Obesity Surgery triples amoung U.S. teens


New Member
LordStanley said:
Turn off the Xbox360, turn off the TV, get the fat kids off the couch and make them go outside and play.

Ride a bike- they dont cost anything to purchase at walmart.
Stop shoving twinkies down your throat by the box load.
You dont have to eat girl scout cookies just cause they are there.
Parents, stop buying junk food!!!!

Go for a walk with your kids, get some freaking exercise. Stop blaming everyone else, and blame yourselves for raising a tub-o-lard!!!!!

Where there is a fat kid, there is a fat parent behind them, with a shovel full of junk.

I play WoW, an internet video game. I still find time to go to the gym and prepare (atleast most of the time) healthy meals.

But seeing some of the crisco-esque people that play that game is depressing. Some guy just died of heart failure from being obese during a 7 day non-stop gaming binge.

Get up, go outside, see the sun, and eat something healthy. THEN go play your damn video games.


New Member
As with any statitistical study, there are always examples of the opposite being true. 87% of all violent crime against blacks is committed by blacks. But, my friend Tyrone was shot by a white guy! Something has to account for the other 13%, yes? Just because most low income children grow up to be low income adults doesn't mean that you can't come from poverty and work your way up. My family was lower middle class and I have done pretty well for myself.

The fact that a mother can scrape together enough every night to put food on the table, even if it's beans and weenies, is just the point. No, you didn't go to bed hungry, but you DID go to bed with a high calorie, low nutrition dinner. You do what you have to do to survive and believe me, I've had my share of instant mac and cheese with ketchup because that's all that the budget could afford. It's not a judgemental observation, it's just a sign of the times. A lot of poor, single mothers are underfunded and undereducated. They have no clue what the food pyramid entails or have the necessary time to prepare well rounded meals if they did. You can hop up on your soap box and say "well then, they shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place". You know what? You're right, but that doesn't alleviate the fact of the now, and the now is that the children are there and have to be tended.

The remark about Ethiopian children was crass, uneducated and shows a total lack of sophistication or public decorum. I've come to expect that from that person. We were talking about American children, but of course I'm sure you knew that already. I hope you're proud of the way you make light of children suffering in Africa, yet it's somehow America's mission to free the poor children in the Middle East of a tyrannist regime. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Coventry17 said:
As with any statitistical study, there are always examples of the opposite being true.

I'm not sure if this is directed at my post or not... but if it is, i wanted to say that my point was not the fact that my parents pulled themselves up from poverty and became comfortable - but the fact that when we were poor, I ate (read: was forced to eat :dead: ) healthy food every night.

Coventry17 said:
The fact that a mother can scrape together enough every night to put food on the table, even if it's beans and weenies, is just the point. No, you didn't go to bed hungry, but you DID go to bed with a high calorie, low nutrition dinner.

I'd be interested in the statistics of obese children who got obese eating mountains of Chicken McNuggets and Bacon Cheeseburgers and gallons of coke, compared to those children who got obese eating beenie-weenies and/or cheesy-mac and milk.


It isn't just the food issues that cause this.

It is the fact that there isn't gym classes in the school anymore. There are so many video game systems. It is far easier to buy your kid an electronic babysitter. There is more delivery of pizza, chinese food and so on now. There is more tv watching.

What there isn't as much of is playing outside, riding bikes with friends all over the place, and just being active. Yes there are still sports that go on through the county but not all the parents have the money for that.

I grew up in a low income household also. Getting pizza was a treat. Getting McDonald's was a treat. Soda was not in our household. It was water, milk or kool aid. I also was over 100 lbs overweight. I didn't have the surgery. I changed my lifestyle, and lost the weight. I also have maintained my weight loss for a few years, just now losing the last 20 lbs.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Coventry17 said:
The remark about Ethiopian children was crass, uneducated and shows a total lack of sophistication or public decorum. I've come to expect that from that person. We were talking about American children, but of course I'm sure you knew that already. I hope you're proud of the way you make light of children suffering in Africa, yet it's somehow America's mission to free the poor children in the Middle East of a tyrannist regime. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
^ This ^ sort of thing is a mental illness. You should seek help. In fact, it was so ignorant that I'm not even going to bother debating the point with you.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
Coventry, how are all these low income people able to afford this procedure?
How dare you be so insensitive as to make light of the suffering of the obese! That remark was crass, uneducated, and show a complete lack of sophistication and public decorum.



(In other words, don't hold your breath waiting for a response. Coventry is wrong, he knows he's wrong, and will try to backpedal it by attacking you for bringing up a legitimate point.)


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
How dare you be so insensitive as to make light of the suffering of the obese! That remark was crass, uneducated, and show a complete lack of sophistication and public decorum.



(In other words, don't hold your breath waiting for a response. Coventry is wrong, he knows he's wrong, and will try to backpedal it by attacking you for bringing up a legitimate point.)

I need sensitivity training. :ohwell:


I know nothing
vraiblonde said:
How dare you be so insensitive as to make light of the suffering of the obese! That remark was crass, uneducated, and show a complete lack of sophistication and public decorum.



(In other words, don't hold your breath waiting for a response. Coventry is wrong, he knows he's wrong, and will try to backpedal it by attacking you for bringing up a legitimate point.)

Coventry is a guy? I though that member was a chick....


American Beauty
PREMO Member
LordStanley said:
Coventry is a guy? I though that member was a chick....


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PREMO Member
Katie said:
It isn't just the food issues that cause this.

It is the fact that there isn't gym classes in the school anymore. There are so many video game systems. It is far easier to buy your kid an electronic babysitter. There is more delivery of pizza, chinese food and so on now. There is more tv watching.

By and large I tend to agree - I'm not convinced that the barrage on our culture of soccer moms hauling kids to and fro is sufficiently keeping kids active enough that they avoid obesity. When I was little, the streets, playgrounds, bike paths, playing fields were full of kids, mostly unsupervised. We could walk or bike to the theater downtown without adults around (about 2-3 miles). I just wonder if we're not contributing to kids in front of TV's by paranoia over kid's safety. In my neighborhood, and previous ones, we don't even get trick or treaters anymore - the parents take them all to Halloween parties.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
LordStanley said:
Coventry is a guy? I though that member was a chick....
I always read him as a guy. But he could be a chick...

Hey Coventry! Are you a guy or a chick?


I know nothing
SamSpade said:
By and large I tend to agree - I'm not convinced that the barrage on our culture of soccer moms hauling kids to and fro is sufficiently keeping kids active enough that they avoid obesity. When I was little, the streets, playgrounds, bike paths, playing fields were full of kids, mostly unsupervised. We could walk or bike to the theater downtown without adults around (about 2-3 miles). I just wonder if we're not contributing to kids in front of TV's by paranoia over kid's safety. In my neighborhood, and previous ones, we don't even get trick or treaters anymore - the parents take them all to Halloween parties.

When was the last time you saw a fat kid with skinny parents? These kids learn to eat by watching the parents and picking up their destructive habits.

Its not a safety issue. Its a lazy issue. Parents not making the kids eat right and excersise. Mom and dad needs to get off the couch as well and go for a walk with baby doughboy.

Its no differnet than that kid dying from not brushing his teeth.... Where was mom on that one?


New Member
elaine said:
Coventry, how are all these low income people able to afford this procedure?

Heck, if they live in California the state will pay for it! They were paying for sex change operations in San Francisco.