'll run off and castrate a 6 year old to make themselves feel better.


Well-Known Member
Go outside and take a deep breath.

If you claim Dominion system are not secure you msut show proof.
You are mentally handicapped, right? Can somehow write, but not read? I DID NOT CLAIM DOMINION SYSTEMS ARE NOT SECURE. I refuted your claim that they have been shown to be secure. In every one of my responses I made it clear that it hasn't been shown to be secure, I never made the claim that they are not secure.

Lets give a car analogy, those are good right?

There's an accident. One motorist turned in front of another.
One side, the turning motorist, claims the other was speeding therefore they are not at fault.
They could not provide proof of speeding and settled with the other person's insurance.

Then some retard goes on a forum and starts claiming the second motorist never speeds and has shown their car is incapable of speeding.

And then everyone else rightly chimed in "hey retard, they didn't prove crap" and the poster then provides a copy of the motorists license and insisting this somehow proves the motorist never speeds. And when someone points this out the poster then starts frothing at the mouth and spouting additional ignorance and claiming others made assetions that they didnt.

Anyways, this analogy is getting away from me. My point is you should go petition to be the next bud covergirl.


Well-Known Member
You are mentally handicapped, right? Can somehow write, but not read? I DID NOT CLAIM DOMINION SYSTEMS ARE NOT SECURE. I refuted your claim that they have been shown to be secure. In every one of my responses I made it clear that it hasn't been shown to be secure, I never made the claim that they are not secure.

Lets give a car analogy, those are good right?

There's an accident. One motorist turned in front of another.
One side, the turning motorist, claims the other was speeding therefore they are not at fault.
They could not provide proof of speeding and settled with the other person's insurance.

Then some retard goes on a forum and starts claiming the second motorist never speeds and has shown their car is incapable of speeding.

And then everyone else rightly chimed in "hey retard, they didn't prove crap" and the poster then provides a copy of the motorists license and insisting this somehow proves the motorist never speeds. And when someone points this out the poster then starts frothing at the mouth and spouting additional ignorance and claiming others made assetions that they didnt.

Anyways, this analogy is getting away from me. My point is you should go petition to be the next bud covergirl.

So do you believe the 2020 election was "stolen" with the help of dominion voting machines?


Well-Known Member
So do you believe the 2020 election was "stolen" with the help of dominion voting machines?
I don't really have much of an opinion, I haven't done the research. I think IF (IF!!!!) there was considerable tomfoolery it had to do with mail in votes (being "lost" and/or "found" as needed) and much less likely to do with voting machines.


Well-Known Member
There are 258million+- adults over the age of 18 in this country. 155million+- voted in the 2020 election, which is an enormous increase over the 2016 election (137million+-).

Joe Biden is so popular and beloved that people came out in droves just to vote for him, according to the Democrats. He didn't need to campaign, or even go on any TV shows - he didn't need to show his face at all or speak a single syllable. THAT is how beloved and overwhelmingly popular he is. WAY more popular than Obama, who actually had to work for it.

Or so the Democrats would have us believe.

I expect the mentally ill cultists to buy that, but it surprises me when people I considered thoughtful and intelligent spew that nonsense as well. Which just goes to show how powerful propaganda really is, and how the media leads us around. Go ahead and ask some Dembot what was so bad about Trump and I guarantee the first thing out of their mouths/fingers will be "racist" "misogynist" "white supremacist" blah blah blah. If you want to piss them off, ask them why they think Trump is these things - warning, though, wear a face shield because when they start spitting and sputtering there's no telling what disease you might catch from them. You won't get an answer, just a lot of screaming and ranting.

Then they'll run off and castrate a 6 year old to make themselves feel better.
They could pretty much put this to bed with some meta-analysis. How many voters voted this presidential election that did not vote in the previous one. Of those, how many did so via mail-in ballot. That gives you a good pool to start looking at. Are they busy young people working 12 hour days 6 days a week that couldn't get time off to go to the polls? Or are they a borderline centenarian who hasn't left their long term care facility in 10 years? One of those likely represents a legitimate mail-in vote, the other might be a good candidate for ballot harvesting (especially if a large number of other residents of the facility also voted for the first time in years).


Well-Known Member
They could pretty much put this to bed with some meta-analysis. How many voters voted this presidential election that did not vote in the previous one. Of those, how many did so via mail-in ballot. That gives you a good pool to start looking at. Are they busy young people working 12 hour days 6 days a week that couldn't get time off to go to the polls? Or are they a borderline centenarian who hasn't left their long term care facility in 10 years? One of those likely represents a legitimate mail-in vote, the other might be a good candidate for ballot harvesting (especially if a large number of other residents of the facility also voted for the first time in years).

You say that as thought ballot harvesting is inherently bad. There is nothing inherently wrong with collecting the votes of others and submitting them except in states that have outlawed the practice as a means of discouraging elderly and disabled voters. It is only used to disenfranchise voters who cant otherwise make it to the polls.

While there is the potential for fraud that doesnt mean fraud actually exists and there are still other safe guards in palce to ensure those people who voted are actually voting.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They could pretty much put this to bed with some meta-analysis. How many voters voted this presidential election that did not vote in the previous one. Of those, how many did so via mail-in ballot. That gives you a good pool to start looking at. Are they busy young people working 12 hour days 6 days a week that couldn't get time off to go to the polls? Or are they a borderline centenarian who hasn't left their long term care facility in 10 years? One of those likely represents a legitimate mail-in vote, the other might be a good candidate for ballot harvesting (especially if a large number of other residents of the facility also voted for the first time in years).

There are a few skeptical types who've tried to dig deeper into these numbers and they've either been punished or denied access to the information needed. The 2020 election results are a deep dark secret and we are to accept what the Democrat government says are the results. Or else.

The very fact that they're trying to hide it should make us go, "Hey, wait a minute...." but you can see that the vast majority of Americans are content to go, "Oh well... " People who previously indicated they were smarter than that are just...."Oh well.....whatever AOC says....."