Obama's goofy life


Lovin' being Texican
WOW! Now you'll have a print copy as well as an audio copy! Be sure to make notes on his 9/11 theories. :lmao:

Is 9/11 going to be Obama's Veep choice? I'll look for that next week if here he really names 9/11 his second.


Habari Na Mijeldi
So what? He just has brothers and sisters scattered all over the world that he's never met or been involved with? :confused:

I thought Bill Clinton's family was screwy, but Obama is starting to look like the story of dysfunction.

He has parents he barely knew and didn't grow up with, that are now dead. He was raised by white grandparents who he rarely mentions. And I know he has a half-sister, and now some Ubangi brother has creeped out of the veldt. Why is he so disassociated from his family?

There's never any mention of family money, yet Obama went to LA and NYC for college - how did that happen? He mentions smoking a lot of pot in college, but doesn't say anything about a job to help with his schooling costs.

So he graduates from college, gets a great job with lots of room for advancement and achievement, then gives that up to go to Harvard Law. Where did THAT money come from?

He's like Bill Clinton: has this big fancy education, with no background of how it was paid for. You'd think these guys who come from nothing and manage to get a big degree, travel overseas, etc, would share with the class how they made that happen so that other kids with big dreams could emulate them.

It's weird.

Damn! You should be writing copy for the McPOW campaign! :lmao:


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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I keep wondering when THAT little nugget will become common knowledge.

I believe that was in a story I posted here months ago. But of course, it's not in the MSM.

I've called him a wolf in sheeps' clothing ever since the primaries.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Damn! You should be writing copy for the McPOW campaign! :lmao:

I should be. All politicians are idiots who surround themselves with yes-men. They have no desire to take off the gloves and go for the gold. Buncha punks.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Be sure to make notes on his 9/11 theories. :lmao:

Interesting you would mention that, because he was just on Hannity and Colmes last night and said he was merely exploring that theory, but ended up not publishing it because he came to the conclusion that the Truthers were FOS.

So try again. And maybe next time you can do your own research instead of just relying on Keith Olbermann.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The least...

The least bad scenario for republicans is to actually allow Nobama to win. After 4 years of dummycratic rule, electing a republican to the Presidency ought to be a breeze. Hopefully we can find a genuine conservative, rather than another phony.

...bad scenario for GOP'ers is to start holding our own people accountable and we, and the nation, wouldn't be in this mess.

W has destroyed any argument in favor of GOP leadership and Hastert and Frist drove right over the cliff with him. And we all watched. The ONLY reason we even have remote chance right now is because they have such a weak candidate and we have one whose greatest claim is he's not a solid Republican or conservative.

We'll get what we work for.