Off the Beaten Path


Soul Probe
One of my Pandora stations is totally classical. Classic classical, if you will. They are constantly placing death metal songs in amongst the violins and what-not, which says a lot about the similarity between the 2 genres. More related than a lot of people might like to admit.

As I was raised on classical and am also a complete metal-head the two go hand-in-hand for me.

A lot of black metal musicians are classically trained as well as others, it's not unheard of, although I can see how it might be disturbing to be listening to Bach or some such and then Pandora switches off to Necrophagist. :lmao:

We've seen a classical influence on metal (Blackmore, Malmsteen, Rhoads etc and neo-classical genre) but not until recently have we seen the metal influence on classical (Apocalyptica, Primitivity, etc).

Apparently, there's a personality correlation of sorts between those who listen to classical and metal. Article: Classical to Rap: Music lovers have much more in common than you would think - News, Music - The Independent

I could talk about this all day. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Rolf Harris and the Beatles sing a Beatle-centric version of "Tie Me Kangaroo Down."

While that is certainly interesting and something outside the box, I seriously would have had to smoke dope to sit there for long.

Suffice it to say, you do some kewl stuff.

You should hear their cover of "White Rabbit"... I've got the CD now...:lol:


Well-Known Member
One of the most popular British bands to never find success in America. I should add that 2 of the Move's members, Roy Wood, and probably the best know, Jeff Lynne, went on to Electric Light Orchestra.

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Well-Known Member
I've led a sheltered life, because I never knew Jimi did a cover of this song. But then, I was never a big Jimi Hendrix fan anyway.



Well-Known Member
I ran across the song that was popularized by Dolly Parton, little realizing how many covers people have done. Here are a few, starting with the first cover I stumbled upon:


And finally, one of my favorites, Alison Krauss:



Well-Known Member
Speaking of off the beaten path, I'd never heard this version of "Constant Sorrow" by Bob Dylan. Unless you're a Dylan fan, you probably won't like it. That's fine; keep on keepin' on.
