NYT - Actions and Hot Takes


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With the Democrats solemnly marking the third anniversary of the January 6 Capitol riot, we could swear we remember President Joe Biden telling us that there was never an excuse for political violence (with the exception of the Black Lives Matter riots, of course). Biden even claimed that he and his wife had attended the funerals of all of the police officers who were killed that day by insurrectionists.

The New York Times thinks that political violence is a gray area and over the weekend published the thoughts of a climate "activist" on how political violence was justified in pursuit of his cause.

David Marchese sat down for an interview with eco-terrorist Andreas Malm. To his credit, Malm actually pushed back on the more militant aspects of Marchese's moral code.

I KNOW YOU’RE SAYING HISTORICALLY THIS IS NOT THE CASE, BUT IT’S HARD TO THINK THAT DEATHS DON’T BECOME INEVITABLE IF THERE IS MORE SABOTAGE. Sure, if you have a thousand pipeline explosions per year, if it takes on that extreme scale. But we are some distance from that, unfortunately.
DON’T SAY “UNFORTUNATELY.” Well, I want sabotage to happen on a much larger scale than it does now. I can’t guarantee that it won’t come with accidents. But what do I know? I haven’t personally blown up a pipeline, and I can’t foretell the future.



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NY Times: Migrants Keep Coming Because They Know They Can Stay

I find myself a bit surprised to see some of what follows in print, not because any of it is new but instead because things that have been obvious for a long time are now being published as true by the NY Times. The piece, which is labeled analysis, opens by noting that people are streaming across the border and turning themselves in to authorities to claim asylum for one clear reason.

Being hustled into a U.S. Border Patrol vehicle and taken to a processing facility is hardly a setback. In fact, it is a crucial step toward being able to apply for asylum — now the surest way for migrants to stay in the United States, even if few will ultimately win their cases…
In December alone, more than 300,000 people crossed the southern border, a record number.
It is not just because they believe they will be able to make it across the 2,000 mile southern frontier. They are also certain that once they make it to the United States they will be able to stay.

But here’s the really killer line which comes next: “And by and large, they are not wrong.” And because the system is what it is, word gets around. People who’ve made it in report back to those still trying to get here. And the word on the street is that no one ever has to leave.

Carolina Ortiz is a migrant from Columbia who plans to claim asylum based on the violence back home. But as the Times correctly points out, generalized violence is not grounds for asylum under US asylum law. There’s almost no chance Ortiz will be granted asylum but that’s a long way off. Her first court date is set for Feb. 2026.


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The NYT finally admits it: Schools are teaching our kids divisive critical race theory

Schools are just teaching honest history.

That’s been the lie educators, teachers unions and the mainstream media have parroted for three years in response to the growing chorus of parents of all political stripes asserting schools are indoctrinating the nation’s children in critical race theory and leftist politics.

Now the paper of record concedes we parents were right.

In a front-page article in Friday’s New York Times, “Ethnic Studies Collides With Israel-Hamas War,” education reporter Dana Goldstein exposes the truth about K-12 education.

The article is ostensibly about the blatant antisemitism embedded in California’s ethnic-studies curriculum, which must be in all public high schools by 2025 and a graduation requirement by 2030.

The legislation was pushed, of course, by the 310,000-member-strong California Teachers Association, the largest affiliate of our country’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association.


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REPORT: Biden White House Furious With New York Times for Reporting on Issue of Biden’s Age

Politico reported:

NYT publisher: White House ‘extremely upset’ on Biden age coverage
The New York Times Publisher A.G. Sulzberger said Monday that the White House is “extremely upset” about its coverage on President Joe Biden’s age but the newspaper will “continue to report fully and fairly.”
“We are going to continue to report fully and fairly, not just on Donald Trump but also on President Joe Biden,” Sulzberger said in an interview with The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.
“He is a historically unpopular incumbent and the oldest man to ever hold this office. We’ve reported on both of those realities extensively, and the White House has been extremely upset about it.”
Criticism over coverage of Biden’s low approval ratings and, more especially, Biden’s age has sparked disapproval both from the Biden campaign and some members of the press. News stories of Biden’s age gained even more traction among the press as special counsel Robert Hur wrote in his recent report, entirely without prompting, that Biden was “an elderly man with a poor memory.”

Republicans are used to dealing with a hostile media.



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Former NYT Editor: It's a Cult, and I'm Its Heretic

In a sane world, this would be satire. Instead, Adam Rubenstein's lengthy essay at The Atlantic attempts to inject sanity into a journalism industry that has turned into a partisan cult.

And when we say cult, we mean it -- all the way to the finger-snapping struggle session Rubenstein, a former Opinion editor at the New York Times, experienced in his orientation meeting at the paper. Charles C.W. Cooke immediately grasped just how ridiculous this introduction to the Gray Lady turned out to be, and how revealing:

Rubenstein's dilemma may provoke laughter, especially with the immediate and cultish response from his fellow new-hires, who sound as though they got recruited from an Occupy Wall Street encampment. But consider what this episode demonstrates about the cult at the NYT. This rebuke about Chik-Fil-A came from its human resources department -- the organization that ostensibly works to treat all employees equitably. The corruption of cult-think didn't just exist in the Times' editorial functions, which Rubinstein later attests, but it also permeated its corporate functions as well.

When Human Resources acts as an enforcer for the partisan and ideological orthodoxy, especially with new recruits, it reflects the cultish nature of the entire organization.

Rubinstein relates plenty of experience with the cult-think in this piece. As an opinion-section editor, Rubinstein took part in the publication of Tom Cotton's op-ed that infamously prompted a staff rebellion. Ultimately, the Times made Rubinstein and his boss James Bennet the scapegoats, but Rubinstein argues that both of them followed the normal process for publishing outside opinion pieces. However, Rubinstein also describes how the NYT processed op-eds that contradict the progressive viewpoint with much more review and top-down control, even before the issue came to a head with Cotton, which should be read whole rather than excerpted.


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The New York Times presents "late night therapy for libs" except in print and the next day. They also share gems like this:

“The White House physician wrote a summary of the president’s health and said Joe Biden is ‘fit for duty’ and described him as ‘healthy, active, and robust.’ In stark contrast with the former president, who is unhealthy, inactive, and ro-busted.” — STEPHEN COLBERT

It's almost as if Karine Jean-Pierre has taken a crack at writing "comedy."



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The police force has shown unwavering courtesy to Trump, a stark supporter of law enforcement, making “law and order” a major theme of his 2020 presidential campaign with more than 900,000 officers endorsing him during the cycle.

The NYT critically highlighted the “favorable” treatment Trump has gotten from the NYPD.

Trump continues to receive favorable treatment from the New York City Police Department. For a week, a large N.Y.P.D. dump truck has been parked in the intersection of Hogan Place and Centre Street, with a uniformed driver sitting inside. Minutes before Trump’s arrival each morning, the dump truck has pulled a half-car length forward, blocking news photographers’ views of him entering the side door of the courthouse. And this afternoon, like those before it, the driver did the same maneuver for Trump’s 2:37 p.m. departure. Via the NYT.

The left-leaning outlet claimed that Trump has a “complicated relationship” with law enforcement. However, they couldn’t help but point out how well-received and loved the former president is despite his “alleged crimes and condemnations of law enforcement.”

“[This is the] first time in modern American history in which police unions have backed a suspected criminal for national elected office,” the outlet noted.

[Trump] appears to like the idea, in the abstract, of supporting well-armed good guys who’ll keep the streets safe from scary-looking bad guys. But beyond the abstractions, there’s a reason President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign recently issued a written statement accusing the former president of ‘lying about supporting cops.’ Via MSNBC.



