Oh Catt Lookie Here


New Member
Maggie Moo

I want to hug and squeeze her. :biggrin:

So, how's the big guy?

Here is the new and improved Maggie Moo. Her fecal is negative today.:yahoo:
Big guy has the squirts.:barf: So, tomorrow he will be eating pumpkin, chicken, and rice. He is a sweetie. I take him to Kat's "animal guy" tomorrow to work on his leash manners and jumping. He is such a love bug, good with kids and other dogs that I know he will find a good home soon. I just got to get the squirts to go away:lmao: His name should be Tiger because that is what he looks like to me.


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My Sweetest Boy
Here is the new and improved Maggie Moo. Her fecal is negative today.:yahoo:
Big guy has the squirts.:barf: So, tomorrow he will be eating pumpkin, chicken, and rice. He is a sweetie. I take him to Kat's "animal guy" tomorrow to work on his leash manners and jumping. He is such a love bug, good with kids and other dogs that I know he will find a good home soon. I just got to get the squirts to go away:lmao: His name should be Tiger because that is what he looks like to me.

Pumpkin can cause the runs too! It's a fine line between being good for diarrhea and being bad. If he has the runs, stop food for 24 hours..start him back on rice...then chicken/rice.

Coccidia is petty contagious, so you should maybe get him checked.


New Member
Thanks for the tip Cat. The vet told me to use pumpkin and knowing me I always think more is better and would have made it worse. I cut out his food and will do chicken and rice tomorrow am. Then I will follow him around for a sample to take to the vet to check. Daggone, now what shall I do with two huge cans of pumpkin?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tip Cat. The vet told me to use pumpkin and knowing me I always think more is better and would have made it worse. I cut out his food and will do chicken and rice tomorrow am. Then I will follow him around for a sample to take to the vet to check. Daggone, now what shall I do with two huge cans of pumpkin?

Make pie! Or muffins! Or pumpkin butter! :yum: