NYT hacks Hegseth's private email; publishes private correspondence between him and his mother


Well-Known Member
Uh, I do. I download my email to my laptop and it gets deleted on the server. Sure, it's in there somewhere, but not in my online "mailbox".

I'm not sure what you're arguing.
Poor clem,those pesky cold sores when he has to pee are bothering him again.


Well-Known Member
Emails come in and I delete them. That's about all I know about it.
However if someone wants to read them they are welcome.
They will get some really funny memes my friends send me and I send on to others.
Clouds ? Whatever it is microsoft does does and all that BS. If they want to tie up their computer with my horse crap deleted emails be my freaking guest.


Well-Known Member
You use and download your iCloud e-mail? Truly? You would be among the vast minority of people. I am not talking about saving PST files from Outlook, i'm talking about people who live on their apple devices and do everything in the cloud. People who are by and large not technically inclined. The people who are the reason the mouse for Mac computers only had 1 button for two decades, because a second button was too difficult.
Do you believe that everyone uses iCloud? Do you also believe that everyone owns an Apple product to give them access to iCloud? Or know how to configure an iCloud email account from their Windows PC? Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Do you believe that everyone uses iCloud? Do you also believe that everyone owns an Apple product to give them access to iCloud? Or know how to configure an iCloud email account from their Windows PC? Good luck!

No, I am fairly certain most do not. That said, Hunter used a MacBook pro so and doesn't strike me as particularly technically savvy, so I would assume he used iCloud.

But more importantly, the fracking SECRET SERVICE came out and said Hunter used iCloud and that accessing his iCloud account through the imaged hard drive constituted "hacking his iCloud account". I would argue (as I did above) this isn't hacking, they just used that term for the shock value, but it is unauthorized access.