Obama resisters claim campaign to silence blogs




She wasn’t the only one: several anti-Obama blogs, many of them linked from JustSayNoDeal.com (a site with no contact information or statement of control or funding) were knocked off of Blogger. Says “GeekLove,” a pro-Hillary blogger who wouldn’t give her name:

“I suspect that it was Obama supporters because I think the block was timed to affect blogs prior to the unity event so that we would not ‘rain on the unity parade,’ GeekLove said. “Also, Obama has ads out hiring people with no experience, except the ability to use computers. I presume these are the individuals responsible for silencing any opposition. His campaign has really harnessed the power of the internet and in the process learned to game the system in a way that I find frightening.”

Obama resisters claim campaign to silence blogs

Bloggers now have to be 'politically correct'!!!!!!

Since the US media has ordained that Obama WILL BE the next president of the United states, come h*ll or high water, could it be that someone does not any truth about Obama coming out?

How soon will only 'Racists' oppose him or say anything but that he "walks on water"?

How come his possible muslem ties (radical muslems for dad & step-dad) are 'untouchable' but Huckabee's Christian ties were constantly pointed out? When did you hear or read anything about Huckabee that didn't remind you of his roots and being a Pastor?

He and his wife tout their closeness but we aren't supposed to pay any attention to or discuss anything she says about America? Close couples influence each other every day.

Granted, he is not responsible for his friends/mentors actions 40 years ago but he is responsible for choosing them and staying close to them once he knew what their 'core values' really are.

And McCain, a RINO, is the media's selection to oppose him since they know he cannot win.

Posted by: BobH2 Posted on: 07/02/08


vger_z - 07/02/08

What did you expect?? Hussein Obama and his supporters are and use marxist methology to silence the opposition. They will stoop at nothing to keep you small and meek and quiet. Get ready for the brave new world of change. Obama or Orwellein style. Pick the one you like.

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Lovin' being Texican


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New Member

I wish we could silence all the political blogs, and silence talk radio and MSNBC, CNN and FOX News and all the political talking heads (Republican and Democrat) who aim to distract us from the real issues.

In fact, I think we need to go back to the days of getting our news from a 6:00 pm newscast where the anchor just delivers the news in a flat stale voice. That would be effing fantastic. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

While at it, let's also silence Bruzilla. :pete:

It's too damn bad that Tim Russert's dead. :ohwell: He was the best pundit on TV. All of these other cats have too much of an agenda one way or the other. I think these pundits should be required to have a degree in journalism before they can even think about going on to cable news and spewing their worthless drivel.


Lovin' being Texican
In other words....

I wish we could silence all the political blogs, and silence talk radio and MSNBC, CNN and FOX News and all the political talking heads (Republican and Democrat) who aim to distract us from the real issues.

... you wish Robert would disappear? When did you intend to tell him you were through?


Well-Known Member
It's too damn bad that Tim Russert's dead. :ohwell: He was the best pundit on TV. All of these other cats have too much of an agenda one way or the other. I think these pundits should be required to have a degree in journalism before they can even think about going on to cable news and spewing their worthless drivel.

Oh yeah. Like Tim. Wait. He has a law degree. You said journalism, right? SO that'd be people like Bill O'Reilly, Dan Rather and Maury Povich.


New Member
Oh yeah. Like Tim. Wait. He has a law degree. You said journalism, right? SO that'd be people like Bill O'Reilly, Dan Rather and Maury Povich.
Maury used to have a show on MSNBC that was actually very good.

Dan Rather is someone I have a lot of respect for. It just turns out that righties didn't like someone who was fair and balanced because he attacked their hero George Bush.

Bill OReilly - no comment.

I'm just sick of the people like Ann Coulter, Keef Olbermann, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, James Carville, Rachel Maddow, Mika Brzezinski, the mouth breathers over at ScareAmerica Radio, etc, etc.

Carville got his week in the spotlight and ate it up.

These people don't report the news anymore, they try to be the news.


New Member
Lets have some brain dead gal (good looker) dribble out the state run news. Turn to the soviet channel, thats what you get.

$400 million for Rush? Now thats got to have the Libs making funny noise real soon.


Maury used to have a show on MSNBC that was actually very good.

Dan Rather is someone I have a lot of respect for. It just turns out that righties didn't like someone who was fair and balanced because he attacked their hero George Bush.

Bill OReilly - no comment.

I'm just sick of the people like Ann Coulter, Keef Olbermann, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, James Carville, Rachel Maddow, Mika Brzezinski, the mouth breathers over at ScareAmerica Radio, etc, etc.

Carville got his week in the spotlight and ate it up.

These people don't report the news anymore, they try to be the news.

I would like to point out every person on your list, except maybe the last 2, are not REPORTERS they are COMMENTATORS. They get paid to comment on the news from their angle and give their opinions.

Dan Rather! You have got to be kidding me. The dude is supposed to be a REPORTER who got caught in a fabricated lie, then threw his producer under the bus after denying it for weeks didn't work. Not only does he suck he has the integrity and character of a Main Street pimp and that is not even mentioning his sit down grip and grin empathy party with Saddam hours before the war.

BTW what are Bill O'Reily's numbers?
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Lovin' being Texican
I would like to point out every person on your list, except maybe the last 2, are not REPORTERS they are COMMENTATORS. They get paid to comment on the news from their angle and give their opinions.

Dude, he's only 20. That's too complicated a distinction. Talk in NASCAR please.


New Member
I would like to point out every person on your list, except maybe the last 2, are not REPORTERS they are COMMENTATORS. They get paid to comment on the news from their angle and give their opinions.

This is my problem with the 24/7 news cycle. They have commentary, not news.

CNN = Cable News Network
FNC = FOX News Channel
MSNBC = Microsoft News Business Channel

And now, look at 'em. They're all rushing to be the top cable network for politics information. The only one who's properly advertised themselves as a channel of constant politican commentary is MSNBC, with their animated "THE PLACE FOR POLITICS" logo on the bottom of the screen.

None of them report the news, they give you constant opinion of the news.


New Member
BTW what are Bill O'Reily's numbers?
This is why I refuse to comment on O'Reilly. He's actually nowhere near as bad as the mouth breathers at MSNBC.

Last time I watched his show, he was talking about some of Obama's comments and had one person from the McCain camp and one person from the Obama camp on to discuss. :faint:

Then, he talked about some kid getting suspended from school for having an American flag t-shirt or something dumb like that. He had the boy and his parents on, then he had lawyers from the school and school board on. :faint:

I'm not a big fan of O'Reilly because he, himself, is pretty biased. His show, on the other hand, is not biased. In fact, everytime I watch these moonbats on pmsnbc and CNN, I wish he was on there to throw out the :bs: flag.

In fact, all cable channels should have an animated :bs: flag. Like how FOX had "Digger" for the races. Everytime someone tells a lie or says something utterly inane, they should have Digger wave the bs flag. That would be a good start. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Dan Rather is someone I have a lot of respect for. It just turns out that righties didn't like someone who was fair and balanced because he attacked their hero George Bush.

Attacked? Or continued to foist a complete fabrication on the public as the unvarnished truth? This is "journalism"? Making #### up instead of just giving your opinion?

I admit I never really liked Dan Rather, but it really didn't have to do with his politics, but his sensationalist bent. He seemed to be on par with Geraldo Rivera.


Obama destroyed America
Dan Rather is someone I have a lot of respect for. It just turns out that righties didn't like someone who was fair and balanced because he attacked their hero George Bush.
:faint: :killingme

Andy, you're really something. Dan is lucky he wasn't sued for slander.
Did you see the interview where George 41 handed Danny his ass on live TV?? :killingme


New Member
:faint: :killingme

Andy, you're really something. Dan is lucky he wasn't sued for slander.
Did you see the interview where George 41 handed Danny his ass on live TV?? :killingme
He was just as heartless to liberals, too. :duh:

I bet you righties won't be linking to the interviews he had with Dan Rather and other lefties when the lefties were proclaiming bias.


New Member
Attacked? Or continued to foist a complete fabrication on the public as the unvarnished truth?
CBS got the #### from someone who worked with Bush. They lied.

Though it turns out all of Bush's records were destroyed....Odd. :coffee:

That wasn't all on Dan Rather, most of it was on the background people over at CBS. :shrug:


Lovin' being Texican
CBS got the #### from someone who worked with Bush. They lied.

Though it turns out all of Bush's records were destroyed....Odd. :coffee:

That wasn't all on Dan Rather, most of it was on the background people over at CBS. :shrug:

What is the flavor of the Libtard Kool Aid today?