Off Topic Thread


If the head of a pin was heated to the temperature of the sun's core, it would kill everything within a 1000 mile radius of it.


Well-Known Member
If the head of a pin was heated to the temperature of the sun's core, it would kill everything within a 1000 mile radius of it.

If some people were to put their brains on the edge of a razor blade, it would look like bb's rolling down the 23 lane entry into the US from Tijuana.....


New Member
Says the poster who follows me around the forums to find out what I have to say and with whom I agree. #livingrentfree

Please.... don't flatter yourself. Its not hard for someone who spends even a small amount of time on here to come across your drivel. Usually it is signified by either mindless agreement with the forum administrator OR some desperate attempt for a middle aged woman to cling to her youth and try to be "cool." :coffee:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Please.... don't flatter yourself. Its not hard for someone who spends even a small amount of time on here to come across your drivel. Usually it is signified by either mindless agreement with the forum administrator OR some desperate attempt for a middle aged woman to cling to her youth and try to be "cool." :coffee:

and yet, you are apparently bothered enough to comment. :yay:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Nice catch! I was pretty sure I was right on that one, but you found 100% proof.

It's odd how someone who claims to be such an honest and straightforward person lies so much. It's almost like they are mentally ill or something.



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
"Bothered" isn't the word to use. More like entertained. Kind of like a comedy show... :yay:

If 1974 is the year you were born, perhaps you, as middle aged person, should grow up and discover a life without obsessing over what someone else does. :buddies: