I don't have alot of time (should be working, but we all know how that goes), but I would like to respond to some comments. First of all, to FromTexas...the Clinton interview was conducted in March, 2003, almost a year before the first primary when no average person was paying attention. A candidate's job during that part of the campaign is to raise money, raise money, and raise money. A message and substance is developed later and that is what Edwards did. He was the first Democratic candidate to come out with a handbook outlining his proposals and they were very well-thought out and reflective of helping the middle and working classes. His website used to have it, but they've taken it off since he was announced as the running mate. Everything that I have read from columnists that are not of the conservative persuasion have said that Edwards is a wonk on domestic matters. He is not a big thinker on foreign policy issues, though, I will give you that. But he is noway unexperienced on foreign policy. To Sam, there is no way in hell that Edwards is a Qualye. Qualye was not nationally known, had not campaigned for president, and had zero national exposure prior to his run with HW. Edwards has already been tested and he received the second highest amount of Democratic convention delegates.
As for the ratings you cited Sam, thank you. At least there is a rating that is not distorted and used improperly. I can swallow that rating. These guys are Democrats, remember, they are more liberal than Republicans. But these guys are not in demeanor and stances, more liberal than Ted Kennedy. And to say that they are the "most liberal ticket" ever is a misnomer. Remember McGovern and his pot legalization? Or Mondale/Ferraro who promised racial quotas and tax increases for all rates?
As for the ratings you cited Sam, thank you. At least there is a rating that is not distorted and used improperly. I can swallow that rating. These guys are Democrats, remember, they are more liberal than Republicans. But these guys are not in demeanor and stances, more liberal than Ted Kennedy. And to say that they are the "most liberal ticket" ever is a misnomer. Remember McGovern and his pot legalization? Or Mondale/Ferraro who promised racial quotas and tax increases for all rates?