Obama resisters claim campaign to silence blogs


Well-Known Member
CBS got the #### from someone who worked with Bush. They lied.

Though it turns out all of Bush's records were destroyed....Odd. :coffee:

That wasn't all on Dan Rather, most of it was on the background people over at CBS. :shrug:

Dan knew it was fabricated, and ran with it anyway. After this was exposed, he defended doing it. The man may have a journalism degree, but it's meaningless.


This is my problem with the 24/7 news cycle. They have commentary, not news.

CNN = Cable News Network
FNC = FOX News Channel
MSNBC = Microsoft News Business Channel

And now, look at 'em. They're all rushing to be the top cable network for politics information. The only one who's properly advertised themselves as a channel of constant politican commentary is MSNBC, with their animated "THE PLACE FOR POLITICS" logo on the bottom of the screen.

None of them report the news, they give you constant opinion of the news.
First MSNBC is a combination of MicroSoft and NBC and "NBC" stands for National Broadcasting Company not News Business Channel.

Second they inform and entertain. Reading the same story about an escaped Chimp at the Denver Zoo or a 5 car accident in Boise Idaho 65 times a day would equate to zero ratings. They report the news then provide other venues for commentary on world issues.

If you were older than 12 you might remember the pre cable days when all the news worth reporting was accomplished in 30 minutes a night with Walter Cronkite which was arguably straightforward and without bias.

They all provide the 30 minutes of "news" and 23 hours and 30 minutes of information and commentary complete with bias and it must work because tons of people watch it.........like you.

It is amusing that you get so wound up in what these people do and say like it is a legal document.

Remember your kirk out back when you were running around :jameo: with Olbermanns proclamation that Iraq was not officially a civil war? Funny, I haven't heard shiat about that in years but you were convinced that since Olbermann that giant headed mouth breather said it, it had to be true.

It is news/entertainment! Stop taking it so seriously.


Lovin' being Texican
Dan knew it was fabricated, and ran with it anyway. After this was exposed, he defended doing it. The man may have a journalism degree, but it's meaningless.

Dan Rather is an unreconstructed Camelotist. If he hadn't been in Dallas when Kennedy was shot by every Mafioso and Cuban dissident and Johnson supporter in the Central U.S. he might have died in obscurity, a worthless stringer.


CBS got the #### from someone who worked with Bush. They lied.

Though it turns out all of Bush's records were destroyed....Odd. :coffee:

That wasn't all on Dan Rather, most of it was on the background people over at CBS. :shrug:

Being vocal isn't bad.

Being retarded isn't bad.

Being a vocal retard makes baby Jesus cry.

Shame on you for making baby Jesus cry. :smack:


New Member
Dan knew it was fabricated, and ran with it anyway. After this was exposed, he defended doing it. The man may have a journalism degree, but it's meaningless.
He defended saying the document turned out to be fake - but the story itself was not. Everybody knows that. Instead od countering the story, righties just like to attack Dan.

Yet, somewhere, somehow, all of Bush's Nat'l Guard documents went *POOF* quicker than Azzy MPDs just like "lots and lots" of emails regarding the albiet legal firing of Federal judges went *POOF*

And after all the SBVFT crap, we all knew people were going to go after Bush. There was a resounding amount of evidence Bush was behind all that. Yet the righties continue to say he wasn't.

And I highly doubt any righties on here are going to post videos where Dan Rather went after leftists and called them out. :duh:


Lovin' being Texican
He defended saying the document turned out to be fake - but the story itself was not. Everybody knows that. Instead od countering the story, righties just like to attack Dan.

Yet, somewhere, somehow, all of Bush's Nat'l Guard documents went *POOF* quicker than Azzy MPDs just like "lots and lots" of emails regarding the albiet legal firing of Federal judges went *POOF*

And after all the SBVFT crap, we all knew people were going to go after Bush. There was a resounding amount of evidence Bush was behind all that. Yet the righties continue to say he wasn't.

And I highly doubt any righties on here are going to post videos where Dan Rather went after leftists and called them out. :duh:

Ah, I see. The Flavor of the day is GAPE.


