Obamacare. Web failures or incompetence?


Boehner better not be holding his breath. Oba-me is accountable to no one.

And our Lame Stream Media will not report any of this. According to them, Oba-meCare is wonderful and the website working perfectly!

and that's why they are keeping everything super secret now


Well-Known Member
These are not exactly success stories. They "enrolled" in the website but have not chosen a plan because they are "exploring their options." I'd like for these individuals to check back after their sticker shock wears off.


The WH is saying that people who think about getting insurance is an Obamacare success.
WTF good is shopping and browsing to get an idea of cost if the returned cost is grossly underestimated... in some cases the consumer would have to pay double what the shop and browse estimate provides... :banghead:

CBS News has uncovered a serious pricing problem with HealthCare.gov. It stems from the Obama administration's efforts to improve its health care website. A new online feature can dramatically underestimate the cost of insurance.

The administration announced it would provide a new "shop and browse" feature Sunday, but it's not giving consumers the real picture. In some cases, people could end up paying double of what they see on the website, CBS News' Jan Crawford reported Wednesday on "CBS This Morning."

Prices for everyone in the 49-or-under group are based on what a 27-year-old would pay. In the 50-or-older group, prices are based on what a 50-year-old would pay.

CBS News ran the numbers for a 48-year-old in Charlotte, N.C., ineligible for subsidies. According to HealthCare.gov, she would pay $231 a month, but the actual plan on Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina's website costs $360, more than 50 percent higher. The difference: Blue Cross and Blue Shield requests your birthday before providing more accurate estimates.

The numbers for older Americans are even more striking. A 62-year-old in Charlotte looking for the same basic plan would get a price estimate on the government website of $394. The actual price is $634.

HealthCare.gov pricing feature can be off the mark - CBS News

Who the hell can afford to pay $7,600 a year in premiums and then thousands more each year in deductibles?


In My Opinion
Who the hell can afford to pay $7,600 a year in premiums and then thousands more each year in deductibles?

This is not about giving the person in that situation health care.
its about giving the welfare and illegals free health care.

they are counting on people paying the mandatory premium, in the case you mentioned 7600.00 a year, but then when needed not being able to pay the deductible.

In my case when I ran my numbers through a chart that was supposed to be close to reality, I came up with 10,300 a year for the family premium, ok, not bad at all, that can be done, but when you add the 12,800 a year deductible before the insurance kicks in, Im over it. No way can I go from 300 a month now for full everything covered no deductible to 23.100 a year before I actually have insurance.

So, the only thing I can figure is that I would be paying for two leaches to have insurance, while my family goes without.


mama to two
Obamacare is truly frightening; especially when it is labeled the law of the land! I venture to think this was done on purpose. I always think of Pelosi's comment ... let's pass Obamacare, so we can see what's in it. By the same token, they don't want the American people to see what's in it, until they have signed up. All they have to say is there were glitches, and, say sorry, this is what you really have to pay, and we know you can't afford it. That was the whole idea in the first place. Equality, and all. Nothing else makes sense to me, except that this is Obama's way of gaining control of our freedom, and it will go downhill from here.


Routinely Derailed
Come now. Isn't it obvious? An Ultra-Secret Tea Party Racist Cyber Warfare Strike Team sabotaged the sites.


Well-Known Member
the dems cant afford to have too many people hit that exchange and see the true cost of their new affordable insurance,
at least not until after next year's elections.

The last thing that obama wants right now is for more people to know how bad its going to be.




Obamacare's Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn't Want You To Know How Costly Its Plans Are - Forbes

A growing consensus of IT experts, outside and inside the government, have figured out a principal reason why the website for Obamacare’s federally-sponsored insurance exchange is crashing. Healthcare.gov forces you to create an account and enter detailed personal information before you can start shopping. This, in turn, creates a massive traffic bottleneck, as the government verifies your information and decides whether or not you’re eligible for subsidies. HHS bureaucrats knew this would make the website run more slowly. But they were more afraid that letting people see the underlying cost of Obamacare’s insurance plans would scare people away.

HHS didn’t want users to see Obamacare’s true costs

“Healthcare.gov was initially going to include an option to browse before registering,” report Christopher Weaver and Louise Radnofsky in the Wall Street Journal. “But that tool was delayed, people familiar with the situation said.” Why was it delayed? “An HHS spokeswoman said the agency wanted to ensure that users were aware of their eligibility for subsidies that could help pay for coverage, before they started seeing the prices of policies.” (Emphasis added.)


Well-Known Member
It's set up for failure.

We, the taxpayers, paid $500 Million for this sh!t.....$500 Million.

Dems should be happy about this. Afterall, it means less people will see that their rates go up 99% for men, and 62% for women.

$680 million, but we're not talking real money. Yet.


PREMO Member
HHS bureaucrats knew this would make the website run more slowly. But they were more afraid that letting people see the underlying cost of Obamacare’s insurance plans would scare people away.

HHS didn’t want users to see Obamacare’s true costs

they want your info so they can give you the hard sale, nag


Well-Known Member

That's how many people signed up for Obamacare on Day 1, according to CBS News, and no that's not a misprint.

The Obama administration has kept the number of enrollments close to the vest. Its touted the number of visitors to the troubled HealthCare.gov website – 4.7 million – but hasn't released the actual number of enrollments.

But according to CBS News, notes from a "war room" meeting the day after the Affordable Care Act launched on Oct. 1 say "six enrollments have occurred so far." By the end of Day 2, enrollments totaled 248 nationwide.

The White House predicted 500,000 would sign up by the end of the month, according to a memo obtained by the Associated Press, and that was considered a "modest start" for the market.

CBS notes that in order to meet the goal of seven million enrollments by March 1, the exchanges need to enroll an average of 39,000 a day.

Report: Obamacare got six enrollees on Day 1


Well-Known Member
Funny how last Saturdays SNL skit (before the release of these numbers) touted 6 signups as a joke..


Well-Known Member
We’ve known for at least nine months that Obamacare’s website could turn out to be a “third-world experience.” In recent weeks, we’ve learned that there hadn’t been an end-to-end test of whether Americans could enroll as late as September 26, five days before the October 1 launch. So the obvious question has been: if the administration knew the website wasn’t ready, why did they roll it out anyway? An explosive new report confirms that the decision was political. Some staffers were so desperate to persuade the President to change course that, during a September 5 demonstration of the healthcare.gov website, they “secretly rooted for it to fail so that perhaps the White House would wait to open the exchange until it was ready."

On Sept. 5 Test of Obamacare's Website, Govt. Staffers 'Secretly Rooted For It To Fail' - Forbes