----- Forwarded message from Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore
<agcbalto@...> -----
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2006 20:23:29 -0500
From: Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore <agcbalto@...>
Reply-To: agcbalto@...
Subject: Concealed Carry Permit - Conference & Seminar
To: AGC_Net <agcbalto@...>
The Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore will be conducting a Seminar /
Conference on the application and process for obtaining a permit to carry a
concealed handgun in Maryland.
Maryland State Police Superintendent, Colonel Thomas Hutchins and members of
the MSP Licensing Division have been invited to make a presentation and
answer questions.
Governor Robert C. Ehrlich, Jr. has also been invited.
The tone and purpose of the conference will be largely controlled by whether
the MSP respond in a positive manner to AGC's many Public Information Act
requests for information between now and the 22nd and whether or not the MSP
accept AGC's invitation. More on this later.
The Seminar / Conference is scheduled for 1 P.M. on Saturday, April 22,
2006, in Memorial Hall at the Association's Trap Range on Marriottsville
Road. Additional details will be provided when available.
Seating is limited, if you are interesting in attending mark the date on you
calendar. Please note that this is not an event for the "casually
interested". This event is intended for those who are committed to making
changes in the CCW regulations in Maryland and who are willing and able to
invest their time and effort to the cause.
In the meantime, if you are truly interested in reforming concealed carry in
Maryland and hearing what the Maryland State Police have to say, I suggest
that you send an original email (not a forward of this email) to Colonel
Thomas Hutchins, Superintendent of the Maryland State Police requesting that
he and his Licensing Division personnel attend the conference. Remember to
keep your email polite and respectful and run spell check before you hit the
send button.
Please send a copy of your email to me and REMEMBER numbers count. I will
print and forward copies of your emails to Colonel Hutchins to Governor
Ehrlich to keep him informed of the citizen's interest in reforming the CCW
Colonel <mailto:Colonel%20Thomas%20E.%20Hutchins(superintendent@...)>
Thomas E. Hutchins (superintendent@...)
A formal announcement / RSVP are being prepared for distribution on or about
April 1, 2006.
John H. Josselyn, Legislative Vice President
Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc.
P. O. Box 20102
Towson, MD 21284-0102
<mailto:John%20H.%20Josselyn%3cagcbalto@...%3et> mailto:John H.
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