Obama is a man of his word...


New Member
his pledge to meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without precondition to his declaration that Hamas and Hezbollah have "legitimate grievances" and his promises to surrender in Iraq.

Gee, and we want this guy as President?


New Member
his pledge to meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without precondition to his declaration that Hamas and Hezbollah have "legitimate grievances" and his promises to surrender in Iraq.

Gee, and we want this guy as President?

No: WE don't.

Some people in this forum feel that the United States is like a drug addict. The we cannot help ourselves until we hit bottom.

They are voting for Obama to help us hit bottom faster.


No Use for Donk Twits
Oh... now I get it. That was a real funny one!

Took awhile but it means there is still hope for you yet.

On another note, since you're sleeping with the presumptive Democratic nominee, you think he should pick the hag as his VP? I want to see her inaugural pantsuit and Bubba's inaugural gown.


No: WE don't.

Some people in this forum feel that the United States is like a drug addict. The we cannot help ourselves until we hit bottom.

They are voting for Obama to help us hit bottom faster.
He will definitely help us hit bottom, but the Dems will sit there and deny we've hit bottom or that there's anything wrong in the country. :shrug: I give up. You can't fix stupidity.


New Member
Remember when George Bush tried to fix Social Security and the Dems claimed it didnt need fixing? Now they are trying to blame it not being fixed on: You guessed it, George Bush.

Go G-Men

New Member
Remember when George Bush tried to fix Social Security and the Dems claimed it didnt need fixing? Now they are trying to blame it not being fixed on: You guessed it, George Bush.

Well neither Obama or McCain will be able to fix things. The only people who can fix things are the American people. Throw the whole lot out of Washington and put real Americans in place with a mandate to fix the system. The political system is so screwed up now that even the best candidate available to us (take your pick) won't be able to do squat.


New Member
Remember when George Bush tried to fix Social Security and the Dems claimed it didnt need fixing? Now they are trying to blame it not being fixed on: You guessed it, George Bush.

a tree fell, blame Bush. He had a great plan, but it was not a give away, tax the rich plan. So it failed.