beamher said:previously I didn't had to pay for trash removal(i guess i did with my taxes)nor was there a limit
Yeah, I agree. I said I wouldn't bring it up again but since it's being discussed. I moved here from AACO. Trash pick up was around $275/year, included in taxes for twice a week pick up. They picked up trash, any amount, recycle and yard waste seperately. Now I'm paying about $400/year for one large can once a week. No recycle service. I tried to blend in and learn to take my trash to the compactor sites like a lot of other Calvert County residents do, but I just couldn't deal with the smell, having to rebag the garbage after the animals got in it and the pleasure of waiting in line to get rid of this all at the site.
For you recyclers, you'd be amazed how they do it in AACO. You dump all of your papers, cardboard, bottles, cans, etc. into one big huge compactor. No, you don't have to break any boxes down. It all gets shipped to Millersville where they have a machine that seperates it.
There convenience centers (compactor sites) have the compacters built lower than street level. There are probably about 6-8 compactors and other large containers for construction stuff, tires, metal, etc. The trucks deal with the full containers from behind the scenes so there is never any reason to lift your trash very high or close down the place while a container is switched.
I look a dryer to a Calvert County Convenience center a month ago. They guy told me that if I could lift it into the white metal container I could dump it there. The container was 6-7 feet off of the ground. I did get some help and it worked out but it just seemed so bass ackwards. Again, in AACO, they tell you to put it on the ground. The backhoe takes it from there.
If you are interested in this issue at all, take a field trip to the Sudley Convenience center in AACO. You will not believe how much nicer it is that Calvert. Oh, and they site it not supported by taxes. There are companies that pay AACo to let them have their stuff (metals, oils, batteries, recycle, mulch processors, computer, etc.)