Obama too run???


New Member
Pete said:
I think he could get elected :shrug: Either way it is BAD news for Hillary.


There's alot of good buzz about him, concerning the election. Hillary is not a shoe-in for the nomination yet, thankfully. It just looks like it, as there's not many "official" alternatives, yet.

If Obama doesn't go for President, I'd be shocked if he isn't the VP on the nominated ticket. That'll give him the experience for the subsequent
Presidential race.

But yeah....I've watched/read quite a few of his interviews and speeches. A fresh face who isn't too connected to the ineffective, bloated sewage that's stagnated inside the beltway. Seems to have a good grip on what "regular Americans" are concerned about. :yay:

Could be interesting.


Super Genius
Kerad said:
But yeah....I've watched/read quite a few of his interviews and speeches. A fresh face who isn't too connected to the ineffective, bloated sewage that's stagnated inside the beltway. Seems to have a good grip on what "regular Americans" are concerned about. :yay:
I agree with that and I do like that about him, but I do fear that he is being corrupted by his quick rise to fame in the party. Something seems changed in him since he was elected.


New Member
ylexot said:
I agree with that and I do like that about him, but I do fear that he is being corrupted by his quick rise to fame in the party. Something seems changed in him since he was elected.

What makes you say that?


Kerad said:

There's alot of good buzz about him, concerning the election. Hillary is not a shoe-in for the nomination yet, thankfully. It just looks like it, as there's not many "official" alternatives, yet.

If Obama doesn't go for President, I'd be shocked if he isn't the VP on the nominated ticket. That'll give him the experience for the subsequent
Presidential race.

But yeah....I've watched/read quite a few of his interviews and speeches. A fresh face who isn't too connected to the ineffective, bloated sewage that's stagnated inside the beltway. Seems to have a good grip on what "regular Americans" are concerned about. :yay:

Could be interesting.
Being VP on ANY ticket is a Booby prize no one wants. He would be foolish to take that job and I can guarantee he would turn it down.


New Member
ylexot said:
Just a feeling. :shrug:

Oh...okay. I thought maybe there was something he said, did, etc...

Just in case...we better hurry up and get him into The White House before any more of this fame goes to his head. :smile:


New Member
Pete said:
Being VP on ANY ticket is a Booby prize no one wants. He would be foolish to take that job and I can guarantee he would turn it down.

Now that you mention it, I can see why he may not want to be VP. He may elect to skip it this cycle (the VP job) to finish out his obligation in Illinois.

Then again, his name on a ticket would certainly be bad news for the GOP in 2008.


Super Genius
Pete said:
Being VP on ANY ticket is a Booby prize no one wants.
Mmmmm, yes and no. If the pres candidate is a two-time winner, it's pretty much guaranteed that you'll get the party's pres nomination when the second term is over (but you still have to win on your own...i.e. Gore). If the pres candidate loses...I think it hurts your chances for the party nomination (i.e. Quayle, Lieberman, Edwards). So, I think you'd have to guage your chances based on the pres candidate. If you think they are a loser, don't tie yourself to them. If you think they're a winner, jump on the train.


ylexot said:
Mmmmm, yes and no. If the pres candidate is a two-time winner, it's pretty much guaranteed that you'll get the party's pres nomination when the second term is over (but you still have to win on your own...i.e. Gore). If the pres candidate loses...I think it hurts your chances for the party nomination (i.e. Quayle, Lieberman, Edwards). So, I think you'd have to guage your chances based on the pres candidate. If you think they are a loser, don't tie yourself to them. If you think they're a winner, jump on the train.
Aside from G.H.W Bush I know of no VP who was elected to the top spot. G.H.W. Bush was (in my opinion) based on his charisma or great ideas either, it was him or Dukkakis/Bentsen and he was the only option to "The Midget" (A man Al Gore called "too liberal" BTW) and Moses.

A VP is nearly always viewed as a lacky. If the president was popular you are the "guy who rode his coattails" if he was unpopular you are "that other a-hole who made my life suck".

If you are the VP candidate and you lose you now have a stink nearly impossible to wash off, especially for Democrats who are notoriously crappy to losers.

VP candidates are typically a Booby prize for the #2 vote getter in the primaries OR someone who can pull votes from a major demographic the main candidate cannot get IE: LBJ. Obama and Shill both appeal to the same demographic, no advantage having 2 candidates who appeal to elitist city dwellers. Now if Shill can talk Obama into wearing a cowboy hat and adopt a southern accent he might be in business.
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