Obama too run???

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
He's popular in Illi so he'll carry that state, but is reletivly unknown elsewhere really. Sadly, he's black, which will probably kill it for him, because I don't think the nation will elect a black president yet. I hope I'm wrong on that count, but I know people who don't usually vote, who would vote specifically to vote against him. I don't really consider those people my friends.


Lem Putt
Bustem' Down said:
He's popular in Illi so he'll carry that state, but is reletivly unknown elsewhere really. Sadly, he's black, which will probably kill it for him, because I don't think the nation will elect a black president yet. I hope I'm wrong on that count, but I know people who don't usually vote, who would vote specifically to vote against him. I don't really consider those people my friends.
:yeahthat: Sad, but true, a woman or a minority would bring out huge numbers of racist/sexist voters. I work with people who don't vote, but would vote against a person because of their race or sex. It sucks that they won't listen to the candidate, but in their little minds it just doesn't matter.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Pete said:
I think he could get elected :shrug: Either way it is BAD news for Hillary.
That's something I think he can win. He might get the nomination but if not, easily get more votes for it than Hillary. I don't know why there is all this talk of her running like she has a chance. Repub or Dem, you have to have charisma, some kind of personality, to get elected. She is waaaayy to cold.


Bustem' Down said:
That's something I think he can win. He might get the nomination but if not, easily get more votes for it than Hillary. I don't know why there is all this talk of her running like she has a chance. Repub or Dem, you have to have charisma, some kind of personality, to get elected. She is waaaayy to cold.
And shrill

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Where she screwed up what sticking with Bill. If she had walked out on him during the whole Monica fiasco, right now she would have hoards of women following her. As it stands now, she either looks weak that she stayed with him, or cold, that she stayed with him to further her career. Either way doesn't do good.
You say sadly he is black, but is he? It depends on what you call black. His mother is white, his father was black. so he is really as much white as he is black. Like many black Fathers his father abandoned him at an early age so he was brought up by his white mother,. Obama wrote in his memoir,"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites." I guess this means that although his white mother raised him he wants to be considered black. His choice I guess. Probably made it easier to get along in the hood.

His grandfather was named 'Hussein. ' That is an Arabic-Muslim, not African, name. Hussein was a devout Muslim and named his son, Barack Senior, 'Baraka.' Baraka is an Arabic word meaning 'blessed.' Baraka comes out of the Koran and Arabic, not Africa. Still his father was Kenyan and not American

His Muslim heritage may hurt him. Obama grew up in both Hawaii and Indonesia, where he attended Catholic and Muslim schools (his father's father was a Muslim but Obama is a member of Chicago's giant Trinity United Church of Christ). Funny he should attend Catholic and Muslim schools and not belong to either religion. His Father left his mother when Obama was 2 years old.

I feel he needs a longer voting record and much more experience before he is ready for prime time. I am suspect of him since he is supported by George Soros, He favors abortion, socialised medicine and affirmative action those are 4 strikes against him in my book.
He has voted against private gun ownership, mandatory sentencing and the death penalty. During his tenure as a legislator, he abstained from voting about an abortion parental notification bill and on legislation that would keep pornographic video stores and strip clubs from within 1,000 feet of schools and churches.

Obama the candidate is conservative only when addressing a national television audience. Ironically, the oddball Black Commentator magazine is partially correct. Obama is a stealth candidate -- a liberal stealth candidate.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Tom Sawyer said:
You say sadly he is black, but is he? It depends on what you call black. His mother is white, his father was black. so he is really as much white as he is black. Like many black Fathers his father abandoned him at an early age so he was brought up by his white mother,. Obama wrote in his memoir,"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites." I guess this means that although his white mother raised him he wants to be considered black. His choice I guess. Probably made it easier to get along in the hood.

His grandfather was named 'Hussein. ' That is an Arabic-Muslim, not African, name. Hussein was a devout Muslim and named his son, Barack Senior, 'Baraka.' Baraka is an Arabic word meaning 'blessed.' Baraka comes out of the Koran and Arabic, not Africa. Still his father was Kenyan and not American

His Muslim heritage may hurt him. Obama grew up in both Hawaii and Indonesia, where he attended Catholic and Muslim schools (his father's father was a Muslim but Obama is a member of Chicago's giant Trinity United Church of Christ). Funny he should attend Catholic and Muslim schools and not belong to either religion. His Father left his mother when Obama was 2 years old.

I feel he needs a longer voting record and much more experience before he is ready for prime time. I am suspect of him since he is supported by George Soros, He favors abortion, socialised medicine and affirmative action those are 4 strikes against him in my book.
He has voted against private gun ownership, mandatory sentencing and the death penalty. During his tenure as a legislator, he abstained from voting about an abortion parental notification bill and on legislation that would keep pornographic video stores and strip clubs from within 1,000 feet of schools and churches.

Obama the candidate is conservative only when addressing a national television audience. Ironically, the oddball Black Commentator magazine is partially correct. Obama is a stealth candidate -- a liberal stealth candidate.

People aren't going to take all of that into account. All they are going to do is look at his face and say he's black. You know it as well as I.


Asperger's Poster Child
I think he has a lot of potential, but he's too young and inexperienced. He would benefit from serving as governor or Cabinet secretary or vice president, and then trying for the White House in 2016.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Tonio said:
I think he has a lot of potential, but he's too young and inexperienced. He would benefit from serving as governor or Cabinet secretary or vice president, and then trying for the White House in 2016.
Yes because that would give him face time with the nation, not just one state.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Sadly, he's black, which will probably kill it for him, because I don't think the nation will elect a black president yet.
I disagree with this. I think if the right black man (Colin Powell, for instance) ran for president, they would have a wonderful chance of being elected.

And I say "man" but I think Condi Rice would have a shot, too. My dream race is Condoleezza Rice for the Republicans against Teddy Kennedy for the Democrats. The irony of that would almost be too much to bear.

Her against Robert Byrd would be too much to hope for.


Asperger's Poster Child
Tom Sawyer said:
legislation that would keep pornographic video stores and strip clubs from within 1,000 feet of schools and churches.

To me, that kind of legislation sounds like a pointless feel-good measure that doesn't accomplish much. I suspect its goal was to allow politicians to bloat their resumes, to make it seem like they're doing something to protect kids.
Unfortunately I disagree with your choice of Colin Powell. His latest episode of alignment with those who kept quiet about not revealing the name of the person who outed Valerie Plame, to me was unworthy of him. I also believe Colin Powell's service as Secretary of state was half hearted at best.


Lovin' being Texican
Pete said:
I think he could get elected :shrug: Either way it is BAD news for Hillary.

Pete, I think you're wrong. The Democrat party would never nominate an Af-Am over Hilary. But in that stroke they would once again prove they don't really want the brothers and sisters to advance. (which wouldn't stop them from voting Democrat anyway).

Sweet 16

Tom Sawyer said:
I am suspect of him since he is supported by George Soros, He favors abortion, socialised medicine and affirmative action those are 4 strikes against him in my book.
He has voted against private gun ownership, mandatory sentencing and the death penalty.
You hit the nail on the head Tom. I don't care if he's black, white or purple. I would never vote for him for the reasons you mentioned above. Plus, he thinks an awful lot of himself. Two years ago, nobody even knew his name and suddenly he thinks he's great enough to run for President? I don't think so.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Tom Sawyer said:
Unfortunately I disagree with your choice of Colin Powell. His latest episode of alignment with those who kept quiet about not revealing the name of the person who outed Valerie Plame, to me was unworthy of him. I also believe Colin Powell's service as Secretary of state was half hearted at best.
I'm not saying I, personally, am all that high on Colin Powell. I'm a conservative and I tend to vote for the conservative candidate.

I'm just saying that many people *are* big on him, and that means he'd have a pretty good chance of getting elected.


NOT Politically Correct!!
Tom Sawyer said:
Unfortunately I disagree with your choice of Colin Powell. His latest episode of alignment with those who kept quiet about not revealing the name of the person who outed Valerie Plame, to me was unworthy of him. I also believe Colin Powell's service as Secretary of state was half hearted at best.

..................... :yay: :yay: