Obama’s College Classmate: ‘The Obama Scandal Is a



I don't think Obama "hates America" ......

considering Michelle, was not 'Proud' of her country until her old man was elected president, I would say there are some deep seated issues there ...

Soetoro was raised by Marxists / Communists .... spent his adult life paling around with the likes of Bill Ayres .... etc

he despises America as She is Right now, and wants a socialist state ......

everyone has a 'living wage' job, healthcare, Gov. Provided Housing, Free College Education ... Plasma Screen TV's Hybrid Cars, lives close into the cities, abandoning the country side, back to nature ..... no meat, nuts and berries .....

look at recent comments when Barry gets off the Teleprompter

... you didn't build that ....

Obama’s rough month off the teleprompter

Now we know why President Obama is so fond of his teleprompter. Over the past month, Obama has made three major gaffes in off the cuff remarks on the economy.

First, on June 8th he said in response to a weak jobs report:

The truth of the matter is that, as I said, we created 4.3 million jobs over the last 27 months, over 800,000 just this year alone. The private sector is doing fine. Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government. Oftentimes cuts initiated by, you know, Governors or mayors who are not getting the kind of help that they have in the past from the federal government and who don’t have the same kind of flexibility as the federal government in dealing with fewer revenues coming in.

He retracted the "doing fine" assessment within hours. Next, on July 13th Obama said in Roanoke, Virginia:

If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.

The Obama campaign has since created two web videos claiming the quote is taken out of context and Obama himself filmed an ad trying to explain what he meant to say. Finally, on July 24th Obama told a crowd in Oakland, California:

Just like we’ve tried their plan, we tried our plan -- and it worked.

Unemployment nationally is at 8.2 percent and unemployment in Oakland, California is 13.7 percent.

Joe the Plumber : at some point you have made enough money .....


Harley Rider
I don't think Obama "hates America" and I'm getting tired of both sides saying the other sides "hates America" when they disagree with them. It's gotten tiresome.
As for Romney, there's just no evidence he'd be any different. Obama is nothing more than Bush on steroids and Romney's not offered up a whole lot of plans. Romney's entire campaign has been based on "vote for me and trust me", yet he has multiple positions on every single issue. He claims he'll "repeal Obamacare" yet he's the grand architect and his campaign advisers, just yesterday, basically defended it when trying to defend Romney's record.
Most glaring in that is that Romney closed loopholes and made cuts to aid that forced counties to raise taxes. Romney now opposes closing any tax loopholes because, let's be honest, he's every bit as interested in playing the class warfare game as Obama.
Simply put, we have no idea what we're going to get with Romney. Are we going to get a moderate conservative like Ronald Reagan, are we going to get a TEA Party conservative like Bachmann or (and this is most likely) are we going to end up with the Romney that governed Massachusetts in the same way Obama's governing America?
:shrug: There's just no hope for you blind liberals! No one with one brain cell could ever think that America is doing better under the alien regime. Your sources are soo flawed but, WTH, you'll never see it.

Even if Romney had only 3 outstanding qualities, they're wwaayyy more better than the alien's. Jobs, the economy and America's sovereignty are all traits that Romney has already shown. Lie if you want, use those biased left wing sources, but you cannot deny it.
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Well-Known Member
Wayne Allyn Root can't remember Obama because "they" all looked alike to him! :dye:

The irony is that you can't see how racist that statement is.

JPC will be along directly to lube you up and chastise you.