Originally posted by Kyle
As for the idea of combat tactics of WWII, Korea and Viet Nam, being outdated... I think that’s a bit naive.
Well, the basics certainly stay the same. But WWII, Korea, Viet Nam were fought without benefit of cruise missiles, night vision, SIPRNET connectivity, UAVs, etc. Those things change tactics A LOT.
In WWII, dropping atomic bombs to end the war was the right decision. (Say what? Doc just advocated indiscriminate killing?) The alternatives were much messier, and most likely would have lead to more deaths. If we'd had today's technology then, atomic weapons might very well not have been the answer. Maybe some well-placed cruise missiles would have done the trick.
Dresden would be an example of something that not only wouldn't be done now, but wasn't even necessary then.
My point: be very careful when you argue, "Well back in WWII we did such-and-such. It was good enough then, it's good enough now." Hey, we practiced slavery once too, and that seemed like a mighty fine idea at the time. We've grown up since then, and realize that it's wrong. (Well, most of us, at least.)