Well-Known Member
He defended saying the document turned out to be fake - but the story itself was not. Everybody knows that. Instead od countering the story, righties just like to attack Dan.

Yet, somewhere, somehow, all of Bush's Nat'l Guard documents went *POOF* quicker than Azzy MPDs just like "lots and lots" of emails regarding the albiet legal firing of Federal judges went *POOF*

And after all the SBVFT crap, we all knew people were going to go after Bush. There was a resounding amount of evidence Bush was behind all that. Yet the righties continue to say he wasn't.

And I highly doubt any righties on here are going to post videos where Dan Rather went after leftists and called them out. :duh:

Where do you get this crap?

First - they couldn't find a lot of these documents to begin with. They didn't go "poof". That implies they were THERE, but were lost subsequently - you know, like in Sandy Berger's pants or something. They never produced them, or copies, or facsimiles. They didn't have them anymore than they still have MY medical records or ROTC documents from the 70's. MINE didn't go poof. They're just gone.

So they made it up. Dan's position still has been the lame "so what if it's fake - the story isn't". Try using THAT defense in a court of law. Knowing it couldn't pass the smell test of being an outright forgery, his high minded journalistic ethics said "run the story anyway". That's just slander. He should have been sued.

Since you've totally lost THIS argument, you've reached out into the ether and pulled in a completely unrelated and irrlevant story - the Swift Boat Veterans. And concocted a Bush connection, for which you've provided no evidence. This of course was in the year when MoveOn dominated the political landscape. I suppose Kerry must have had his hands clean.

You know, it's what I love about conspiratorial argumentation. You don't actually have to have *evidence* - just suspicion. You don't have to have *logic*. Just questions. And if you don't actually have bona fide evidence, just MAKE IT UP. It doesn't mean you're *WRONG*.

Cause, you know, that kind of reasoning works so well in the courtroom.


New Member
Where do you get this crap?

First - they couldn't find a lot of these documents to begin with. They didn't go "poof". That implies they were THERE, but were lost subsequently - you know, like in Sandy Berger's pants or something. They never produced them, or copies, or facsimiles. They didn't have them anymore than they still have MY medical records or ROTC documents from the 70's. MINE didn't go poof. They're just gone.

So they made it up. Dan's position still has been the lame "so what if it's fake - the story isn't". Try using THAT defense in a court of law. Knowing it couldn't pass the smell test of being an outright forgery, his high minded journalistic ethics said "run the story anyway". That's just slander. He should have been sued.

Since you've totally lost THIS argument, you've reached out into the ether and pulled in a completely unrelated and irrlevant story - the Swift Boat Veterans. And concocted a Bush connection, for which you've provided no evidence. This of course was in the year when MoveOn dominated the political landscape. I suppose Kerry must have had his hands clean.

You know, it's what I love about conspiratorial argumentation. You don't actually have to have *evidence* - just suspicion. You don't have to have *logic*. Just questions. And if you don't actually have bona fide evidence, just MAKE IT UP. It doesn't mean you're *WRONG*.

Cause, you know, that kind of reasoning works so well in the courtroom.
Again, Dan Rather did not make it up. CBS had the #### faxed to them. :duh:

CBS thought they had a story, and Rather ran with what he was told to run with.

Kind of like how FOX had all that evidence that Obama attended a muslim school and ran with it. You righties never targeted FOX for that the same way you target Rather. Instead, the righties still believe it. :faint:

The hypocrisy of the righties on here is astounding. :pete:

More and more like the DU everyday.


Well-Known Member
Again, Dan Rather did not make it up. CBS had the #### faxed to them. :duh:

CBS thought they had a story, and Rather ran with what he was told to run with.

Dude, they spent a good deal of time examing the data, especially since the blogosphere went ape-sh!t over it within minutes of it appearing on the Net. They claimed to have handwriting experts looking at it. None of their experts could authenticate that it wasn't fake.

So they ran it anyway. THAT makes it slanderous. Dan's response has always been "you can't prove that it IS a forgery" which is precisely the opposite of what journalistic ethics demands. "Get it first, but first get it right". Not "run a bare-faced fake because no one can prove it ain't fake".


New Member
Dude, they spent a good deal of time examing the data, especially since the blogosphere went ape-sh!t over it within minutes of it appearing on the Net. They claimed to have handwriting experts looking at it. None of their experts could authenticate that it wasn't fake.

So they ran it anyway. THAT makes it slanderous. Dan's response has always been "you can't prove that it IS a forgery" which is precisely the opposite of what journalistic ethics demands. "Get it first, but first get it right". Not "run a bare-faced fake because no one can prove it ain't fake".
You think Dan Rather wrote the response?

He works for one of the big 5. Once cable news came around and competition increased, the decisions went away from the anchor desk and moved to the backrooms.

FOX made up a story about Obama attending a Muslim school. They ran with it. When called out, they said it was true, then said "well maybe it's not" and blamed the Clintons (like SOMD Forums blames Clinton and the Democrats for the mess we're in now).

Yet you righties still watch FOX while shunning CBS and all but demanding Dan Rather be hung with a noose.


Well-Known Member
Kind of like how FOX had all that evidence that Obama attended a muslim school and ran with it. You righties never targeted FOX for that the same way you target Rather. Instead, the righties still believe it. .

Having lost the argument - you change the subject.


BTW - he did briefly attend Muslim school. I have no idea what item FOX ran, because I haven't seen it. I know Obama went to Catholic schools, and to Muslim schools, and to my knowledge, this isn't disputed by anyone, not Obama or anyone else.


New Member
Having lost the argument - you change the subject.


BTW - he did briefly attend Muslim school. I have no idea what item FOX ran, because I haven't seen it. I know Obama went to Catholic schools, and to Muslim schools, and to my knowledge, this isn't disputed by anyone, not Obama or anyone else.
Yet the Madrassa that FOX News said Obama attended for four years says he never attended there. Then FOX backtracked and blamed Clinton. :duh:

No different than CBS.

If you honestly think Dan Rather was the one making the decisions at the end of his career, you are niave. CBS made the decisions, put it on Dan's shoulders then when NBC and FOX and ABC called CBS (not Rather, but CBS as a whole) out on it, they axed Rather.


Well-Known Member
Yet you righties still watch FOX while shunning CBS and all but demanding Dan Rather be hung with a noose.

You know, you need to get out more. I haven't watched FOX news in god knows how long. I typically don't "watch" the news at all, unless it's the weather. I *read* the news. I read everything and I try to balance U.S. news with perspective from foreign sources.

Read up a little more about this and come back when you're done. The man has no journalistic ethics to brag about. He didn't make up the lie, but when it came across his desk, he ignored the fact that there was no proof it was genuine, and plenty of proof it was a fraud. But he went anyway. When Dan runs a story, he has a LOT more say in how it goes than you think.

"You righties". What a laugh. I suppose everyone who disagrees with you must think alike.


New Member
Do you think Shepard Smith is responsible for the content on FOX Report?

If they got a story wrong, would you believe it was Shep and not FOX?

These people are hired by networks, and all of them have an agenda. CBS' agenda was "Smear Big Bad Bush."


Well-Known Member
If you honestly think Dan Rather was the one making the decisions at the end of his career, you are niave.

You're the naive one. Dan was one of the biggest people in modern journalism after Cronkite. He has a LOT more say in what happens on the air.


Well-Known Member
Do you think Shepard Smith is responsible for the content on FOX Report?

If they got a story wrong, would you believe it was Shep and not FOX?

These people are hired by networks, and all of them have an agenda. CBS' agenda was "Smear Big Bad Bush."

Dude - Dan Rather has been in journalism since long before you or I were born. He was the first man on the scene in DALLAS when Kennedy was shot. He's been around with the mujaheddin in Afghanistan. You don't get someone bigger than Dan Rather who is still alive. His name is known the world over.

Most people have absolutely never heard of Shephard Smith - or ever seen him on air. He's been around on FOX for what, maybe 7 years? The guy has been in twinkie journalism. He's not a major player and frankly, it WOULD surprise me if he had any input on what he reads each day.

I've been watching Rather on and off since I was a kid - I've actually never seen a full Smith broadcast and I wouldn't know his face in a group picture.