NPR Lies


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
NPR = National Public Radio

PBS = Public Broadcast Service

So #1, it's right in their freaking name. #2, why are they so defensive about being labeled state-affiliated media?

FACT: both are government funded.

FACT: both are hard left anti-Republican.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
NPR = National Public Radio

PBS = Public Broadcast Service

So #1, it's right in their freaking name. #2, why are they so defensive about being labeled state-affiliated media?

FACT: both are government funded.

FACT: both are hard left anti-Republican.
National Propaganda Radio

Propaganda Broadcast System


PREMO Member

Taxpayer-Funded NPR Promotes Billboard: 'God's Plan Includes Abortion'

Taxpayer-funded National Public Radio enthusiastically advocates for abortion on a regular basis. A few months ago, their show Morning Edition even aired audio of an abortion as clinic workers cheered it on. On Wednesday, their morning "news" show turned to Memphis-based WKNO reporter Christopher Blank, who promoted billboards supporting women driving up Interstate 55 from Tennessee to Carbondale, Illinois for abortions.

The star of the story was a hairdresser named "Queen" -- "we're not using her name due to privacy concerns." Blank described her as wearing a T-shirt proclaiming in capital letters "I WILL FOREVER AID AND ABET ABORTIONS." She explained "People make mistakes." Abortion is never a mistake, somehow. She's not ashamed of hers. The reporter and his subject were driving up I-55 when they came across a pro-abortion sign. The hairdresser was ecstatic.

"Yes! GOD'S PLAN INCLUDES ABORTION! It does! It does. I agree."


PREMO Member

PBS Blames Churches Following The Bible For 'Politicization Of Religion'

Correspondent Sarah McCammon joined her NPR colleague Michel Martin on Thursday’s Amanpour and Company on PBS to discuss her book, The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church because public broadcasting networks stick together. Naturally, Evangelicals’ relationship with Donald Trump and the “politicization of religion” was a big part of the conversation, but McCammon made it clear that her definition of politicization was that Christians do not bend their beliefs to appease the LGBTQ crowd.

McCammon, who also appeared on NewsHour back in March to promote the book, recalled that “we saw most people, frankly, as lost, as fallen. We believe that, you know, there are verses in the Bible about only, you know, a narrow path to heaven, and we really believed in that literally, and we believed that most people were not on that path, and it was our job to help them find it.”

That is standard Christian teaching, but McCammon tried to make it into something political, “And so, for me, you know, and I should say that Evangelicalism is a very big movement. A lot of different types of churches fall into that, and it's -- there's a spectrum of belief in practice, and so what I'm saying might not apply to everyone. But I think most of the Evangelical kids at my generation grew up with similar influences, a similar sort of concept of the world, similar views of human sexuality.”

With that as background, Martin later asked, “Fast forward, when did you see cracks in the dam? When did it start to break for you?”


PREMO Member
As you may be aware National Public Radio (NPR) has been put on the defensive lately after long time employee Uri Berliner, who currently is a senior editor at the business desk, went public about his issues with the public radio outlets hiring practices when it comes to ideological diversity. NPR's CEO Katherine Mahar (who has quite the fascinating history of her own) put out a statement denouncing Berliner's depiction of the organization and quickly various NPR journalists began to rush in to offer support for her statement.

One such offer of support was put up by NPR's Mexico City correspondent Eydar Peralta, who called Mahar's rebuttal 'smart' and 'nuanced':

But when he received pushback on his framing of the issues, Peralta showed that he has perhaps never actually listened to NPR... because apparently he thinks that the place isn't 'completely rotten by political ideology'.



Well-Known Member
Of Course Mr. Burliner is right The NPR is biased and he has spoken up about it.

But maybe my thoughts are a bit different . He was a Senior Editor.
Why did his conscience wait 25 years before it started hurting him.?


PREMO Member

NPR CEO: You Better Believe I Partnered With Gov't to Suppress 'Misinformation' About Pandemic, Elections

And by content control, Maher made clear in a remote address to the Atlantic Council in 2021, she means imposing censorship on any information or discussion to which the government objected on both topics (transcript via RealClearPolitics):

Conn Carroll calls Maher "Queen of the Karens" in a hilarious WashEx column today. Perhaps a better nickname would be "Big Sister." Carroll also notes her track record of government censorship, and what Maher found objectionable in that role:

She’s a vegetarian. She hates cars. And white men flying on planes. She supports race-based reparations, rioting, and the Black Lives Matter movement. She believes “America is addicted to white supremacy.”
She doesn’t want to become a mother because “the planet is literally burning.” She uses phrases such as “CIS white mobility privilege” unironically. She admits to growing up “feeling superior … because I was from New England and my part of the country didn’t have slaves.” I wonder what fuels her sense of superiority now.
As completely out of touch as Maher’s views are with the rest of America, the scary part is how willing she is to use her ample power to snuff out dissenting voices. Not only did she falsely label Sen. Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) New York Times op-ed on the 2020 riots as “misinformation,” but she considered it her job at Wikimedia to censor speech she deemed harmful. Such speech includes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, of all people, using terms such as “boy and girl,” which Maher believes is “erasing language for non-binary people.”

Let's reflect on Maher's point in this 2021 clip a bit more. She acknowledges that COVID-19 was a "novel virus" (true), "which by definition means we know nothing about it in real time" (also true). Maher also admits that we were "trying to figure it out as the pandemic went along" (also very true).

And in the midst of all this uncertainty and ignorance even in the so-called expert circles, Maher's first instinct was to suppress debate and discussion in favor of the government line. Not coincidentally, that was also the first instinct of Maher's predecessor at NPR, John Lansing. And it was the first instinct for almost all of the national media in the US, too -- to act as an arm of government to suppress debate at the very time we needed it most. Maher, Lansing, and other media and Big Tech executives involved in this Big Brother syndicate essentially froze that ignorance in place rather than allow for debate and dissent to test the policies and declarations of bureaucrats.

Maher and others of her ilk aren't trying to inform Americans. They're trying to trap them in ignorance and indoctrinate them in Bureauspeak.

That's not free speech. That's fascism, definitionally, as a combine of government and centralized corporate power enforcing the whims of the ruling elite.

NPR’s newest CEO, Katherine Maher
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Of Course Mr. Burliner is right The NPR is biased and he has spoken up about it.

But maybe my thoughts are a bit different . He was a Senior Editor.
Why did his conscience wait 25 years before it started hurting him.?
Because the trend in NPR became more pronounced as time wore on.
I saw the demographics politically over time - it got MUCH worse over the last ten years.


PREMO Member
All that "Misinformation" that turned out to be correct, versus the "Authentic" information that turned out to be BULL####.

Yep, lying liars ...

the whole mess was a self licking circle jerk

1. Democrats MUST Damage Trump
2. Democrats and Media create scary narrative - Covid is ' killing ' millions
3. I'm from the Gov and I am here to help, Democrats Lock Down and Social Distance requiring Masks * creating a solution for the panic they created - look at the continuing unhinged actions from Branch Covidians

*even though studies showed masks and distancing is useless and we have stupid counter intuitive rules like talking off your mask while eating in a restaurant, you can shop in a Big Box Store, but do not dare to attend Church


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Social Distance

That's one of those things that seems to have stuck.

I'm not complaining, just noticiing.

Every line peopel seem to stay away from each other still.

If I could only get them to follow that rule in the parking lot, it'd be great.


Power with Control
"obligation to sit within that good information"

Goddamn, and she's laughing, with no earthly idea how Orwellian that sounds.

"If only you all thought like I did, this would be a better world"

"Now, how do I ensure you only think like I do?"

"Ah, policies and structures"

"Now, eat the fertilizer I have produced out of only information I have decided you should have and you will think like me."


PREMO Member
Wikipedia CEO How And Why They Censor

NPR’s newest CEO, Katherine Maher
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