Off Topic Thread


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Ass pen

Carla: I wanna show you something.

Turk: Wait; it's about the pen. So...I thought a really nice one would be a great gift; and I see a great the "lost-&-found" box.

Carla: There is no "lost-&-found" box. There's an ass box. And yet you come home and tell me that your thoughtful token of love wasn't a token of love at all... it was an ass pen. You come home and tell me this all because being open and honest in our relationship is more important to you than....having sex with me.


Active Member
The movie Gone Girl, looooong movie, strange, horrible ending.

My thoughts exactly. Just saw this last night at a friend's house. The wives had read the book, but us husbands had not, so we were in for a slightly surprising & disturbing movie....and yes, it was looong.