Officer Day (Pax River base pig) is RACIST


New Member
PAgirl76 said:
Richard, get over it dude. Your friend was in the wrong and that is why you didn't say a word!!
SMCOP, thank you for all you do! It takes special people to be able to do your job!
Thnanks PA Girl, despite what R/C says, I got into this line of work because I enjoy helping people, and most of the police officers I know feel the same way! I believe in treating every person I come in contact with the way I treat my family until that person crosses a line which they should not cross! I am honest, moral, and loyal! I think Richard Cranium likes to stir the pot a little too much because he was picked on as a little boy!


Active Member
Richard Cranium said:
That's the best joke I've heard all night.

Why do you feel the need to pick on police officers when 99.9% of them are there to do the things which you will not do. Think about it, why do most people call the police? Because there is a situation which they are not willing to confront so they call the police to take care of it.

Dick . . . I don't know you, except from what I have read on these boards, but I have to say I am not impressed by your analytical skills. As I said before, you strike me as a person who has a problem with the police because of a stupid choice you made in the past.

But of course, I see you say "cops are racist" and "cops are corrupt", my suggestion would be to head on over to Seabrook or Landover and spout your crap on a street corner and after your arrest is over come back here and tell me what color the cops were that beat you down and arrested your ass.

Cops are cops no matter the color.
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It's Great to be American
Richard Cranium said:
For what, having out-of-state plates?

In cases where a cop has a choice of pulling two cars over for the same offense, the cop will, in some cases choose the car with out-of-state plates. This is done because in most cases, the ticket will not be challenged. It has nothing at all to do with being a Racist.

In your case, if the infraction happened on base, the situation described above doesn't generally happen because many of the cars driven by military members on bases will have out-of-state tags.

I know from experience that the cops on base do not tolerate speeding. I've been followed many times by cops waiting to write a ticket, expecially through the housing area near the exchange where the speed limit is 25 mph but cars seem to want to travel that section at 30 or 35.

Tell your friend to obey the posted limits and they won't have a problem on base, unless they also like to ride or drive without seatbelts or with defective headlights or taillights.


Iron City
Richard Cranium said:
Don't you have a defenseless drunk girl to tackle to the ground?
I for one am hopeful that you don't have a job on base that has any sort of responsibility, since you seem to have none personally. After reading through this thread, which I can't believe I actually did, I must assume you are some adolescent punk that has some growing up to do. Furthermore, replying with a quote can be your friend. From reading your responses, Start/Turn Off Your Computer could be your friend as well.

Kudos to those who serve and protect, even the Richard Heads out there. :patriot:


Iron City
mrweb said:
I for one am hopeful that you don't have a job on base that has any sort of responsibility, since you seem to have none personally. After reading through this thread, which I can't believe I actually did, I must assume you are some adolescent punk that has some growing up to do. Furthermore, replying with a quote can be your friend. From reading your responses, Start/Turn Off Your Computer could be your friend as well.

Kudos to those who serve and protect, even the Richard Heads out there. :patriot:

Officer Day (Pax River ...02-28-2007 12:46 AMEat #### :)

Good guess, I burned the dinner last night and it indeed tasted like ####. Pete needs to open a cooking school :yum:


Hey Dick....update for you on Officer Day

Richard Cranium said:
Won't give a ticket to a "brutha", but sure did give one to my friend for the same violation minutes apart.

About an hour ago I was driving on base and my cell phone rang. It was my daughter so I pulled over to the side of the road and answered it. A Police car drove by me, turned around and came back and stopped behind me. I thought to this be officer Day. Sure as shootin, Officer Day comes up and says..."Seeing you pulled over I was just coming back to see if everything was okay. However, I've noticed that your tags are expired...may I please see your license and registration"? I was honestly very shocked that they were expired, but rationalized that when we moved in November I neglected (my fault) to initiate a change of address with the DMV. The tags expired in December and I never got the renewal notice for whatever reason. At any rate...Officer Day asked me when I could go take care of it and I told him it would be done today. He told me that "in that case, I'll not write you a ticket" ($186.00). He then handed my back my license and registration and said "thank you sir, drive safe and have a great day". He was professional and respectful to me...just like I was to him.

Maybe, just maybe Dick...It's your buddy who was being an Azz Clown to Officer Day and he deserved a ticket.

Oh, Dick....I'm white.

See ya....I'm on my way to Loveville DMV. :howdy:


Help "Invisible Dogs"
smcop said:
I think Richard Cranium likes to stir the pot a little too much because he was picked on as a little boy!

And because he has a little "Richard" so he has to be the biggest and baddest jerk on the forum.

