NY: Homosexuals Win but Society Loses


In My Opinion
Wirelessly posted

Don't think your actually reading what I said :confused:

Parents can sign for their minor children to marry; yes? Said parents do not need to PROVE the child actually wants to marry; yes?

I don't see your issue here...are those above statements false? If they are then please show me the err of my ways.:shrug:
Teenagers who are under the age of eighteen must have the consent of a parent or that of a judge if they want to marry. Teens under the age of sixteen must have both parental and judicial consent before marrying.17
Basically the law in the majority of states.
Parents cannot force a child to get married, they can only give consent if the child makes that decision. (agian your hyperbole has been exposed)

until you can back up with proof what you said, I see no need to continue conversing with you in any capacity. You lie, and when caught you will try to say you said something else.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

bcp said:
Wirelessly posted

Don't think your actually reading what I said :confused:

Parents can sign for their minor children to marry; yes? Said parents do not need to PROVE the child actually wants to marry; yes?

I don't see your issue here...are those above statements false? If they are then please show me the err of my ways.:shrug:
Teenagers who are under the age of eighteen must have the consent of a parent or that of a judge if they want to marry. Teens under the age of sixteen must have both parental and judicial consent before marrying.17
Basically the law in the majority of states.
Parents cannot force a child to get married, they can only give consent if the child makes that decision. (agian your hyperbole has been exposed)

until you can back up with proof what you said, I see no need to continue conversing with you in any capacity. You lie, and when caught you will try to say you said something else.

Oh! See...now I didn't see where it said "they can only give consent if the child makes that decision." I must have missed that part.

Yup, I sure am a big liar...you pwned me for sure! :rolleyes:


In My Opinion
Wirelessly posted

Oh! See...now I didn't see where it said "they can only give consent if the child makes that decision." I must have missed that part.

Yup, I sure am a big liar...you pwned me for sure! :rolleyes:

Now that you agree you lied to embellish the facts to better your argument
Lets look at the second part of your flat out lie.
In many states, a parent can sign for a minor girl to marry an old man no matter what the girl chooses.
A parent can sign for a minor girl to marry and old man.
Proof of this? from ANY state. ANY
Or did you add that part of the lie to make the other part of your lie look even worse.
I will even accept it if you can find where a minor child can marry an old man even if she wants to...


New Member
Wirelessly posted

bcp said:
UNA said:
Oh! See...now I didn't see where it said "they can only give consent if the child makes that decision." I must have missed that part.

Yup, I sure am a big liar...you pwned me for sure! :rolleyes:

Now that you agree you lied to embellish the facts to better your argument
Lets look at the second part of your flat out lie.
In many states, a parent can sign for a minor girl to marry an old man no matter what the girl chooses.
A parent can sign for a minor girl to marry and old man.
Proof of this? from ANY state. ANY
Or did you add that part of the lie to make the other part of your lie look even worse.
I will even accept it if you can find where a minor child can marry an old man even if she wants to...

Yep, ya caught me.

Oh yeah, just so you know for next time...

Webster's said:
1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
Last edited:


In My Opinion
Wirelessly posted

Yep, ya caught me.

Oh yeah, just so you know for next time...

No No No.
Dont even try, this is about you knowingly lying to try and make a point.

I'm torn, are you really dumb enough to think what you said was true, or are you ignorant enough to think that EVERYONE here is stupid enough to believe your lies. Pretty insulting the the group if you ask me.

I guess we have to be a bit more aware of your posting style in the future.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

bcp said:
Wirelessly posted

Yep, ya caught me.

Oh yeah, just so you know for next time...

No No No.
Dont even try, this is about you knowingly lying to try and make a point.

I'm torn, are you really dumb enough to think what you said was true, or are you ignorant enough to think that EVERYONE here is stupid enough to believe your lies. Pretty insulting the the group if you ask me.

I guess we have to be a bit more aware of your posting style in the future.

Yep, you're totally right. I'm just an idiot. Will you please got off it now?! Sheesh! :yawn:


New Member
Wirelessly posted

Pete said:
Just checking but have you 2 settled this yet?

I think I've agreed with him a few times now. I think he's just so dang excited that he can't stop himself :killingme


New Member
Wirelessly posted

bcp said:
Wirelessly posted

It's UNA :smile:

No, Uno, as in one, as in single brain cell.

how do we know you didn't spell it wrong and are now just lying about it to cover up your mistake?

Good one :sarcasm:

Aren't you done yet? You're not even fun to mess with anymore...:rolleyes:


In My Opinion
Wirelessly posted

Good one :sarcasm:

Aren't you done yet? You're not even fun to mess with anymore...:rolleyes:

Perhaps it would serve you better to try and mess with someone that has no clue and will just believe your lies.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

bcp said:
Wirelessly posted

Good one :sarcasm:

Aren't you done yet? You're not even fun to mess with anymore...:rolleyes:

Perhaps it would serve you better to try and mess with someone that has no clue and will just believe your lies.

I'm sorry, is it supposed to upset me for you to call me a liar? It's nice that you think your opinion matters. You can think what you want of me but I can sleep at night without the hate, fear and anger you carry. It's really a little sad that your soul is so weighed down with this negativity. Sheesh, and they say women are emotional! Ah well, catch you on the next thread!


Well-Known Member
Can someone agree to just let this thread die a graceful death, say, by post 500? It's long stopped being a discussion of politics, and dare I say, only occasionally talks about the original subject but wanders into personal attacks.

I should think by this time, no one's opinion is going to suddenly change after 500 posts.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

bcp said:
Funny, I was under the impression she was already messing with someone who has no clue.

No, those that have no clue would be hanging on every lie exposed.

Welcome to her club.

Hear that everyone?! I'm a horrible LIAR! I state logical facts and am therefore lying!!!

UNA is a LIAR!!!!!

OK, can you please let it die now? Fine, call me a liar...IDC...not my problem if you cannot handle a statement of fact :shrug:

Now, does anyone have anything NEW to add to the discussion?


In My Opinion
Wirelessly posted

Hear that everyone?! I'm a horrible LIAR! I state logical facts and am therefore lying!!!

UNA is a LIAR!!!!!

OK, can you please let it die now? Fine, call me a liar...IDC...not my problem if you cannot handle a statement of fact :shrug:

Now, does anyone have anything NEW to add to the discussion?

If it was a statement of fact, you would have been able to prove it.
you couldnt, it wasnt yet you tried to pass it as such.

shame shame shame.


New Member
Wirelessly posted

bcp said:
Wirelessly posted

Hear that everyone?! I'm a horrible LIAR! I state logical facts and am therefore lying!!!

UNA is a LIAR!!!!!

OK, can you please let it die now? Fine, call me a liar...IDC...not my problem if you cannot handle a statement of fact :shrug:

Now, does anyone have anything NEW to add to the discussion?

If it was a statement of fact, you would have been able to prove it.
you couldnt, it wasnt yet you tried to pass it as such.

shame shame shame.

I said
UNA said:
Google "marriage of a minor", second result. A list of state marriage regulations WRT age. Many states allow a child to marry if the parents approve. This is a fact. I didn't see in any of the state summaries on this site where the parties involved had to somehow verify the child actually wanted to marry.

Like I said, can you find where it says that the parents of the child must prove the child is willing? Easy question; are the words there or not? :shrug: