Obama is a 'liar' on abortion


New Member
Mrs. Stanek worked at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois from 1993 to 2001. When she worked in the hospital's Labor and Delivery Department she saw that babies who survived abortion attempts were left to die alone in supply rooms. They could linger for as long as eight hours, without medical care, without even the dignity of a warm blanket or a soft touch. Their tiny bodies were then dumped in the trash. Mr. Obama's spiritual mentor served on the board of the hospital. Mrs. Stanek went on a public crusade to protect these children.

Washington Times - EDITORIAL: Obama is a 'liar' on abortion


Habari Na Mijeldi
Jill Stanek Admits Mistake to Chicago Tribune

Jill Stanek Admits Mistake to Chicago Tribune on Obama's Abortion Record

Eric Zorn of the Chicago Tribune deserves a Pulitzer Prize for this: Jill Stanek told him she was mistaken in her blog posts this earlier year about what Sen. Obama did in the Illinois Legislature on the "Born-Alive Infant Protection Act."

Jill Stanek's direct quote in the Tribune was "A mistake."
I wrote Eric Zorn to make sure I was reading his article correctly and he confirms, she is acknowledging her mistake.

I respect Jill for that. But the mistake has created a firestorm in the anti-choice blogosphere, and may still be the subject of a major 527 campaign trying to distort Obama's record. It is hard to put the facts back in perspective when the lies have spread so far, and once they are on TV, only a TV rebuttal can hope to effectively counter those lies. In this campaign we are also seeing amazing lies under the radar in email, and of course the widely discredited Jerome Corsi book, but we also see how this smear machine has impacted the polls.

Curiously, Jill Stanek has posted almost every other bit of recent media on the topic on her blog, continuing to push the story, but has not mentioned her admission to the Tribune that she is mistaken.

Sen. Obama said flat out the people promoting the misinformation were lying. For the past two days Jill and others have pushed back on that.
I'll give Jill the benefit of the doubt on the mistake and say that the lies being spread came as a result of her mistake. She was a key witness at the hearings in question, so the anti-choice community has trusted her on the issue. They have spun it wildly from there, but even Jill couldn't bring herself to fully quote the explanation the campaign recently gave on her blog, making it appear she had Obama in a "gotcha" moment. The Obama campaign has released a detailed explanation of events.

This is a classic example of the way the far-right spreads misinformation, and through its repetition by anti-choice zealots who believe everything they read on Jill's blog, or Lifesite.com, or any of the other major anti-choice blogs, it becomes an accepted fact within their community. Even many in the mainstream media then buy into the anti-choice framing of issues, because it appears to be so widely accepted.

Jill Stanek Admits Mistake to Chicago Tribune on Obama's Abortion Record | Reproductive Health | RHRealityCheck.org


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nonno, stop. Seriously. Barack Obama is on public record as opposing not one, but TWO, born alive bills.

Here it is, straight from your beloved FactCheck:
FactCheck.org: Obama and 'Infanticide'

Again, rather than trying to pretend that Obama did no such thing, when it's a matter of public record that indeed he did, why not make the case that it was a bad bill and he was right to oppose it?


Lovin' being Texican
Again, rather than trying to pretend that Obama did no such thing, when it's a matter of public record that indeed he did, why not make the case that it was a bad bill and he was right to oppose it?

Nono doesn't read all his links or the discrediting links embedded in his own links. It's great because it further discredits all his opinions.