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Everyone Point and Laugh at Team Biden Hating the NYT for Not Being Liberal Enough

The comical tale of liberal eating themselves began with a seemingly innocuous mix-up between a Times reporter not on the White House beat being unaware with how to attribute quotes from a junior White House press aide becoming a hissy fit that resulted in the Times temporarily being kicked off the administration’s “‘tier one’ email list for background information about various briefings and other materials”.

“Biden’s closest aides had come to see the Times as arrogant, intent on setting its own rules and unwilling to give Biden his due. Inside the paper’s D.C. bureau, the punitive response seemed to typify a press operation that was overly sensitive and determined to control coverage of the president,” Stokols explained.

Stokols further summarized his tome as based on “interviews with two dozen people on both sides” about “the relationship between the Democratic president and the country’s newspaper of record — for years the epitome of a liberal press in the eyes of conservatives” that’s become “remarkably tense, beset by misunderstandings, grudges and a general lack of trust.”

Here came the first of many laughers as Stokols proclaimed that “the Times is unique, reflecting the resentment of a president with a working-class sense of himself and his team toward a news organization catering to an elite audience — and a deep desire for its affirmation of their work.”

Biden? “[W]orking-class sense of himself”? Please.


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Reporter for 'The New York Times' Caught on Hot Mic Demanding Colleagues NOT Interview Iranian Dissident

Earlier today, we told you about the alleged death of the Iranian President. Today, a rather interesting recording leaked. On this recording, a top The New York Times reporter is caught telling people not to interview a top Iranian dissent.

The host of the panel seems to realize how damaging this comment might be and begins to talk over Farnaz Fassihi and reminds her the mic is still on. Yikes!



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NY Times still can’t admit Hunter Biden’s laptop is real! What’s it going to take?

Facts are stubborn things, John Adams said, but not as stubborn as the New York Times.

Despite federal prosecutors, investigative journalists and forensics analysts all confirming that Hunter Biden’s laptop is the genuine article, the Gray Lady remains desperate to tear it down.

The latest broadside is an article published Wednesday, “Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Revealed by New York Post, Comes Back to Haunt Him.”


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New York Times Columnist Says What Other Leftists Are Thinking but Don't Dare Say

New York Times columnist John McWhorter has shown us this again recently by wishing someone would assassinate Donald Trump. Has he been arrested? Lost his job? Been publicly repudiated by his friends? Come on, man!

The Daily Fetched reported Thursday that McWhorter recently appeared on leftist Brown University Glenn Loury’s podcast, The Glenn Show, which has 123,000 YouTube subscribers. McWhorter was contrite — or at least as contrite as hardline leftist ideologues can get. He announced (at 17:49 here): “I have taken a great deal of heat for saying, or implying, that I wish somebody would kill Donald Trump. And that is exactly what I was implying. It was irresponsible —”

Loury jumped in to emphasize the point: “That is what you were implying.”

McWhorter agreed: “Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I said it. And it was irresponsible of me to say that in a public space. I really shouldn’t have said it here. Now I already did, and so, you know, I have to own it, I did say it. Somebody has asked, you know, ‘Do you say that in private?’ And, yes, I have said it often, and I have only halfway been kidding, and I’m gonna say it again, yes. And it is a smaller side of me. I should not wish for another person to suffer, even if it’s a hideous pig of a man like him.”

McWhorter went on to compare his statement to that of Cal State economist Julianne Malveaux, who wished that Clarence Thomas’ wife would feed him fatty foods that would clog his arteries and lead to his death. McWhorter also tried to exonerate himself by saying, “I fear for my country.”

Surprisingly, however, Loury was not convinced. He told McWhorter that he had known Malvaux since they were students together and called her a “firebrand.” Then he added, laughing awkwardly: “What you have said, I think is much worse.” McWhorter stood his ground, joining in the laugh but insisting: “No, it isn’t.” Loury explained, “Uh, do you realize what hell will have been unleashed upon the country if people start and continue to talk like that? You — This is not something that you can just casually throw around: killing politicians whom you don’t like.”