Ohio State's President Jackass ...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Sham as in they're more for the $ than giving athletic students a quality education.

So, if I am a big, dumb jock I shouldn't be able to get a scholarship to OSU because if they actually cared about my education, I'd never qualify for admittance in the first place?

You seem to have a rather strong maternalistic streak in that you don't want people to have access to opportunities if the person(s) offering that opportunity aren't of pure intent. You want to protect us from ourselves.



Football addict
So, if I am a big, dumb jock I shouldn't be able to get a scholarship to OSU because if they actually cared about my education, I'd never qualify for admittance in the first place?

You seem to have a rather strong maternalistic streak in that you don't want people to have access to opportunities if the person(s) offering that opportunity aren't of pure intent. You want to protect us from ourselves.

You're reaching a bit too far.

The NCAA is more worried about the mighty $ than teaching these "dumb jocks". If anything, I'd be more than happy that they'd get a more fulfilling education than the likes of say...Dexter Manley for instance.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're reaching a bit too far.

The NCAA is more worried about the mighty $ than teaching these "dumb jocks". If anything, I'd be more than happy that they'd get a more fulfilling education than the likes of say...Dexter Manley for instance.

I'm not reaching. At what point is it OK for Dexter Manley to say yes to a lightweight education in exchange for his services on the field? Did no one on Dexter Manley's teams take real classes? Are they all dunces? Or, like Dexter, did they all get the same opportunity at a college education and, just maybe, Dexter chose to not take as much advantage of it?

Or, in your view, was OSA supposed to sit him unless he did well in real classes? And watch him go to another school that was more oriented to offering him the opportunity and leaving it up to Dexter whether or not he did well in class?

You seem to be seeking equality of outcome. Dexter got an extraordinary opportunity based on his effort on the field. When is his effort in other areas of his life up to him? Am I do a chance to play football too, if I haven't done as well on the field?