Nuclear Iran...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why do you say that?

I'd think somebody might believe them if they only wanted one or two, but twenty? No, that's not suspicious

France has about 60 with 60 million people.

Iran is nearly three times larger with the same population.

I think Iran is smarter than we are in terms of energy. With an advanced energy program they'll be ahead of the curve as oil heads into the sunset.

They'll have no issues as far as saving or using oil for themselves.

If we'd have gone seriously nuclear a long time ago Iran wouldn't have the cash to be doing squat. Take the largest user of a product out of the market and oil would be selling for $10 a barrel.

This is of our own making.


We need to get off our ass with alternative power sources, i.e. more nuclear powerplants, etc. Only problem with nuclear, is the disposal of the waste. Venezuela is going to cut us off soon for oil and that's a good chunk of our oil imports.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Vince said:
We need to get off our ass with alternative power sources, i.e. more nuclear powerplants, etc. Only problem with nuclear, is the disposal of the waste. Venezuela is going to cut us off soon for oil and that's a good chunk of our oil imports.

...but there are solutions and alternatives, yes? There's pebble bed rectors and then there's the reality that we are a generation or two behind in re-processing technology and experience.


Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:

Good point.

...not good point. If oil is running out in 50-100 years and we're supposed to be coming up with alternatives for our future, why wouldn't Iran?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
If oil is running out in 50-100 years and we're supposed to be coming up with alternatives for our future, why wouldn't Iran?
Yes, I can certainly see how they might want to decrease their dependence on domestic oil. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Now you're just being contrary...

vraiblonde said:
Yes, I can certainly see how they might want to decrease their dependence on domestic oil. :lol:

...the time to fix a problem you know is coming is before it becomes an emergency.

Unless you're an American. In which case, you wait until the last minute, pay top dollar and trouble shoot it while you're live.


Larry Gude said:
...but there are solutions and alternatives, yes? There's pebble bed rectors and then there's the reality that we are a generation or two behind in re-processing technology and experience.

Absolutely. We are definitley behind in the technology, but with a gov't that likes to dump money into rebuilding lost cities (New Orleans), where's the extra money coming from. This is one of the few points that Bush pizzed me off on. Yeah, now he is willing to start putting money into nuclear power, but that should have happened years ago. I will be dead and gone by the time technology comes up with a clean, alternative power source.


24/7 Single Dad
ylexot said:
Yeah, they just want nuclear power...:rolleyes:
Didn't one (or more) of their ayatollays (sp?) just come out and say it would be OK to nuke the enemies of Islam?
The thought of those radical wackos controlling nukes (or even nuke waste) is mighty scary.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
aps45819 said:
Didn't one (or more) of their ayatollays (sp?) just come out and say it would be OK to nuke the enemies of Islam?
Indeed they did. And they'll probably hit you first because you misspelled his title. :lol:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:

Good point.
That's been one of my observations all along. One of the world's largest producers of oil, with one of the largest reserves of oil in the world - and they *need* nuclear power?

That's almost as ridiculous as North Korea's "need" for nuclear power, when their current electical demand is so pitiful as to make the "need" a joke. Comparatively it's like needing a whole subway system to drive your kid two blocks down the street to school - their demand is WAY too small to warrant any nuclear plants.