I'd love to meet him in person to see if he's really bad in person or only behind the security of the computer screen.

Richard Cranium

New Member
oldnavy said:
About an hour ago I was driving on base and my cell phone rang. It was my daughter so I pulled over to the side of the road and answered it. A Police car drove by me, turned around and came back and stopped behind me. I thought to this be officer Day. Sure as shootin, Officer Day comes up and says..."Seeing you pulled over I was just coming back to see if everything was okay. However, I've noticed that your tags are expired...may I please see your license and registration"? I was honestly very shocked that they were expired, but rationalized that when we moved in November I neglected (my fault) to initiate a change of address with the DMV. The tags expired in December and I never got the renewal notice for whatever reason. At any rate...Officer Day asked me when I could go take care of it and I told him it would be done today. He told me that "in that case, I'll not write you a ticket" ($186.00). He then handed my back my license and registration and said "thank you sir, drive safe and have a great day". He was professional and respectful to me...just like I was to him.

Maybe, just maybe Dick...It's your buddy who was being an Azz Clown to Officer Day and he deserved a ticket.

Oh, Dick....I'm white.

See ya....I'm on my way to Loveville DMV. :howdy:



Help "Invisible Dogs"
Officer Day (Pax River ... 03-01-2007 02:02 PM He is probably a backyard breeder

Probably Right..... :razz:

Officer Day (Pax River ... 03-01-2007 02:01 PM Like you. :killimgme

:eyebrow: Hey, I offer to meet in public, I don't need the security of the computer, and like I've said before - I'll buy the beer... (maybe let's meet at Monks...)


I'm Rick James #####!
Thor said:
Why do you feel the need to pick on police officers when 99.9% of them are there to do the things which you will not do. Think about it, why do most people call the police? Because there is a situation which they are not willing to confront so they call the police to take care of it.

Whoa, slow your roll there chief. Most people call the police because they know that if they confront a wrong doer (read as "get involved") they are as likely to be fined/jailed as the perpetrator is.
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Lugnut said:
Whoa, slow your roll there chief. Most people don't call the police because they know that if they confront a wrong doer (read as "get involved") they are as likely to be fined/jailed as the perpetrator is.


Risky Business

Richard Cranium said:

You waving the BS flag at what I posted is the same as you calling me a liar...and that's pushing your luck.
How bout me and you get together and resolve this face to face. Bring your
"A" game and we'll play till only one walks away. :smack:
Krazd_kat, I'll buy you a beer after. :cheers:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
oldnavy said:
You waving the BS flag at what I posted is the same as you calling me a liar...and that's pushing your luck.
How bout me and you get together and resolve this face to face. Bring your
"A" game and we'll play till only one walks away. :smack:
Krazd_kat, I'll buy you a beer after. :cheers:
Take it to the lake. :roflmao:


Help "Invisible Dogs"
oldnavy said:
How bout me and you get together and resolve this face to face. Bring your
"A" game and we'll play till only one walks away. :smack:
Krazd_kat, I'll buy you a beer after. :cheers:

Can I watch first?

the beer sounds good since everyone else is busy giving me red and grey karma....

and where's the lake? (maybe we out to just bring a cooler...)


New Member
This is why im a firm believer in dash cams. I wanna see how my tax money is being spent. Not what people are getting away with off camera. Not the unprofessionalism that plagues local agencies.

Sounds like racial profiling perhaps? File a complaint! Thats right, go to the ACLU and file a complaint. File a complaint with the chief/colonel/sheriff etc. Demand something be done. Don't argue with the cop right there, get him later on where it counts, if you argue it will lead to your arrest.

Explain the situation. They may pull this guys record and see that he's only pulling over white people, or black people, or hispanics, etc. If this is the case, his track record will speak for itself, and he will do himself in. Racial profiling is illegal. There is no such thing as officer discretion. You either enforce the law and do your job, or you don't enforce it and get fired. Its that simple. The law doesn't say write tickets based on skin color. It doesn't say write tickets based on how the person is dressed.

If police are unhappy with how they are viewed in the community perhaps they need to EARN respect, its not given because they got a badge. Most police nowadays are viewed as the enemy by the average citizen because the murphys law of "a cop is never there when you need one, but when you do something wrong he's more than happpy to be right around the corner" applies. Some are upset with the professionalism or the lack thereof. Alot of people are fed up with the unfairness of the way some cops are, the lack of simple justice that is taking place... (good ole boys club mentallity). You must gain the trust of society and become a part of the community, not a menace.

Just some thoughts. :banghead: