Off to the fair


Duck Molester
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Off to the fair

Originally posted by mainman
Im thinkn' tigger better post soon, or Im gonna have a good idea of who she is.... :rolleyes:

spill it mm.


Duck Molester
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Off to the fair

Originally posted by mainman
i think you're in on it you sumbugger...:cheesy:

mm - you couldn't be any further from the truth if you think I'm in on it. I really do think she is real.


Sorry about that chief.
Only spent $40 this year, rides were half price today. Lot more rides than in years past too. Kids loved it, lots of farm animals for them to see for free.


Dropped $70 here. I am too old to take a 6 year old who has no inner ear function. That kid will ride any spinning, jerky, whirling machine for hours. Hope my stomach settles soon.

TWLs wife

New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Off to the fair

Originally posted by BullDawg
Tigger, I worry about 'lil Lizzy...
Sorry Guys Want to the movies. Seabiscuit is the american dream come true.:popcorn: :gossip: :patriot:


Set Trippin
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Off to the fair

Originally posted by TIGGER6035
Sorry Guys Want to the movies. Seabiscuit is the american dream come true.:popcorn: :gossip: :patriot:
Indulge me, where did you go to the movies and what time did you see it? I know Im a nosey bastard....:biggrin:
Did you eat popcorn.. and snow caps?:popcorn:
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TWLs wife

New Member
Originally posted by appyday
Wow the movies..shouldn't you be saving your money..tell us all aobut the movie...I did not get to see it
TWLs dad took me on base. I only sent 7 dallars. It was worth it.:biggrin:

TWLs wife

New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Off to the fair

Originally posted by mainman
Indulge me, where did you go to the movies and what time did you see it? I know Im a nosey bastard....:biggrin:
Did you eat popcorn.. and snow caps?:popcorn:
I had popcorn for $2 ,soda $1.25 , hot dog $1.25 & candy $0.75. The movie was $3.00. It was fun. It made me day.:biggrin: :biggrin:


Lookin for Margaritaville
Originally posted by Pete
Dropped $70 here. I am too old to take a 6 year old who has no inner ear function. That kid will ride any spinning, jerky, whirling machine for hours. Hope my stomach settles soon.

Pete, tis the advantage of when your kid becomes a teenager , he always wants to take a friend along so now I no longer have to do those stomach churning rides with him :barf: ( not to mention its no longer to cool to hang out with Mom in public )

The 4H exhibits were awesome ! All the kids involved sure worked hard , not just with the animals, but did anyone notice all the home canned, baked goods and arts n crafts , etc ... a lot of kids entered ? :smile:


Originally posted by Rane
Pete, tis the advantage of when your kid becomes a teenager , he always wants to take a friend along so now I no longer have to do those stomach churning rides with him :barf: ( not to mention its no longer to cool to hang out with Mom in public )

The 4H exhibits were awesome ! All the kids involved sure worked hard , not just with the animals, but did anyone notice all the home canned, baked goods and arts n crafts , etc ... a lot of kids entered ? :smile:

Unfortunatly I have 6 more years until he is a teenager, but I am sure that he will get a pal before then. Sad part is I am his big old tough DAD and those things get me churned up. I don't know why, I used to be unphased by those things, now it takes very little and I am :dead: , it must be age.

We did go through the 4-H exhibits, really cool. It was just like the county fair in MAine we went to every year. Can't wait til he gets older and he wants to enter. all in all it was a pretty good fair. Same rides, food and riff raff running the thing.