Obama Breaking Tenth Commandment


New Member
With BHO's campaign of class envy and redistributing the wealth aas he calls it, he is in direct violation of the Tenth Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Goods"

His whole life and campaign and now his Presidency is based on making people covet other's wealth and Goods. Bonuses too big, and now wage control.


24/7 Single Dad
Since the Catholic church give communion to supporters of abortion, don't think that "covet" thing is high on the list of broken commandments.


With BHO's campaign of class envy and redistributing the wealth aas he calls it, he is in direct violation of the Tenth Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Goods"

His whole life and campaign and now his Presidency is based on making people covet other's wealth and Goods. Bonuses too big, and now wage control.

This is a losing argument. Obama doesn't believe they are "thy neighbor's goods". He believes they are his goods to be taken and used for his pleasure.
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